Ex. 1. Read and retell the text.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

5.What problem do American consumers face when buying food?

6.How often does the family visit a supermarket to purchase its food for a week?

7.What will enable Americans to make their buying decisions right at home?

8.What is the secret of success of fast-food and take-out restaurants?

9.What is more recent development in the American food industry?

10.Which food items are very popular now in America?


Ex. 3. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

       Потребители, изделия из дробленного зерна, типы продуктов, консервированный, полуфабрикат, духовка, подавать на стол, запеченная рыба, вегетарианский стол, “быстроешки”, постное мясо, ресторан, “обеды на дом”.


Ex. 4. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

8.Meats, fish, fruit, vegetables etc. are available throughout the country during any season of the year.

9.Now virtually all food stores have a wide choice of frozen foods specially prepared to be cooked in a microwave oven.

10.The microwave oven has revolutionized the home preparation of meals.

11.Since the 1950s fast-food and take-out restaurants have had a phenomenal proliferation in the U.S.

12.An entire family can often go to eat at fast-food place for convenience and economy.

13.Animals are now being scientifically bred to produce lean meat.

14.A demand for foods grown and produced free of fertilizers has led to the development of an “organic food” industry.


Grammar: Construction “To be going to”.

“going to (do)” is used

  • when one says what one intends to do in the future.

- Are you going to watch the ten o'clock news?

- No, I am too tired, I am going to have an early night.

  • when the speaker knows something is about to happen. Usually there is something in the present situation that makes the speaker sure about what will happen:

- Look at that little boy at the puddle. He is going to fall into it.

The sky is overcast with black clouds. It is going to rain.

Ex. 5. Say when you are going to do something.

1.Have you spoken to the manager? (after lunch)

2.Have you made the tea? (gust)

3.Have you bought a car? (soon)

4.Have you done your homework? (just)


Ex. 6. Write questions with going to.

1. It is unexpectedly hot today. (what/you/wear)

2. Vlad has given me his latest painting. (where/you/hang it)

3. I've decided to sell the house. (what/you/buy/instead)

Ex. 7. Answer the questions using was/were going to.

1. Did you ask Melany to help you?

No, I …  but I changed my mind.

2. Did they visit the Tate Gallery?

No, they … but they changed their mind.

3. Did he attend the meeting?

No, he … but he changed his mind.

Ex. 8. You have to say what you think is going to happen in these situations.

1.You are my best friend. We have been friends for many years. Now you are going away. (miss)

2.The children went to the woods all by themselves. They don't know the area well. (get lost)

3.There is a hole in Tom's jacket pocket. He's put some small change in it. (lose)

Ex. 9. Translate into English.

1.Ты почистил машину? - Нет еще. Я почищу ее завтра.

2.Вы уже пообедали? - Нет еще. Мы как раз собираемся сделать это.

3.Небо такое голубое. Будет чудесный день.

4.Я решила устроить званый вечер. - Кого ты собираешься пригласить?

5.Твои друзья ездили в отпуск в Испанию? - Нет они собирались, но передумали.

6.Экзамен завтра. Ты совсем не занимался. Ты провалишься.


СРСП 12-13.


Практические цели: Развитие устной и письменной речи, а также умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения, закрепление лексического материала.

Read and translate these recipes. Say what ingredients you would need for cooking the dishes.

Vegetable Soup.

Peel and cut out into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes, put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley; pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour, mix well; add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up, keeping it stirred; skim it; add a little salt and sugar and run it through a sieve into another pan; boil again and serve with fried bread in it.

Stewed Beef and Pork.

Put into a saucepan about 800 g of beef cut into 8 pieces; 200 g of pork cut into 2 pieces; six table spoonfuls of rice; 4 middlesized onions peeled and sliced; a table spoonful of sugar; a little pepper and salt; add 2 litres of water; simmer gently for three hours; remove the fat from top and serve.

Home Made Cake.

250 g of flour; 250 g of castor sugar; 250 g of seedless raisins; 50 g of chopped almonds; 50 g of preserved cherries; 170 g of butter; 4 eggs; pinch of soda. Sieve the flour, sugar and soda together into a basin, add the prepared fruit-chopped cherries and almond. Add eggs and butter. Mix it thoroughly. Place in a tin lined with greaseproof paper and brush with some melted butter. Bake in a slow oven for 2 hours. Leave for 5 minutes in a tin, then turn it out and cool.


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