Examination of a child who frequently suffers from infectious diseases revealed that IgG

Concentration in blood serum was 10 times less than normal, IgA and IgM concentration was

Also significantly reduced. Analysis showed also lack of B-lymphocytes and plasmocytes. What

Disease are these symptoms typical for?

A Bruton's disease

B Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia

C Dysimmunoglobulinemia

D Louis-Bar syndrome

E Di George syndrome


A driver who got a trauma in a road accident and is shocked has reduction of daily urinary

Output down to 300 ml. What is the main pathogenetic factor of such diuresis change?

A Drop of arterial pressure

B Drop of oncotic blood pressure

C Increased vascular permeability

D Decreased number of functioning glomerules

E Secondary hyperaldosteronism


Examination of a 42 year old patient revealed a tumour of adenohypophysis. Objectively: the

Patient's weight is 117 kg, he has moon-like hyperemic face, red-blue striae of skin distension

On his belly. Osteoporosis and muscle dystrophy are present. AP is 210/140 mm Hg. What is

The most probable diagnosis?

A Cushing's disease

B Cushing's syndrome

C Conn's disease

D Diabetes mellitus

E Essential hypertension


Examination of a 12 year old boy with developmental lag revealed achondroplasia:

Disproportional constitution with evident shortening of upper and lower limbs as a result of growth

Disorder of epiphyseal cartilages of long tubal bones. This disease is:

A Inherited, dominant

B Inherited, recessive

C Inherited, sex-linked

D Congenital

E Acquired


A patient was diagnosed with autoimmune hemolitic cytotoxic anemia. What substances are

Antigens in II type allergic reactions?

A Modified receptors of cell membranes

B Antibiotics

C Hormones

D Serum proteins

E Inflammation modulators


A patient suffers from the haemorrhagic syndrome that shows itself in frequent nasal bleedings,

Posttraumatic and spontaneous intracutaneous and intra-articular haemorrhages. After a

Laboratory study a patient was diagnosed with the type B haemophilia. This disease is provoked

By the deficit of the following factor of blood coagulation:







A 58-year-old patient suffers from the cerebral atherosclerosis. Examination revealed

Hyperlipoidemia. What class of lipoproteins will most probably show increase in concentration in

This patient’s blood serum?

A Low-density lipoproteins

B High-density lipoproteins

C Fatty acid complexes with albumins

D Chylomicrons

E Cholesterol


A 67 year old patient complains of periodic heart ache, dyspnea during light physical activities.

ECG reveals extraordinary contractions of heart ventricles. Such arrhythmia is called:

A Extrasystole

B Bradycardia

C Tachycardia

D Flutter

E Fibrillation


In course of a preventive examination of a miner a doctor revealed changes of cardiovascular

Fitness which was indicative of cardiac insufficiency at the compensation stage. What is the

Main proof of cardiac compensation?

A Myocardium hypertrophy

B Tachycardia

C Rise of arterial pressure

D Dyspnea

E Cyanosis


A 47 year old man with myocardium infarction was admitted to the cardiological department.

What changes of cellular composition of peripheral blood are induced by necrotic changes in

The myocardium?

A Neutrophilic leukocytosis

B Monocytosis

C Eosinophilic leukocytosis

D Thrombocytopenia

E Lymphopenia


An infectious disease unit admitted a patient with signs of jaundice caused by hepatitis virus.

Select an indicator that is specific only for parenchymatous jaundice:

A Increase in ALT and AST rate

B Hyperbilirubinemia

C Bilirubinuria

D Cholaemia

E Urobilinuria


A patient with skin mycosis has disorder of cellular immunity. The most typical characteristic of it

Is reduction of the following index:

A T-lymphocytes

B Immunoglobulin G

C Immunoglobulin E

D B-lymphocytes

E Plasmocytes


A patient with massive burns developed acute renal insufficiency characterized by a significant

And rapid deceleration of glomerular filtration. What is the mechanism of its development?

A Reduction of renal blood flow

B Damage of glomerular filter

C Reduction of functioning nephron number

D Rise of pressure of tubular fluid

E Renal artery embolism


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 473; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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