Smears are the most typical for this condition?

A Microcytes

B Megalocytes

C Schizocytes

D Ovalocytes

E Macrocytes


During a prophylactic medical examination a 7-year-old boy was diagnosed with daltonism. His

Parents are healthy and have normal colour vision, but his grandfather on his mother’s side has

The same abnormality. What is the type of the abnormality inheritance?

A Recessive, sex-linked

B Dominant, sex-linked

C Semidominance

D Autosomal recessive

E Autosomal dominant


A 27 y.o. patient put eye drops that contain penicillin. After a few minutes she felt itching and

Burning of her body, there appeared lip and eye-lid edemata; arterial pressure began to drop.

What immunoglobulins took part in the development of this allergic reaction?

A lgE and lgG

B IgM and IgG

C IgA and IgM

D IgM and IgD

E IgG and IgD


Inflammation of a patient's eye was accompanied by accumulation of turbid liquid with high

Protein at the bottom of anterior chamber that was called hypopyon. What process underlies the

Changes under observation?

A Disturbance of microcirculation

B Primary alteration

C Secondary alteration

D Proliferation

E -


A 48 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about weakness, irritability, sleep

Disturbance. Objectively: skin and scleras are yellow. In blood: conjugated bilirubin, cholalemia.

Feces are acholic. Urine is of dark colour (bilirubin). What jaundice is it?

A Mechanic

B Hemolytic

C Parenchymatous

D Gilbert's syndrome

E Crigler-Najjar syndrome


A patient who suffers from severe disorder of water-salt metabolism experienced cardiac arrest

In diastole. What is the most probable mechanism of cardiac arrest in diastole?

A Hyperkaliemia

B Hypernatremia

C Organism dehydratation

D Hypokaliemia

E Hyponatremia


A patient who suffers from heart failure has enlarged liver, edemata of lower extremities,

Ascites. What is the leading mechanism in the development of this edema?

A Hydrodynamic

B Colloid osmotic

C Lymphogenous

D Membranogenic

E -


Two weeks after lacunar tonsillitis a 20-year-old man started complaining about general

Weakness, lower eyelid edemata. After examination the patient was diagnosed with acute

Glomerulonephritis. What are the most likely pathological changes in the urine formula?

A Proteinuria

B Cylindruria

C Presence of fresh erythrocytes

D Pyuria

E Natriuria


A 32 y.o. man is tall, he has gynecomastia, adult woman pattern of hair distribution, high voice,

Mental deficiency, sterility. Provisional diagnosis is Klinefelter's syndrome. In order to specify

Diagnosis it is necessary to analize:

A Caryotype

B Leukogram

C Spermatogenesis

D Blood group

E Genealogy


Examination of a miner revealed pulmonary fibrosis accompanied by disturbance of alveolar

Ventilation. What is the main mechanism of this disturbance?

A Limitation of respiratory surface of lungs

B Constriction of superior respiratory tracts

C Disturbance of neural respiration control

D Limitation of breast mobility

E Bronchi spasm


After transfusion of 200 ml of blood a patient presented with body temperature rise up to

37,9oC. Which of the following substances is the most likely cause of temperature rise?

A Interleukin-1

B Interleukin-2

C Tumour necrosis factor

D Interleukin-3

E Interleukin-4


A 49 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about heightened fatigue and dyspnea during physical

Activity. ECG: heart rate is 50/min, PQ is extended, QRS is unchanged, P wave quanity exceeds

Quantity of QRS complexes. What type of arrhythmia does the patient have?

A Atrioventricular block

B Extrasystole

C Sinus bradycardia

D Ciliary arhythmia

E Sinoatrial block


A woman has been applying a new cosmetic preparation for a week that resulted in eye-lid

Inflammation accompanied by hyperemia, infiltration and painfulness. What type of allergic

Reaction was developed?







A patient is followed up in an endocrinological dispensary on account of hyperthyreosis. Weight

Loss, tachycardia, finger tremor are accompanied by hypoxia symptoms - headache, fatigue,

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 421; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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