It was nearly twilight before the wedding cake was shown, exclaimed over and

Eaten. Specially baked by Nazorine, it was cleverly decorated with shells of cream

So dizzyingly delicious that the bride greedily plucked them from the corpse of

The cake before she whizzed away on her honeymoon with her blond groom. The

Don politely sped his guests' departure, noting meanwhile that the black sedan

With its FBI men was no longer visible.

Finally the only car left in the driveway was the long black Cadillac with

Freddie at the wheel, The Don got into the front seat, moving with quick

Coordination for his age and bulk. Sonny, Michael and Johnny Fontane got into

the back seat. Don Corleone said to his son Michael, "Your girl friend, she'll get

back to the city by herself all right?"

3 Michael nodded. "Tom said he'd take care of it," Don Corleone nodded with

Satisfaction at Hagen's efficiency.

Because of the gas rationing still in effect, there was little traffic on the Belt

Parkway to Manhattan. In less than an hour the Cadillac rolled into the street of

French Hospital. During the ride Don Corleone asked his youngest son if he was

Doing well in school. Michael nodded. Then Sonny in the back seat asked his

father, "Johnny says you're getting him squared away with that Hollywood

business. Do you want me to go out there and help?"

5 Don Corleone was curt, "Tom is going tonight. He won't need any help, it's a

simple affair."





6 Sonny Corleone laughed. "Johnny thinks you can't fix it, that's why I thought

you might want me to go out there."

7 Don Corleone turned his head. "Why do you doubt me?" he asked Johnny

Fontane. "Hasn't your Godfather always done what he said he would do? Have I

ever been taken for a fool?"

8 Johnny apologized nervously. "Godfather, the man who runs it is a real .90

caliber pezzonovante. You can't budge him, not even with money. He has big

connections. And he hates me. I just don't know how you can swing it."


9 The Don spoke with affectionate amusement. "I say to you: you shall have it."

He nudged Michael with his elbow. "We won't disappoint my godson, eh,


Michael, who never doubted his father for a moment, shook his head.

As they walked toward the hospital entrance, Don Corleone put his hand on

Michael's arm so that the others forged ahead. "When you get through with

college, come and talk to me," the Don said. "I have some plans you will like."

12 Michael didn't say anything. Don Corleone grunted in exasperation. "I now

How you are. I won't ask you to do anything you don't approve of. This is

Something special. Go your own way now, you're a man after all. But come to me

as a son should when you have finished with your schooling."



1 The family of Genco Abbandando, wife and three daughters dressed in black,

clustered like a flock of plump crows (столпились, сгрудились как стая толстых,

пухлых ворон; cluster – кисть, пучок, гроздь) on the white tile floor (на полу,

выложенном белыми плитками; tile – плитка, кафель, изразец) of the hospital

corridor. When they saw Don Corleone come out of the elevator (из лифта), they

seemed to flutter up off (показалось, что вспорхнули; to flutter – махать или бить

крыльями, перепархивать) the white tiles in an instinctive surge (порыве; surge –

большая волна всплеск) toward him for protection (ища защиты). The mother was

regally stout in black (по-королевски полной в своем черном одеянии; stout –

крепкий, прочный; полный /человек/), the daughters fat and plain (толстые и

некрасивые). Mrs. Abbandando pecked at Don Corleone's cheek (чмокнул: «клюнул»),

sobbing (всхлипывая; to sob – рыдать, всхлипывать), wailing (причитая, стеня), "Oh,

what a saint you are (какой же ты святой), to come here on your daughter's wedding






2 Don Corleone brushed these thanks aside (отмахнулся от этих выражений

благодарности: «отмел»; brush – щетка). "Don't I owe respect to such a friend, a

friend who has been my right arm for twenty years?" He had understood immediately


that the soon-to-be widow did not comprehend (что женщина, которая вскоре станет

вдовой, не понимала, не осознавала [komprı'hend]) that her husband would die this

night. Genco Abbandando had been in this hospital for nearly a year dying of his cancer

(умирая от рака) and the wife had come to consider his fatal illness almost an ordinary

part of life (стала считать его смертельную болезнь почти обычной /составной/

частью жизни). Tonight was just another crisis. She babbled on (продолжала

лепетать). "Go in and see my poor husband," she said, "he asks for you. Poor man, he

wanted to come to the wedding to show his respect but the doctor would not permit it

(не разрешил). Then he said you would come to see him on this great day but I did not

believe it possible. Ah, men understand friendship more than we women. Go inside, you

will make him happy."

