Objectives and criteria of importance of fundamental research.

In connection with the dominating role of the science in life of society at planning of scientific research it is very important to develop the criteria of evaluation of the results of scientific labor (but not the criteria of usefulness for the society!). In the industry and agricultural production, for example, the criteria of labor estimation is the law of value: the advanced quality causes the keen demand and high cost of the goods, that is the high profitability.

In the applied science the criteria of its importance is also the demand and profit. And what are the criteria of importance, the criteria of labor evaluation in the fundamental science as the basis of the knowledge process. Such criteria – self-knowledge, elementary cell of knowledge. One can put forward the following scale of criteria of importance of results of the fundamental research:

1. Discovery of the principles of laws of nature.

2. Discovery of the laws of nature.

3. Discovery of new effects and phenomena (new scientific facts)

4. Achievement firstly in the world the record parameter

5. Obtaining for the first time in the country the record parameter.

We do not know how the cost for knowledge is formed and what is the cost of the fundamental science for the society, since it is difficult to understand how the cost for the most ordinary things – water, electricity and like that, but we firmly know that the usefulness for the society of the results of fundamental research is limiting high: everything that surround us is a result of the fundamental research and discoveries, made in one or another epoch: all kinds of transport, energy carriers, provisions and etc. The science is too profitable in order to economy on it.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 17; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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