Translate from Russian into English. Pay attention to the use of articles before nouns modified by numerals.

1. Когда три сестры Бронте выросли, они были вынуждены работать гувернантками, чтобы заработать на хлеб, так как были очень бедны. 2. Она с удовольствием вдохнула первый дымок сигареты. 3. Мы собрали все эти вещи вместе на полянке (clearing), и в качестве первой предосторожности срубили ряд колючих кустов. 4. Джордж пропадал уже десять дней. 5. Он поставил первый том романа обратно в шкаф. 6. Он знал, что должен сделать третью попытку. 7. Он написал еще один (второй) роман. 8. На второй день, когда я снова встретил ее, она выглядела довольно привлекательной. 9. Она положила три чайных ложки сахара во вторую чашку чая. 10. Впервые я увидел, что он неуверен и обеспокоен. 11. В течение первых двух дней из этих пяти она находилась в состоянии шока. 12. Впервые ей пришла в голову мысль, что она может не выздороветь. 13. В полночь Джен не спала, наблюдая, как две девушки шептались друг с другом. 14. Он вошел в двадцать шестую кабину и протянул руку мистеру Диллингу, мужчине его возраста. 15. Я сказал это во время первой поездки, которую мы предприняли вместе – когда мы взбирались на горы и смотрели вниз в пропасть.      


Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary.

1. All had survived the crash – Kelly, his wife Margaret, his ten-year-old twin sons, the pilot and co-pilot

and ... ten enlisted men. 2. You are ... extraordinary person. You never say … moral thing and never do … wrong thing. 3. Then she saw what was in … main display case, and she forgot where she was or where she had come from. 4. After … third drink he sat back comfortably in his chair, no longer self-conscious in the luxurious room. 5. … most remarkable stroke of fortune brought me … very man that I required. 6. These are just ... usual papers. 7. He is ... very soul of truth and honour. 8. Mrs. Mair says there is ... whole sackful of mail waiting for you at the post-office. 9. She rocked her head on the pillow and for ... first time I saw tears on her cheeks. 10. With ... Gale helping on ... other side, they got Reynolds to Craig's car and pushed him into ... back seat. 11. He didn't ask what ... right way was, in her opinion. 12. She was ... only child. 13. Well, I came down to look and ... only other person on the river was a lady, so I guessed you must be it. 14. He asks all ... right questions. 15. You look exactly ... same wonderful boy who, day after day, used to come down to my studio to sit for his picture. 16. He toyed with the idea of going to bed as ... quickest way of getting warm, but ... second glance at ... bed dissuaded him. 17. When he drove the car out of the gate of the hotel grounds, he turned, out of an old memory, in ... wrong direction, towards Antibes, instead of towards Juan-les-Pins and Cannes. 18. Gilly had been released from San Quentin at about ... same time Fordyce had and ... two were inseparable. 19. But it was always ... wrong thing to laugh at Pat. 20. Her fine black eyes were ... most noticeable thing about her. 21. All the people Ellen had known in Savannah might have been cast from ... same mould so similar were their view-points and traditions. 22. While the Thompsons were operating their Bull's Head Saloon ... most notorious member of the Texas gun-stinging fraternity came to town. 23. Mind you, you have to remember that T. B. is ... most unpredictable disease. 24. Fine indeed, Grant thought, looking down at the map of Paris ... next morning. 25. He might have been M. P. had he chosen. Rannock was of course ... most celebrated man in the Five Towns, and the idol of ... populace. 26. I heard they're all in, and they all took ... same examination Eli did. 27. You are ... most loathsome beast that it's ever been my misfortune to meet. 28. It was maddening having to stay inside when outside ... first snow he had ever seen was falling. 29. I am writing such ... long letter because it is raining like crazy here and we can't finish ... second coat of the deck house. 30. This is ... second Sunday since my return and all day it has been windy. 31. day he had shown Craig his play. 32. Colonel Kelly opened and closed his hands nervously, wondering how he could tell ... fifteen human beings behind the door about the interview with Ri Ying and the lunatic ordeal they were going to have to endure. 33. As they had known what he had been doing at his desk for ... last hour or so, they
would have every right, he thought, to come storming out of their cubicals and into his office to tear his checkbook to bits.

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