Task 2. Decide which type of graphics software is best for these users.

1) a person who wants to edit photos at home; 2) an economist who wants to present statistics in a form that can be easily understood; 3) engineers who need to design the interior and exterior of a new airplane; 4) a company which needs to design and publish a magazine; 5) an artist who wants to produce illustrations and freehand drawings for a book; 6) an organization that needs to make maps and 3D virtual models of the surface of the Earth; 7) computer animators who make movies like Toy Story and Shrek; 8) a mathematician who wants to make fractal shapes of natural phenomena

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Translate.

presentation software image manipulation filters bitmaps page layout rendering fractals

1. … are stored as pixels and can become a bit distorted when they are manipulated. 2. In painting programs and image editors, … are special effects that can be applied to a picture, including drop shadows, textures, distortions, etc. 3. … let you create pie charts, bar charts and line graphs. 4. … adds textures to each surface and generates realistic reflections, shadows and highlights. 5. … are geometrical patterns that are repeated at a small scale to generate irregular shapes, some of which are similar to objects in nature. 6. … program lets you import text from a word processor, clip-art from graphics packages and images from scanners or cameras. 7. … programs let you edit your favourite images.

Task 4. Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English:

       Існує величезна область так званої технічної графіки. Геодезисти і картографи, поліграфісти і астрономи, конструктори та архітектори, дизайнери, модельєри, творці реклами, медики - це далеко не всі, кому необхідна можливість роботи із зображенням за допомогою комп'ютера. Таке призначення програми "графічний редактор". Використання цих програм відкриває перед людьми нові професійні можливості. Зображення в комп'ютерній графіці являє собою безліч точок різного кольору, які утворюють статичне або динамічне (що змінюється, рухається) зображення. Саме у зв'язку з цією можливістю розвивається новий вид мистецтва - комп'ютерна мультиплікація (анімація). Основні функції програми графічного редактора - забезпечення створення зображень, їх редагування, збереження в зовнішній пам'яті (ВЗУ) і отримання копій на папері, кіноплівці і т.п. Серед користувачів IBM-сумісних комп'ютерів найбільшу популярність здобули такі графічні редактори як PaintBrush, CorelDraw та ін.

Task 5 . Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

modeling, akin, analogous, rely, blur, occasionally, technique, effect, primarily, visual, imagery, acceleration, sequentially, process, polygonal, luminosity, diffuse, transparency, affect, virtual, technicians, transforming, circumference, tessellation, approximately, transferred, flares, merely, artifact, volumetric, proprietary, curve.



Task 6. Discuss the following questions:

1. What computer graphics programs do you know?

2. Where can we use computer graphics?

3. What skills should a computer graphics developer have?



Task 7. Read and translate the following text and do the exercises below.


3D computer graphics are works created by computers and specialized 3D software. In general, the art of 3D modelling is akin to photography, while the art of 2D graphics is analogous to painting. 3D computer graphics relies on the same algorithms that 2D computer graphics does. In computer graphics software this distinction is occasionally blurred. Some 2D applications use 3D techniques to achieve certain effects, e.g., lighting, while some primarily 3D applications make use of 2D visual techniques, i.e., 2D graphics is a subset of 3D graphics.

OpenGL and Direct 3D are two popular APIs for the generation of real-time imagery. Many modern graphics cards provide hardware acceleration based on the APIs that frequently enable to display complex 3D graphics in real-time. However, it is unnecessary to employ any of them to create 3D computer graphics. The process of creating 3D computer graphics can be divided into three basic stages, such as: modelling, scene layout setup and rendering.

The modelling stage can be described as shaping individual objects later used in the scene. There exist a number of modelling techniques, for instance, constructive solid geometry, NURBS modelling, polygonal modelling, subdivision surfaces and implicit surfaces. Modelling may also include editing object surface or material properties (e.g., colour, luminosity, reflection characteristics, transparency or index of refraction), adding textures and others. It may also include various activities related to preparing for animation of a 3D model. Modelling can be performed by means of dedicated programs (e.g., Lightwave Modeller, Rhinoceros 3D, Moray), application components (Shaper, Lofter in 3D Studio) or a scene description language.

Scene layout setup involves arranging virtual objects, lights, cameras and other entities on a scene which will be later used to produce an image or an animation. If it is used for animation, this stage usually makes use of a technique called «key framing». This technique facilitates creation of complicated movements in the scene. Lighting is an important aspect of stage setup. Its effects can contribute greatly to the mood and emotional response, facts which are well-known to photographers and theatre lighting technicians.

Rendering is the final stage of creating the actual 2D image or animation from the prepared scene. Rendering for interactive media, such as, games and simulation, is calculated and displayed in real time, at rates of approximately 20 to 120 frames per second. Animations for non-interactive media, such as, video and film, are rendered much more slowly. For complex scenes rendering time of individual frames may vary from few seconds to an hour or more. Rendered frames are stored on a hard disk and then transferred to other media, such as, motion picture film or optical disk. These frames can be displayed at high frame rates, typically 24, 25 or 30 frames per second, to achieve the illusion of motion. Rendering software may simulate such visual effects as lens flares, depth of field or motion blur.

These are attempts to simulate visual phenomena resulting from the optical characteristics of cameras and human eye. These effects can lend an element of realism to a scene, even if the effect is merely a simulated artefact of a camera.

Techniques have been developed in order to simulate other naturally-occurring effects, for instance, the interaction of light with various forms of matter. Examples of such techniques include particle systems (which can simulate rain, smoke or fire), volumetric sampling (to simulate fog, dust and other spatial atmospheric effects) and a lot of others. Rendering is computationally expensive. Software for rendering is included in 3D software packages, but there are some rendering systems that are used as plug-ins to popular 3D applications.

The output of the rendering software is often used as only one small part of a completed motion-picture scene. Many layers of material may be rendered separately and integrated into the final stage by using special software packages.

NURBS stands for « » and is a mathematical model commonly used in computer graphics for generating and representing curves and surfaces. The development of NURBS (actually the Bezier Curve) began in the 1950s by engineers who needed free form surfaces representation like those that used for car bodies and ship hulls. Prior representations of this kind of surfaces existed only as a single physical model created by the designer.

NURBS is important for computer-aided design, manufacturing, engineering (CAD, CAM, CAE) and is a standard for numerous industries. But there is still a lot of confusion about their advantages and disadvantages for interactive modelling. In general, it is known that editing NURBS curves and surfaces is highly intuitive and predictable. Depending on the type of user interface, editing can be realized via NURBS control points, most obvious and common for Bezier curves, or via higher level tools, such as, spline modelling or hierarchical editing. Higher level tools can be designed to be very powerful and benefit from the ability of NURBS to create and establish continuity of different levels.



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