A. Aponeurosis of abdominal external oblique muscle

B. Loose inferior edge of transverse abdominal muscle

C. Peritoneum

D. Inguinal ligament

E. Transverse fascia

A patient suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis. During treatment neuritis of visual nerve aros E. What drug has caused this by-effect?

A. Rifampicin

B. Streptomycin

C. Kanamycin

D. Ethambutol

E. Isoniazid

A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency has been taking foxglove (Digitalis) preparations for a long tim E. Due to the violation of intake schedule the woman got symptoms of intoxication. These symptoms result from:

A. Material cumulation

B. Antagonism

C. Tachyphylaxis

D. Sensibilization

E. Idiosyncrasy

A patient had been suffering from profuse diarrhea and vomiting for 2 days. He died from acute dehydration. Autopsy revealed that the intestinal wall was edematic and hyperemic, with multiple haemorrhages in the mucous membran E. Intestine lumen contains whitish fluid resembling of rice water. What disease caused death?

A. Enterocolitis

B. Dysentery

C. Salmonellosis

D. Cholera

E. Typhoid fever

A 30 year old man had been suffering from acute respiratory disease and died from cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy revealed fibrinous-haemorrhagic inflammation in the mucous membrane of larynx and trachea, destructive panbronchitis, enlarged lungs that look black due to the multiple abcesses, haemorrhages, necrosis. What is the most probable postmortem diagnosis?

A. Parainfluenza

B. Measles

C. Adenoviral infection

D. Influenza

E. Respiratory syncytial infection

A patient was diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of greater vulvovaginal glands). In which organ of urogenital system are these glands localized?

A. Clitoris

B. Small lips of pudendum

C. Uterus

D. Vagina

E. Large lips of pudendum

Examination of a patient revealed typical presentations of collagenosis. This pathology is characterized by increase of the following urine index:

A. Arginine

B. Hydroxyproline

C. Glucose

D. Mineral salts

E. Ammonium salts

After destruction of CNS structures an animal lost orientative reflexes. What structure was destroyed?

A. Medial reticular nuclei

B. Black substance

C. Lateral vestibular nuclei

D. Quadrigeminal plate

E. Red nucleus

A patient has been syffering from diarrhea for 5 day. On the fith day colonoscopy revealed that membrane of rectum was inflamed, there were greyish-green films closely adhering to the subjacent tissu E. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Typhoid fever

B. Crohn's disease

C. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis

D. Dysentery

E. Salmonellosis

A cerebral trauma caused increased ammonia generation. What amino acid participates in the excretion of ammonia from the cerebral tissue?

A. Lysine

B. Tryptophan

C. Valine

D. Tyrosine

E. Glutamic

A patient suffers from diabetes melitus. After the regular insulin injection his condition grew worse: there appeared anxiety, cold sweat, tremor of limbs, general weakness, dizziness. What preparation can eliminate these symptoms?

A. Noradrenaline

B. Caffeine

C. Glibutide

D. Adrenaline hydrochloride

E. Butamide

Examination of a child who frequently suffers from infectious diseases revealed that IgG concentration in blood serum was 10 times less than normal, IgA and IgM concentration was also significantly reduce D. Analysis showed also lack of B-lymphocytes and plasmocytes. What disease are these symptoms typical for?

A. Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia

B. Louis-Bar syndrome

C. Dysimmunoglobulinemia

D. Di George syndrome

E. Bruton's disease

A patient suffering from stenocardia was taking nitroglycerine which caused restoration of blood supply of myocardium and relieved pain in the cardiac are A. What intracellular mechanism provides restoration of energy supply of insulted cells?

A. Intensification of RNA generation

B. Intensification of ATP resynthesis

C. Intensification of oxygen transporting into the cell

D. Increased permeability of membranes

E. Reduction of ATP resynthesis

 46 A 66 year old female patient got intravenous injection of magnesium sulfate solution for the purpose of elimination of hypertensive crisis. But arterial pressure didn't go down and after repeated introduction of the same preparation there appered sluggishness, slow response, inhibition of consciousness and respiration. What preparation is antagonist of magnesium sulfate and can eliminate symptoms of its overdose?

A. Potassium permanganate

B. Calcium chloride

C. Potassium chloride

D. Sodium chloride

E. Activated carbon

A 19 year old woman suffers from primary syphilis. Doctor administered her complex therapy that includes benzylpenicillin sodium salt. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 494; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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