3.4.1. The geophysical dangerous phenomena:

– earthquakes;

– volcano eruptions.

3.4.2. The geological dangerous phenomena (the exogenous geological phenomena):

– landslips;

– mudflow;

– dusty storms;

– collapses, taluses, erosion, slope runoff , etc.

3.4.3. The meteorological and agrometeorological dangerous phenomena:

– storms (9–11 points), hurricanes (12–15 points), tornadoes, squalls, vertical whirlwinds;

– large hailstones, a strong rain (downpour), a strong fog;

– a strong snowfall, strong ice, severe frost, heavy snowstorm, frosts;

– strong heat, a drought, a dry wind.

3.4.4. The sea hydrological dangerous phenomena:

– tropical cyclones (typhoons), a tsunami, strong (5 and more points), strong fluctuation of a sea level;

– an early ice cover, ice pressure, intensive ice drift, impassable ice;

– a separation of coastal ice, etc.

3.4.5. Hydrologically dangerous phenomena:

– high level of waters (flooding), high water;

– jams, low levels of waters, etc.

3.4.6. The hydrogeologically dangerous phenomena:

– low levels of subsoil waters;

– high levels of subsoil waters.

3.4.7. Natural fires:

– forest fires;

– range fires and grain field fires;

– peat fires, underground fires of combustible minerals.

3.4.8. Contagious diseases of people:

– single cases of exotic and specially dangerous contagious diseases;

– group contagious dangerous diseases, etc.

3.4.9. Contagious diseases of farm animals:

– single cases of exotic and specially dangerous contagious diseases;

– contagious diseases of unknown etiology, etc.

3.4.10. Plant infections and insect attacks:

– mass distribution of plant pests;

– infections of unknown etiology, etc.


3.5.1. Emergency situations connected with the change of condition of land (soil, subsoil, landscape):

– catastrophic subsidence, landslips, collapses of a terrestrial surface resulting from mining operations and other human activities;

– presence of heavy metals (including radioactive nuclides) and other harmful substances in the soil (ground) over maximum permissible concentration;

– intensive soil degradation, desertification of vast areas due to erosion, salinization, swamping , etc.;

– the critical situations connected with exhaustion of non renewable natural resources;

– the critical situations caused by overload of storehouses (dumps) by industrial wastes and household refuse, causing environmental pollution.

3.5.2. Emergency situations connected with the change in structure and properties of the atmosphere (ambient air):

– sharp changes in weather or climate caused by anthropogenous activity;

– excess of maximum concentration limit of harmful emissions into the atmosphere;

– temperature inversions over urban areas;

– "oxygen" hunger in cities;

– considerable excess of maximum noise permissible level in the city;

– formation of an extensive zone of acid rainfall;

– destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere;

– considerable changes of atmospheric transparency .

3.5.3. Emergency situations connected with change in a condition of the hydrosphere (the water environment):

– lack of potable water caused by exhaustion of water sources or their contamination;

– exhaustion of water resources needed for household water supply and maintenance of technological processes;

 – Disturbance of economic activities and ecological balance caused by pollution of zones of internal seas and the world ocean.

3.5.4. Damaging factors of emergency situations

The basic consequences of emergency situations are as follows: destructions, diseases, fatality, various kinds of exposure (radioactive, chemical, bacterial), etc.

In addition, people, who experience extreme conditions of an emergency situation, are influenced by psychologicalfactors. Their mental activity is misbalanced in the form of (psychogenic) conditions. People, staying away form the area of an emergency situation also experience psychogenic influence. In itself, this is expecting an emergency situation and its consequences.


Дата добавления: 2022-06-11; просмотров: 47; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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