Powerlifting in the USSR and Russia

Powerlifting ( Eng. Powerlifting ; power - « strength, power " + lifting - « uplift ") or power lifting - power type of sport , the essence of which is to overcome the resistance of the most heavy weight athlete. Powerlifting is also called power triathlon. This is due to the fact that as competition disciplines it includes three exercises ( sit-upswith a barbell on the back (more precisely on the top of the shoulder blades), bench presses lying on the horizontal bench and rodrod), which in sum determine the qualification of the athlete . These three exercises in bodybuilding are called "basic" or simply "base", because when they are performed, several joints areinvolved in the work , and, to some extent, almost all the muscles. These exercises are recommended for beginning athletes for a set of general muscle mass and strength development. In powerlifting, in contrast to bodybuilding , power indicators are important, and not the beauty of the body. But many well-known bodybuilders started with powerlifting, or engaged in both sports simultaneously - Arnold Schwarzenegger , Ronnie Coleman , Franco Colombo , Russian athletes - Evgeni Mishin , Andrei Sorokin , Sergei Shelestov . When speaking, the athletes' performance in one weight category is compared . The score is based on the total maximum weight taken in all three exercises. With the same indicators, the victory is awarded to an athlete with a smaller mass. When comparing athletes of different weight categories, the Wilkes formula, the Glossbrenner formula (WPC-WPO) or the Schwarz / Malone formula (NAP-National Powerlifting Association) can be used. Powerlifting arose from exercises that weightlifters used to increase the results in the main movements. Initially, the set and order of the exercises differed from modern ones - apart from the usual sit-ups, bench presses, deadlifts, powerlifting included bending hands with a standing post (lifting on the biceps), sitting, pressing from behind the head, etc. These "strange" from the point of view of weightlifting, exercises, at the turn of the 1940s and 1950s. XX century. They became popular in the West, competitions began. And in the 50's - 60's, powerlifting began to take shape in the modern form. By the mid-sixties the rules of the competitions were defined and national championships were regularly held. In the late 1950s, the UK had its own kind of powerlifting, called the "Strength Set", consisting of a bicep lift, a bench press and squats performed in that order. And in 1964 the first unofficial championship of the USA (York, Pennsylvania) was held. Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) was held the first national championship in 1965, in which the bench press, sit-ups and deadlifts were already competitive movements. In November 1972, the International Federation of Powerlifting (IPF) was founded, and a year later, in November 1973, the first World Championship was held [1] . In 1980, in Lowell, Massachusetts, the US women first participated in the World Cup, and in 1989 the IPF combined men's and women's championships. In 1986, the World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) was founded [2] , later other alternative international organizations appeared. The number of international powerlifting organizations is constantly growing, but despite the decentralization that is inherent in world powerlifting, the International Federation of Powerlifting (IPF) remains the most famous and popular. IPF is the only international organization in powerlifting, a member of the Association of World Games and the General Assembly of International Sports Federations. In 2004, after a long process, the IPF was recognized by the IOC and signed the WADA code; Since 1963, powerlifting has been included in the Paralympic Games program as "weightlifting", since 1992 - as powerlifting. In the program of the Paralympic Games one type of exercise is the bench press without equipment. The number of participating countries is 115, in the Paralympic Games of 2000, for the first time, women participated

Powerlifting in the USSR and Russia

In the USSR, powerlifting, as well as oriental martial arts or bodybuilding, was not encouraged. Instead of the term "powerlifting" the term "athletic gymnastics" or "athleticism" was used. However, Soviet athleticism was not identical with powerlifting, but was its combination with bodybuilding. The Soviet athlete should not only show good results in squats and bench press, but also have an aesthetic physique.

Stages of development of powerlifting in the USSR:

· 60th years - the beginning of publications in the magazines devoted to athletic gymnastics;

· 70th years - at the official level the provisions of the new sport were developed, amateur competitions were held;

· 80s - official competitions began.

In the beginning of 1979 in Šiauliai was the open Lithuanian SSR Championship in power exercises, the first official competitions in the USSR in this sport. At the competitions juniors performed in three weight categories (75 kg, 82.5 kg and over 82.5 kg) and competed in bench press and triple jump. Men performed in four categories (75 kg, 82.5 kg, 90 kg and over 90 kg) and performed a bench press and sit-ups.

