TEXT 3                         The Belarus State Economic University

The Belarus State Economic University (BSEU) was founded 70 years ago in 1933. This is one of the largest universities in our country. It trains specialists in the field of economics, management and law. The graduates of the university work in all the sectors of the national economy both in the country and abroad. The university has a developed infrastructure, which provides training and research within eight schools: School of Management; School of Accounting and Economics; School of Finance and Banking; School of International Economic Relations; School of Commerce Economics and Management; School of Marketing; School of Law; School of Language Studies.

BSEU is a higher educational establishment conducting educational, scientific, research, cultural and other activity. It is a non profit organization financed from the republican budget. The University carries out the process of learning in the following areas of study: state and municipal administration; enterprise economics and management; finance and crediting; statistics; marketing; tourism services, hotel and restaurant catering and others.

There are two branches of this educational establishment beyond Minsk - in Bobruisk and in Pinsk. In general, BSEU has 57 departments (including 13 that are found in its branches), research laboratories, a student campus, and a retail trade center.

The Belarus State Economic University has a Research Center, an International Relations Division, and a Publishing Center. Its library is one of the best supplied and equipped in the country.

The university is proud of its technical equipment. It has about 40 computer classrooms, training bookkeeping centers, as well as automated PC-based training offices for specialists in management, finance, banking, and commerce. Lecture halls have slide projectors and other required technical equipment. Classes are fully equipped for language study. Satellite TV, Internet and local computing network are widely used in the teaching process.

The student's body of the Belarus State Economic University accounts for 25,000 students, with 1,200 faculty members teaching them, of whom 47 percent have advanced degrees and titles.

The training of students is done on a multi-level basis. The degrees pursued are those of bachelors, specialists and masters. The graduates can also continue their education in a post-graduate school called aspirantura (full-time or part-time), where they pursue a Ph.D. degree, and in a post-doctorate school called doctorantura to pursue a post-doctorate degree (doctor habile).

In order to receive a Graduate Diploma of BSEU, a student has to pass all the examinations and preliminary exams required by curriculum, pass final-year state examinations and defend a diploma thesis (a written work resulting from original research).

The University provides the diverse array of facilities for the use of its students ranging from sports facilities and accommodation to media, learning resource and library services, careers consultancy and the Students' Union.


TOPIC “ Higher education in the Republic of Belarus”


to be in demand быть востребованным
higher educational establishment ВУЗ
ratio соотношение
profile university профильный университет
state owned государственный
to occupy a particular niche занимать определенную нишу
training of highly qualified staff подготовка специалистов высшей квалификации
academic degrees of Bachelor and Master академические степени «бакалавр» и «магистр»
5-year curriculum программа 5-летней продолжительности
a graduate выпускник
high entrance competition высокий конкурс при поступлении
to study at budget cost обучаться за счет бюджетных средств
an entrant абитуриент
for smbd’s own account за собственные средства
full-time form дневная форма обучения
studying by correspondence заочная форма обучения
to receive a monthly allowance получать учебные стипендии
academic success успеваемость
highly-qualified teaching staff высококвалифицированные педагоги
an associate professor доцент
to participate принимать участие
to render to assistance оказывать помощь
Tutorial Board попечительский совет
postgraduate education послевузовское образование
to be subordinate to управляться кем-л.


1. What do you know about the system of higher education in our country?

2. What famous Belarusian Universities do you know?




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