A. Bacteriological, mycological

B. Biological test, bacteriological

C. Allergic test, serological

D. -

E. Protozoological, microscopical


A patient after hypertension stroke has no voluntary movements in his right arm and leg, muscle tone in these extremites is increased. What type of dysfunction of nervous system is it?

A. Central paresis

B. Central paralysis

C. Peripheral paresis

D. Reflex paresis

E. Peripheral paralysis


27. The person was selling "homemade pork" sausages on the market. State sanitary inspector suspected falcification of the sausages.With help of what serological immune reaction can food substance be identified?

A. Agglutination test

B. Immunofluorescence test

C. Complement- fixation test

D. Indirect hemagglutination test

E. Precipitation test


28. The autopsy of the man's body, that was working for a long time as a miner and died beacuse of chronic pulmonary-cardiac insufficiency, revealed that lungs were not in their ful volume, significantly thickened, sclerotic, the apexis were emphysematously changed, the surface was gray-black in colour, on section the lung tissue was aspid-black in colour. What disease caused the death?

A. Asbestosis

B. Anthracosis

C. Aluminosis

D. Silicosis

E. Talcosis


In the microspecimen of red bone marrow there were revealed multiple capillares through the walls of which mature blood cells penetrated. What type of capillares is it?

A. Fenestrational

B. Visceral

C. Lymphatic

D. Sinusoidal

E. Somatical


30. The alternate usage of dichlotiazide, etacrin acid and lasex didn't cause substantial diuretic effect in patient with evident peripheral edema. There is increased amount of aldosterone in the blood. Indicate the medicine to be prescribed.

A. Urea

B. Clopamid

C. Mannit

D. Amilorid

E. Spironolacton


Unpainfull formation without marked borders appeared in the soft tissues of the thigh left of the young man. On the tissue bioptate the formation lookes like a meat of a fish, consisting of the immature fibroblast-like cells with multiple mitosis, which grow through the muscles. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Fibrosarcoma

B. Fibroma

C. Cancer

D. Myosarcoma

E. Myoma


The auscultation of a patient with dry pleuritis has revealed plueral friction rub. What epithelium type can cause such signs?

A. Simple cubical epithelium

B. Simple flat epithelium

C. Transitional epithelium

D. Simple prismatic epithelium

E. Laminated epithelium


The autopsy a 35-year-old man body revealed in the second segment of the right lung the focus of carnification, which was 5 cm in diametre and was enclosed in a thin capsule. The focus was a tough dry friable tissue with a dim surface. What disease are such morphological changes typical for?

A. Chondroma

B. Tumorous form of silicosis

C. Lung cancer

D. Postinflammatory pneumosclerosis

E. Tuberculoma


During metabolic process active forms of the oxygen including superoxide anion radical are formed in the human body. With help of what enzyme is this anion activated?

A. Peroxidase

B. Superoxide dismutase

C. Catalase

D. Glutathioneperoxidase

E. Glutathionereductase


A patient has myocardial infarction in the region ofanterior wall of the left ventricle. What artery basin has the circulatory impairment occured in?

A. Atrioventricular branch of left coronal artery

B. Circumflex branch of left coronal artery

C. Left marginal branch of left coronal artery

D. Anterior interventricular branch of left coronal artery

E. Anterior ventricular branches of right coronal artery


36. A patient underwent the surgical removal of pathologically disordered distal quarter of small intestine. How will it influense the absorption of nutritional substances in case of patient's ordinary diet?

A. Carbohydrates absorption will be reduced

B. Proteins absorption will be reduced

C. Water absorption will be reduced

D. Lipids absorption will be reduced

E. Absorption will not be altereded


The study of mitotic cycle phases of onion root revealed the cell, in which the chromosomes are situated in the equatorial plane, forming a star. What stage of the cell mitosis is it?

A. Prophase

B. Anaphase

C. Telophase

D. Interphase

E. Metaphase


A patient with paroxysmal attacks of asphyxia, which appear after inhalation of different aromatic substances has been made a diagnosis of bronchial asthma. Ig E rate is elevated. What type of reaction is it the most typical for?

A. Anaphylactic

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 508; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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