3 A nurse (медсестра) and a doctor came out of Genco Abbandando's private room.

The doctor was a young man, serious-faced and with the air of one born to command (с

видом рожденного повелевать), that is to say (то есть), the air of one who has been

immensely rich all his life (безмерно богат). One of the daughters asked timidly (робко;

timid ['tımıd] – робкий, застенчивый), "Dr. Kennedy, can we go to see him now?"

4 Dr. Kennedy looked over the large group with exasperation (посмотрел на

большую группу с раздражением). Didn't these people realize (разве не осознают)

that the man inside was dying and dying in torturous pain (в муках: «в мучительной

боли»; torture [‘to:t∫∂] – пытка, мука)? It would be much better if everyone let him die in

peace. "I think just the immediate family (только близкие: «непосредственные»

родственники)," be said in his exquisitely polite voice (изысканно-вежливым голосом;

exquisite ['ekskwızıt] – изысканный, утонченный). He was surprised when the wife and

daughters turned to the short, heavy man (к невысокому, приземистому человеку)

dressed in an awkwardly fitted tuxedo (в неловко сидящий смокинг; to fit – быть

впору, подходить; awkward ['o:kw∂d] – неуклюжий, неловкий), as if to hear his

decision (словно для того, чтобы услышать его решение).

5 The heavy man spoke. There was just the slightest trace of an Italian accent in his

voice (легчайший след = оттенок). "My dear doctor," said Don Corleone, "is it true he

is dying?"

6 "Yes," said Dr. Kennedy.





7 "Then there is nothing more for you to do (тогда вы здесь больше ничего не

можете сделать)," said Don Corleone. "We will take up the burden (мы возьмем на

себя бремя). We will comfort him (утешим [‘kΛmf∂t]). We will close his eyes. We will

bury him (похороним; to bury [‘beri] – хоронить, зарывать в землю) and weep at his

funeral (на его похоронах [fju:n∂r∂l]) and afterwards we will watch over his wife and

daughters (позаботимся)." At hearing things put so bluntly (слыша такую


прямолинейную постановку вопроса; blunt – тупой; грубый; прямой, резкий), forcing

her to understand (которая вынуждала ее понять /что происходит/), Mrs.

Abbandando began to weep.

8 Dr. Kennedy shrugged (пожал плечами). It was impossible to explain to these

peasants (объяснять этим крестьянам ['pez∂nt]). At the same time he recognized the

crude justice in the man's remarks («голую, неприкрашенную справедливость в

замечаниях этого человека»; crude – необработанный, неочищенный). His role was

over (его роль была окончена). Still exquisitely polite, he said, "Please wait for the

nurse to let you in, she has a few necessary things to do with the patient." He walked

away from them down the corridor, his white coat flapping (с развевающимся белым


9 The nurse went back into the room and they waited. Finally she came out again,

holding the door for them to enter. She whispered, "He's delirious (находящийся в

бреду [dı'lırı∂s]; dilirium [dı'lırı∂m] – бред, расстройство сознания) with the pain and

fever (с температурой; fever – лихорадка), try not to excite him (пострайтесь не

разволновать, перевозбудить его; to excite – возбуждать). And you can stay only a

few minutes, except for the wife." She recognized Johnny Fontane as he went by her

and her eyes opened wide. He gave her a faint smile of acknowledgment (слабую,

вялую улыбку признания, признавания = что он заметил ее интерес) and she

stared at him with frank invitation (глазела на него с откровенным вызовом:

«приглашением»). He filed her away for future reference («зарегистрировал, подшил

к делу» для дальнейшей справки = чтобы при случае обратиться к этому в

последствии), then followed the others into the sick man's room.



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