From the program of official competitions, the deadlift was usually excluded, as the most "bourgeois" exercise, instead of it athletes competed in jumping, pulling or other exercise. At that time, there was not much difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding, so in informal competitions, instead of deadlift, the posing of athletes was included. In turn, in competitions for "bodybuilding", athletes also competed in bench press and squats. In 1972, at the 2nd unofficial USSR Championship in Bodybuilding Vladimir Dubinin showed in the press a result of 192.5 kg, in squats - 195 kg. Along the way, at the same championship, the standard was set - to sail 50 meters in no more than 45 seconds, for the failure of which the points in the pose were reduced. But bodybuilding as such in the USSR for a long time was not welcomed,

Powerlifting became the official sport in 1987 (the Federation of Athleticism of the USSR was formed, in the presidium of which the Commission for Power Eventing was established). The Federation was headed by the Olympic champion in weightlifting Yuri Vlasov, a year later he was succeeded by V.Tchaikovsky, MD, head of the laboratory of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education.

At the end of January 1988, the first RSFSR Championship in athletics (power triathlon) was held in Krasnoyarsk, in February of the same year the first USSR Cup, and in the summer - the first international USSR-USA meeting. The Soviet spectators were amazed at the equipment of the Americans (stiff legs that protruded from the jib's arms), the general mood of the athletes. The Americans, in turn, drew attention to the "weightlifting" technique of Soviet athletes, the lack of equipment and springing bars, dangerous on a large scale.

In 1989, the first USSR Championship was held, and in 1990 the USSR men's team took part in the World Championship, where it took 3rd place in the team classification

In 1990, there was a division of athleticism into bodybuilding and powerlifting, and an independent Powerlifting Federation of the USSR, a member of the IPF, emerged. The first president of the Federation of Powerlifting of the USSR, and then of Russia, was the head coach of the Russian national team, Honored Coach of Russia, Sergei Ananevsky [note. 1] .

To date, the Powerlifting Federation of Russia is considered the strongest in the world


Current state


The athlete is warming up at the IPA press championship in 2007

The main discipline in modern powerlifting is triathlon - squat, bench press and pull. The regulations passed by inheritance from weightlifting - in each exercise, three approaches, if the weight did not submit to the exercise in the exercise, the athlete is eliminated from the eventing competition, but the judges can allow the athlete to continue the fight for small medals in separate exercises, if he conscientiously carried out his approaches.

In addition to triathlon, competitions are held for one particular movement: bench press lying. Almost all federations have developed additional standards for this. Along with the usual weight bar weights, the popularity of multi-re-tying is gaining popularity - the national bench press (the bar press with the weight of the athlete itself at times) and the Russian press (the press of the fixed weight bar at times). In

fact, for people with injuries of the musculoskeletal system, the bench press is the only available strength exercise

The League of Power Sports carries out the tournament "Battle of Champions", where athletes compete in separate exercises - press and thrust, in each exercise there are 4 approaches.

In the United States, push-pull is combined, consisting of press and pull.

The deadlift, as a separate discipline, is also gaining popularity, many federations have introduced regulations for it.

Within the framework of the organization of the NAP and the WPA, competitions are held on "power sports", consisting of lifting the biceps and army press [3] .

Armlift is a new sport, close in spirit to powerlifting, but, nevertheless, it's not being. In armlift two exercises - the rod rod with a thick bar ("Axis of Apollo") and the pull of the handle "Rolling Thunder".

A large number of federations offer different in nature powerlifting. Competitions according to the WPO or NAP version are more like a bright show - huge weights, multilayer equipment ("spacesuits" and "jacks", according to opponents of such equipment), athletes "start" slaps and ammonia. Another powerlifting offers IPF, giving viewers a traditional sports match, where the rules are explicitly forbidden to beat athletes in the face and sniff ammonia to the audience. By the way, at the festival of power sports Arnold Classic competitions of alternative federations are more popular with spectators than the IPF tournament.


My name is Batyrkhan. I study at KSPI for sport my whole life is connected with sports. I achieved many result becoming tenfold world champion in Bulgaria Portugal India japan Czech republic Austria Spain Germany Moscow and now. I am preparing in America.











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European format for the curriculum vitae       Yermagambetov Batyrkhan   Qostanay   icpkgpi@mail.ru   Student     Russian     English     Word     02.05.2017     KSPI   Physical culture of sports and tourism     Powerlifting     The third category     90   1.09.2005-25.02.2017     New building school   Physics, Mathematics   Teacher     90   1.06.2015-23.08.2017   School     Directed     Intelligence, logic     Responsible  



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