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Факультет иностранных языков

Направление подготовки: 44.03.03 Специальное (дефектологическое) образование

Профиль:                       Специальное (дефектологическое) образование

Программа подготовки:  бакалавриат

Семестр                             3

Учебная дисциплина          Иностранный язык профессиональной направленности



1. Give English equivalents :

1. иметь отклонения от нормы, отличаться ­­­                       


2. дети с физическими или умственными недостатками  

           handicapped children

3. слепые


4. слабовидящие                                                                     

        partially sighted

5. глухие                                                                                             


6. слабослышащие

  hard of hearing                                                                      

7. оглохшие      

  the deafened                                                             

8. логопаты, дети с дефектами речи 


9. эмоционально неустойчивые дети                                              

   the emotionally disturbed

10. умственно отсталые дети                                             

    mentally retarded


2. Give Russian equivalents :

1. the mentally gifted    

      умственно одаренные                 ­­­                                 

2. behavior problems                                                           

            Проблемы с поведением

3. universal compulsory education

       всеобщее обязательное образование                                           

4. exceptional children  

       особые дети                                                

5. educational service    

       образовательные услуги                                                   

6. curriculum                 

      учебный план                                                          

7. motor coordination    

       координация движений                                        

8. boarding schools       


9. to eliminate    



10. treatment



Which word combination in the list is odd?

a) normal training course, learning difficulties, special education, special habits and abilities;

b) the blind and the partially sighted, the deaf and the hard of hearing, the deafened, the mentally gifted, the speech defectives (logopaths);

c) pupils, the children with special educational needs, ordinary school work, universal compulsory education, a healthy well adjusted personality;

d) handicapped children, children with special educational needs, the children presenting serious behavior problems, a healthy well adjusted personality.


Match the words with their definitions.

1) deaf B 2) handicapped A 3) blind D 4) impairment C 5) disability E 6) deviate H 7) crippled F 8) gifted G a) a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities b) lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing c) a condition which prevents one’s eyes, ears, or brain from working properly. d) unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition e) having a condition that markedly restricts person’s ability to function physically, mentally, or socially f) unable to walk or move properly; disabled g) having exceptional talent or natural ability h) depart from usual or accepted standards


                5. Read the article about a famous teacher. Choose the best answer to each question. Make up 10 questions to the text.


Laurent Clerk was one of the most influential in the American deaf. He was born on Dec.26, 1785 in south eastern France. When little Laurent was about a year old somehow he fell into the fireplace and was extremely burnt on his right cheek. When Clerk recovered from the fever which followed, it was discovered that he was deaf and lost the sense of smell. It seemed Laurent could never expect to follow his father in the office or learn to read or write. For most deaf children in those days were unable to get any education.

When Clark was 12 years old in 1797, his uncle took him to Paris to the Royal Institution for the Deaf. Clerk proved to be a hard working student. Besides his school subjects, he learned drawing and painting.

After only eight years as a pupil, Clerk was chosen to be a teacher. In 1816 Clerk began to teach the highest class in the school. Once Clerk agreed to come to America for three years to help to organize a new school, to be its first experienced teacher and to teach others how to teach the deaf. Clerk’s education, culture and seriousness of purpose quickly won the interest of people.

In 1818 Laurent Clerk was married to Miss Eliza Boardman, who had been one of the early students of the school. She lost her hearing at about the age of three, but had some speech. Attractive, intelligent and of graceful manners, Mrs. Clerk was a good reason for her husband to spend the rest of his life in America. The Clerks had six children, all with normal hearing. During the rest of his life he made only visits to France. Schools for the deaf had been established in many states by 1850. Clerk’s last years were spent peacefully. He enjoyed visiting the library reading rooms, meeting his friends and keeping an interest in schools. He passed away on July 18, 1869 at the age of 84. The deaf people of America are still thankful to Clerk as the man they couldn’t have succeeded without. They follow Clerk’s teaching: to stand on their own, to solve their problems in a realistic manner and never to feel sorry for themselves.

       Perhaps, the most important of all, he brought us the sigh language – a beautiful, expressive and fascinating way of communication. Deaf people raised a beautiful memorial to Laurent Clerk, but his best monument is in the hearts of the deaf of America.

(from The Deaf American”)

       1. Laurent Clerk

a) was congenitally deaf.

b) was deaf and dumb.

c) acquired deafness.

d) didn’t have any speech habits.

2       . In Paris he

a) worked at his father’s office.

b) worked as his uncle’s personal assistant.

c) entered a specialized educational institution.

d) got higher education.

 3. Clerk came back to America

a) to exhibit his paintings.

b) to start an art school.

c) to teach the deaf.

d) to get some teaching experience.

4       . Laurent’s spouse

a) had prelingual deafness.

b) had residual hearing.

c) lisped.

d) conserved some speech habits.

5. Laurent Clerk won the admiration of American people because he

a) brought up six children.

b) established a great number of schools in France.

c) co-founded the first American school for the deaf and contributed to the American Sign Language.

d) spent the rest of his life in America.

1Where and when was Laurent Clerc born ?

2  For what reason did he lose his hearing?

3 At what age did he get to Paris?

4 What is the name of the institute where he received higher education?

5 For what reason and to what extent did he come to America?

6 What was his wife's name?

7 Did their children have normal hearing?

8 Since when did schools for the deaf start opening in America?

9 In what year did the Clerk get married?

10 When and at what age did he die?


Translate from Russian into English.

Children with special educational needs exist in all countries. Their education is a huge problem both for society as a whole and for their parents in particular. The quality of educational services and medical care provided to such children is under the jurisdiction of State social security agencies and is a test of the internal strength and power of the State.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, abnormal children were taught in private hospitals and charitable organizations. For the first time, special educational institutions appeared in Russia after the 1917 revolution, when education was reformed and it became compulsory, and special schools, boarding schools and sanatoriums were organized for children with special learning needs. The training of specialists to work with such children was entrusted to the Faculty of Defectology, formed in 1920. Later, such faculties appeared in other cities of the country. Nowadays, specialists are trained to work with children with special educational needs in four areas: oligophrenopedagogy, sign language teaching, speech therapy and special psychology.

The education of children with special educational needs is carried out in special schools and boarding schools, where much attention is paid not only to education, but also to the treatment of children, as well as to the elimination of existing behavioral problems and developmental disabilities. The main goal of special educational institutions is the formation of a full-fledged comprehensively developed personality that is able to adapt in modern society.      6. Listening. Watch the video and choose the correct variant.


1. Max:

a) lacks of energy and shows no interest in reading

b) has a lot of energy, but it’s not a problem at school

c) has lots of energy and no interest in reading


2. Max’s mother:

a) totally agreed with her sister’s advice

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