Закрепление грамматики . Present Continuous Tense, Present Simple.

Nbsp; Структура урока. Дата: 14.02.2012 Класс: 5 «a», «б»,«в»,«г». Тема урока: “My family. Traits of Character”

Цели и задачи.

1. Закрепить лексический материал по теме “Семья”, “Черты характера”.

2. Активизировать навыки чтения, аудирования, говорения и письма.

3. Повторить и закрепить грамматический материал (приставки un-, im-, in, non), Present Continuous Tense, Present Simple Tense.

4. Воспитывать межличностные отношения.

Оборудование: проектор, магнитофон, грамматические таблицы.

Ход урока.

Этапы урока Методическая последовательность действий учителя и учащихся Формы работы Время
1.Начало урока Приветствие. Оргмомент. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down please. At the lesson we are going to read, listen to the text, speak about your families. We’ll revise the words and grammar. T-CL 1
2.Основная часть урока. 2. Фонетическая зарядка Let’s repeat our poem. Mind your pronunciation! Mother is the dearest Of all the friends I know. She helps me work and helps me play That’s why I love her so. Father is the kindest Of all the friends I know. He likes to take me out with him That’s why I love him so. 3. Лексическая зарядка * What are the main characteristics of your mothers and fathers? My mother is…. My father is…. Now look at these pictures and ask your friend about main characteristics of these children? What is the girl like? – She is sociable. What are these children like? They are curious.   Look at these words. Say the word which has the opposite meaning of the word given.
Friendly Happy
Depend Real
Polite Tidy
Lucky Pleasant
Known Athletic
Possible Famous
Usual Well

Практика аудирования

(Запись текста из книги М.А. Гацкевич My first topics in English)

Listen to the story, answer the questions, fill in the blanks. And talk about why Jack is proud of his father.

Карточка 1.12. My father

Answer these questions and talk about why Jack is proud of his father.

1. What is Jack’s father’s name? Jack’s father’s name is … .

2. How old is Antony? Antony is … .

3. What is Antony’s profession? He is a … .

4.What sport do Jack and his dad go in for? Jack and his dad go in for … .

5. Why is Antony strong and slim? Antony is strong and slim because he goes in for … .

6. What does Antony look like? He is a … man with … hair and … eyes

7. What is Jack’s dad fond of? He is fond of … .

5. Физкультминутка .

Hands up. Bend left.
Hands down. Bend right.
Hands on hips. 1, 2, 3 Hop!
Sit down. 1, 2, 3 Stop!
Hands up.
To the sides.

6. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением полной информации.

Read the text to yourself and do the task.

Betty’s family

Hi! I’m Betty Brown I am from Great Britain. We live in London. My family is not very large. We are five. I have got a mother, a father, a brother and a sister.

My father’s name is Nick. He is a doctor. He is 39 years old. My father’s favourite sport is table-tennis. He is a good sportsman.

My mother’s name is Helen. She is very nice. My mother is a teacher of History. Her hobby is reading. My mother has got a lot of work to do at home. She is a busy woman, and we always help her.

I have got a brother, called Bob. He is 12 years old. He is in the seventh form. He is jolly and kind. His favourite subjects at school are Maths and English. He has got many friends. Bob likes to play football with his friends.

My little sister Liz is very funny. Liz is 4 years old. She goes to the kindergarten. Sometimes she is naughty. Liz has got a tortoise and a cat.

Our family has got a dog, too. Its name is Rex. It is a very big black dog. It is clever. I like to go for a walk with Rex. We look after our pets. We love them very much.

We have got many other relatives: uncles, aunt, cousins. We are happy when we are together.

Jolly - веселый to

look after – ухаживать

kindergarten – детский сад

to go for a walk – идти гулять

relatives – родственники

tortoise – черепаха

Choose the right answers.

1. Where is Betty Brown from?

Great Britain; America; Russia.

2. How many people are there in her family?

6; 7; 5.

3. What is her father’s name?

John; Nick; Peter.

4. What is her father?

An engineer; a doctor; a worker.

5. What is her mother’s hobby?

Reading; music; collecting stamps.

6. What form is her brother?

7th ; 6th; 5th.

7.What are Bob’s favourite subjects at school?

English and History; Maths and Russian; Maths and English.

8. How old is her sister?

4; 5; 3.

9. What colour is Betty’s dog?

Brown; black; white.

True or False

Correct the false statement.

1. Betty Brown lives in Oxford.

2. Betty’s family is not very large.

3. Her father’s favourite sport is golf.

4. Betty’s mother is a teacher of Biology.

5. She is very nice.

6. Helen Brown has got a lot of work to do at home.

7. Betty’s brother likes to play basketball.

8. Bob is jolly and kind.

9. Betty likes to go for a walk with her tortoise.

7. Монологические высказывания по теме “Семья”. (Проекты)

Контроль домашнего задания .

Let’s listen to your stories about your families.

Закрепление грамматики . Present Continuous Tense, Present Simple.

a) Let’s sing a song. (Аудиозапись “Английская грамматика в стихах”)

Present continuous


Naughty grade one

It is play time in Ron’s school. What are all the children doing? Look at the picture

Peter IS EATING a cake.

Susan IS DRAWING a snake.

Mary and Janet ARE SKIPPING.

Mark, Tom and Wendy ARE SITTING

And PLAYING a game of roulette

with Caroline, Kate and Anette.

Nevil IS FLYING a colouful kite.

Johnny IS THROWING a ball.

Bobby IS FIGHTING with Paul.

Alex IS HAVING a nap.

Two boys ARE LEARNING to rap.

They’RE all HAVING really good fun -

The boys and girls from NAUGHTY GRADE ONE.

b) Name the key words of Present Simple, Present Continuous Tenses

Дата добавления: 2018-10-25; просмотров: 165; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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