Exercise 19. Make up little dialogs following the sample dialog in the box. The first phrase for student A and the action verb are given out under the box.

1) A: This is a really good photograph of you. B: I think so, too. A: Whotook it? B: I’m not sure. I think it was taken by my Uncle George.

1). This is a very cute photograph of your children. (take) 2) This is an excellent magazine article. (write) 3) This is a beautiful sonata. (compose) 4) This is really an exciting movie. (direct) 5) This is a very funny portrait of you. (paint) 6) This is a very useful machine. (invent) 7) This is an impressive bridge. (build) 8) This is a magnificent building. (design) 9) This is a very talented elephant. (train)

Make up your own similar dialogs as many as you can.

2. Make up your dialogs using the dialogs in the box as an example and the actions listed under the sample dialog box.

A: Do you want meto feed Rover? B: No. Don’t worry about it. He’s already been fed. A: Do you want meto ring the church bells? B: No. Don’t worry about it. They’ve already been rung.

Actions: to make the bed, to send the packages, to do the dishes, to sweep the floor, to bake bread, to hide the Christmas presents under the fur-tree, to write down Mary’s telephone number, to take the garbage out, to wake the children up, to call the neighbours, to sing a song, to repair the car.

Practice more with your own actions!

Exercise 20. Complete the text with expressions from the box and answer the questions after it. Translate the text.

was told had never been taught was given (twice) was offered was shown wasn’t being paid

I’ll never forget my first day at that office. I _____ to arrive at 8.30, but when I got there the whole place seemed to be empty. I didn’t know what to do, because I ____ no information about the building or where I was going to work, so I just waited around until some of the secretaries began to turn up. Finally I ____ a dirty office on the fifth floor, where I ____ a desk in a corner. Nothing happened for an hour, then I _____ some letters to type on a computer by one of the senior secretaries. This wasn’t very successful, because I _____ how to use a computer. By lunchtime things hadn’t got any better, and I decided that. I _____ enough to put up with this nonsense, so I walked out and didn’t go back.

1) When was the man told to be at work? 2) What did he do when he arrived and why? 3) What was his workplace like? 4) Why wasn’t he satisfied with his workplace? 5) What task was he given? 6) Why wasn’t it a success? 7) Why did he think he wasn’t being paid enough? 8) What did he decide to do? 9) Was he right?

Exercise 21. Complete this conversation with verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive.

Cindy: Why wasn’t Clare at the training session?

Petra:  Haven’t you heard? She ..................... far stealing.

Cindy: No! Really?

Petra:  Yes. She ....................................... taking money from someone’s bag in the changing room.

Cindy: Who by?

Petra:  The sports club manager. She .................................... the changing room when she .................................. Clare with Karen’s bag.

Cindy: Oh dear. That’s terrible.

Petra:  Clare said she ........................... to fetch the money by Karen but when Karen …………………….. about it, she said she .................................. (not) what Clare was talking about.

Cindy: But how stupid of Karen to leave money in the changing room!

Petra:  Yes. She .................................. that by the manager too.

Cindy: She .................……...... (not) it again, anyhow.

Petra:  No, I guess not. What do you think Clare ............................... now?

Cindy: I don’t know. This is the second club she ................................ to leave, isn’t it?

Petra:  Yes. It’s hard to know what can .......................... for someone like Clare.

Exercise 22. What is done and by whom? Here’s a list of institutions. List all things that are normally done at these locations.

Example: A hotel (credit cards - to accept) - Credit cards are accepted.

1) a school (bad pupils - to dismiss, different subjects - to study, to teach, English - to speak)

2) a sports centre (sportsmen - to train, results - to display on electronic board; to achieve)

3) a theatre (a play - to perform, to stage; actors and actresses - to dress; tickets - to sell out)

4) a street (sidewalks - to wipe, to wash; traffic - to regulate by a road policeman; pavement - to mend by workers)

5) a hotel (beds - to make; luggage - to fetch to suites; breakfast - to bring; visitors - to check in and check out by the hotel administration; to wake up in time by personnel)

Exercise 23. Small group work. List as many activities as you can in five minutes that are being done within a kilometre radius of the classroom. Which group has the most ideas?

Example: Cars are being driven.

Exercise 24. Election campaign. You are preparing part of the candidate’s campaign for election to a post in the local (national) government. What sort of things should your candidate promise in order to gain votes: what should he or she undertake?

For example: A new school will be built.

Work in small groups and work out a program of what will be done, each group for a different candidate, and write it out. Then one member of your group as ‘the candidate’ should present the program. You can help them while they are doing that! Finally, one of the candidates will be elected in a democratic election!

Exercise 25. Write down five things that are normally done by men, five things that are normally done by women, and five that are normally done equally by both. Share your ideas: do you agree with each other? Discuss whether these things can/might/should be done by a member of the opposite sex - and what will happen if they are.

Exercise 26. Check yourself:

The matter .....…….......... (deal with) as soon as possible.

This place ....................... (visit) by tourists in the 19th century.

Where is Mike? - He …………....... (to interview) now.

He has written three books, but only one of them .................. (publish) so far.

The lights ...................... (not/turn off) yet.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. We ..................... (follow).

The meeting had to .....……........... (postpone) because of illness.

Jack informed me that a new job .......................... (offer) to him two days ago.

Animal Farm ......…............. (write) by George Orwell.

I’m afraid you can’t use my car. It .......…………....... (repair) now.

It ........................ (expect) that the strike will begin tomorrow.

My grandfather is a very smart person. He ............…….. (never/cheat) so farby anyone.

Exercise 27. Translate into English:

Подписано ли это письмо?

Это письмо только что подписано директором.

Это здание было только что построено, когда мы приехали в Киев.

Когда пришел директор, все было готово: документы были проверены, и письма были напечатаны.

Когда вы позвонили, работа была только закончена.

Я уверен, что товары уже будут доставлены в порт, когда мы получим их телеграмму.

Первая часть этой книги печатается в Москве, вторая часть будет печататься в Петербурге.

Когда был построен этот вокзал?

В нашем городе сейчас строится новый театр.

Его скоро пошлют в Саратов.

Эти книги продаются во всех книжных магазинах.

Мне еще ничего не говорили об этом.

Им обещали информацию по этому вопросу.

Мне предложили билет на концерт, но я отказался.

Над ним смеялись, когда он сказал это.

На них смотрели с большим интересом, когда они появились в зале.

За ними уже послали?

На эту статью часто ссылаются.

Об этой книге очень много говорят.

На него можно положиться.

Я уверен, его будут слушать с большим вниманием.

Когда лодка пропала из вида, мы пошли домой.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian:

To see is to believe.

To live means to struggle

To understand is to forgive.

To choose time is to save time.

To be or not to be, that is the question.

How to prove it to him is a problem.

He wants to accept your offer.

He is happy to have been accepted to the University.

That was a nice seaside place to spend the holidays.

She was the last to speak at the meeting.

To master this specialty one must work hard.

This is the problem to be solved as soon as possible.

I am sorry to have interrupted you.

I’ve got enough money to buy tins book.

I’ve got a call to make.

I don’t know whether to answer him or not.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 607; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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