To agree on/upon-прийти к соглашению

To call for,on –зайти за

To deal with –иметь дело с

To hear of –слышать о

To insist on/upon- настаивать на

To laugh at – смеяться над

To look after- ухаживать за

To put with- примириться с

To refer to- ссылаться на

To send for-посылать за

To think of- думать о

To comment on-комментировать

To provide for-снабжать

To lose sight of-потерять из виду

To make use of-использовать

Ex.6.Read the situation and write a sentence. Use the words in brackets.

Example: He seldom keeps his promise.(he/can/rely/on)

1.The child is very ill.(the doctor /send/for) 2. The old car is in excellent condition.(it/look/after /well). 3. He was speaking for two hours. (he/listened to/ in silence) 4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. (she/ take good care of). 5. This little boy is always dirty. (he/look after/ properly).6. She is always breaking things in the kitchen. (she/speak to/about her carelessness)7. He’s a sensible man.(his advise/listen to carefully) 8.The dentist said her teeth were very bad.(they/ take care of). 9. He never broke a promise in his life.(he/ come/rely on)10. Shakespeare was born more that 400 years ago.(he/look upon/the greatest of English poets)


Ex.7.Put the following into the passive, mentioning the agent where necessary.

1.You can’t wash this dress.(it / dry-clean).2. They discuss unimportant things.(a lot of time/waste). 3. They will type your letters in a minute.(the letters/ type/ in the other office) 4. I can’t play now.(my piano/ repair/ at the moment) 5. The guests ate other sandwiches, and drank all the lemonade.( nothing/ leave). 6. I can’t find my parcel anywhere.(it/ post?) 7. I have no information.(I/ inform/ of the change of the plan).8.I’m afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more.(more/ order).9. The letter can’t be mailed.(it/ not stamp). 10. I would like to meet her mother.(I/ not introduce/ yet).


Ex.8. Give the corresponding passive construction.

1. We looked through all the advertisements very attentively.2. The gardener gathered all the dry leaves and set fire to them. 3. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young actress, no doubt.4. You can rely upon your guide’s  experience. 5. Why didn’t the speaker dwell longer upon this question? 6. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him much better there.7. A famous architect has designed the new theatre this week. 8. This plant had fulfilled the yearly plan by the 15 december.9. The workers are discharging the steamer. 10. The students read the text and translated it into English. 11.Who has written this article?


Ex.9.Put in the correct forms, active or passive, of the verbs in brackets.

How the other half lives

Lord Manners was a rich and famous banker. When he (die), he (give) a magnificent funeral which (attend) by hundreds of famous people. The funeral was going to (hold) in West Minister Abbey. Many ordinary people (line) the streets to watch the procession. The wonderful black and gold carriage (draw) by 6 black horses. The mourners (follow) in silence. Lord Manners (give) a royal farewell. Two tramps were among the crowd, they (watch) the procession. As solemn music (can/hear) in the distance, one of them (turn) other and (whisper) in admiration: ”Now that’s what I call really living! ” (from “Longman English Grammar Practice”by L.G. Alexander)


Ex.10.Translate the sentences into English.

1. Лекции этого профессора всегда слушают с большим интересом.2. Меня прервал Джон. 3.Его всегда любили, и ему всегда доверяли. 4. О ней заботятся ее друзья. 5.Я уверен, что, записка была написана карандашом. 6. Дверь открыла пожилая женщина , и Джейн вывели в маленькую гостиную.7. Кровать не было застелена, стул был сломан.8.Это письмо только что подписано директором. 9. Товары еще не доставлены. 10. Подписан ли этот контракт? 11. Этот вопрос еще не исследован. 12. Ящики пересчитаны. Их можно отвести на склад. 13. Библиотека была закрыта,

так как было же 8 часов. 14. Об этом фильме много говорят.15.Он узнает, почему его туда посылают.16. Во время экскурсии по городу нам показали завод, где производится сталь.17. Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко найдешь на полках библиотеки.



                       Практические цели: формирование умений и навыков устной речи и письменного выражения мыслей. Практиковать студентов в обсуждений проблемных вопросов по теме.


                              Move the Body – Move the Brain.

We all know that exercise is good for you. However some astonishing new discoveries about the effect of exercise on the central nervous system were made recently by medical experts.

Last year a team of doctors did a series of tests on some of the competitors in a race. It was discovered that during exercise a morphine-like substance is released into the blood stream.

If this theory is correct and exercise can be used as a way of elevating (возвышать) the mind, creative artists should take note as their type of work can often result in long periods of mental exhaustion (истощение).

Laurence Olivier , the actor, did weightlifting for an hour before he went on stage because he left it enabled him to give a better performance.

Edna O’Brien , the Irish novelist, enjoys yoga and running. She believes that any exercise that moves the body must also move the brain! (From “Modern English”).

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 200; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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