Replace the Infinitive in brackets by the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

1. They (to complete) all the preparations by 5 o'clock.

2. The man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure) him of his disease.

3. In the morning ail the travellers (to feel) good after the night they (to spend) in the mountains,

4. During my last visit to the gallery I (to found) that I no longer (to like) the pictures that (to impress) me when I first (to see) them.

5. Last night he (to finish) the work which he (to begir.) some months ago.

6. Their friends (to call) to them before they (to be) ready.

7, Yesterday we all (to get) ready for the lesson but the teacher (not/to come).

8. Recently I (visit) London.


Replace the infinitives by the Future Simple or the Future Progressive.

1. I (to wait) for you at five o'clock tomorrow.

2. I am sure that they (to complete) their work by May.

3. At two o'clock tomorrow I (to have) an English lesson.

4. I hope it (to stop) raining by seven tomorrow.

5. At what time you (to be) here?

6. She (to return) from the library at six o'clock.

7. What you (to do) at eight o'clock? I (to work) on my report.


Translate into English using the Future Simple, the Future Progressive, the Present Simple.

1. Они построят новую школу в будущем году.

2. Они будут строить новую школу, когда вы будете в Москве.

3. Я почувствовала себя лучше, после того как приняла лекарство.

4. Когда я вчера смотрела новости по ТВ, я узнала, что выборы прошли.

5. Когда мы поедем в Сочи, я буду много купаться в море.


Choose the right form.

1. The librarian said that another book unless I.....the one which

I.......several weeks before.

A would not give, did not return, had taken

В will not give, have returned, took

С would not give, returned, had taken

В would not have given, did not return, had taken London? - Yes, I........there when there . an exhibition of our goods

A Have you ever been, was, was  В Have you ever been, have been, was

С Were you ever been, was. was  D Had you ever been, had been, had been


3. Provided the February, the flood......several towns.

A was built, will have struck            В has not been built, will strike

С won't be built, will be striking       D won't have been built, strikes


4. When I ... to Riga, it was cold, a strong northern wind ... and it ... for a fortnight,

A. came, blew, was raining

 В had come, had been blowing, had rained

 С came, was blowing, had. been raining

 D was coming, had blown, was raining


5. In 1963 fiber-tip markers....into the U.S. market and since then......the ballpoint

as the principal writing implement.

A were introduced, had challenged    

В had introduced, challenged

С were introduced, have challenged     

D were introduced, challenged


6. The fishing industry, which traditionally......underdeveloped,........

A had been, is expanding      В has been, had expanded

С is. had been expanding       D has been, is expanding


7. China......the technology of silk production secret; the ancient Greeks speculated

that silk.....on a special tree in China.

A had kept, would grow        В kept, grew

С would keep, had grown      D was keeping, grow


8. make enemies as his business........and he.......more powerful.

A began, was developing, was growing      

В had begun, is developing, is growing

С has begun, had developed, had grown   

D was beginning, developed, grew


9. He has said if I......easily to do it by myself.

A would not help, was able    B would not help, would be able

С will not help, am able         D will not help, will be able

Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

6. What ________ (they/ broadcast) at this time on this channel?

7. Michael is not very fit. He ________ (not/ do? Any sport.

8. The sun ________ (rise) in the east and ________ (come down) in the west.

9. Bob and I ________ (sell) information in the analytical department.

10. ________ (follow) the rules of market when you sell books in your publishing house?

Use the required tenses instead of the infinitives in the brackets

The landlady (to bring) the tea. I (not to want) anything, but Ted (to make) me eat some ham. Then I (to sit) at the window. I (not to look) round when the landlady (to come up) to clear away, I (not to want) anyone to speak to me. Ted (to read) a book; at least he (to pretend) to, but he (not to turn) the page, and I (to see) the tears dropping on it. I (to keep on) looking out of the window. It (to be) the end of June, and the days (to be) long. I (to look) at the people going in and out of the public house and the trams going up and down. I (to think) the day never (to come) to an and; then all of a sudden I (to notice)
that it (to be) night . All the lamps (to be lit).

“Why you (not to light) the gas?” I (to say) to Ted. “It’s no good sitting in the dark.”

He (to light) the gas. I don’t know what (to come) over me. I (to feel) that if I (to go on) sitting in that room I (to go) mad. I (to want) to go somewhere where there (to be) lights and people.


Вариант 3

Choose the right variant.

1. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining        c) had rained

b) was raining               d) is raining

2. She______at  the parcel long enough, before she______

that it was for her brother.

a) had been looking, had understood

b) had been looking, understood

c) was looking, understood

d) was looking, had understood

3.1_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

a) am not going             c) did not go

b) was going            d) had been going

4. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known                c) were knowing

b) had knowing             d) know

5. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled            c) had been travelling

b) were travelling          d) travel

6. Janet and Tom did not want to come with us at first time but in the end we______persuade them.

a) were able to              c) might

b) should                      d) could have

7. The baseball match was cancelled last week. Craig______

anyway because he was ill.

a) must not play            c) should not play

b) could not have played     d) cannot play

8. You have got plenty of time. You______hurry.

a) must not                   c) need not

b) should not                d) may not

Translate into English .

1. У нее новая квартира. В квартире много современного оборудования.

2. У него в компьютере много ценной информации. Информация - в его компьютере. В его компьютере много ценной информации.

3. Я часто разговариваю с другом о нашем путешествии. Его сейчас нет. Он разговаривает со своим учителем.

4. Игорь поет очень хорошо. Он часто выступает на концертах. Послушайте! Он поет по радио



3. Translate into English using 'be going to'

1. Она собирается пить чай в пять часов вечера.

2. Он собирается ответить на письмо.


Translate into English.

1. Вы написали письмо?

2. Почему Вы надели пальто? Сегодня очень тепло.

3. Ваш брат вернулся в Ростов?

4. Я уже закончил свою работу и сдал ее.

5. Я принес вам несколько очень интересных книг.

6. Он никогда не был в нашем городе.

7. Мы только что приготовили все материалы. Можно начинать печатать.

8. Сегодня она сдала экзамен по английскому языку на 'отлично'.

Translate into English.

1. Я видела его вчера.

Мы боялись опоздать на поезд. К счастью, на углу нашей улицы мы увидели такси и приехали на вокзал вовремя.

2. Летом я вам не писала, так как потеряла ваш адрес.

На прошлой неделе я написала вам два письма, но ответа не получила.

3. Она хорошо пела в молодости. Певица спела несколько песен.

4. Летом я много читала.

Я прочитала ее письмо и немедленно ответила.

5. Когда вы перевели эту трудную статью?

Что вы делали вчера: переводили статью или писали сочинение?

6. Надеюсь, больной вовремя принял лекарство.

Я не принимала этого лекарства, когда была больна.

7. Когда моя сестра была здорова, она всегда сама шила платья себе и

мне. В прошлом году она сшила мне очень красивое платье.

8. Я посмотрела этот фильм по телевизору вчера.


Translate into English.

1. Вчера в семь часов вечера я работал в Интернете.

2. Когда он пришел, доктор осматривал больного.

3. Дети играли в саду, когда мама позвала их домой.

4. Позавчера в это время у нее был урок английского.

5. Ровно в семь утра мы стояли у входа в институт,

6. Когда я позвонил, они ужинали.

7. Мы видели аварию, когда ехали на работу.

8. По улице ехало много машин.


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 713; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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