Exercise 72. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the personal pronoun in the Objective case.

1. Do you know my fellow student? I mam friendly with … as we are interested in the same subjects. 2. Some days ago I got some interesting laboratory findings of my experiments. Did you pay attention to …? 3. I went home for my winter vocation. Let … tell … how I spent … . 4. The lectures are very interesting and students never miss … . 5. His father is a scientist and devotes all his life to … .


Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the personal pronoun in the Objective case.

1. They know … and my sister well. 2. My grope mates like to attend music concerts. There are many music lovers among … . 3. I’ve got an interesting book on Biology and I am going to read … . 4. Last term we worked hard for our exams. This work was useful for … and we passed … successfully. 5. My fried has just returned from England and I am eager to see … .


Exercise 73. Make up special questions on the words in bold type:

1. Anatomy is a very important subject for medical students. 2. My friend’s brother entered this Medical Institute last year. 3. He attends post-graduate courses because he is eager to be a scientist. 4. All our students take notes of the lectures delivered by Professor Yanovich. 5. This doctor treated my father for the grippe two weeks ago.


1. Next week we are going to attend a very interesting lecture in Biology. 2. I decided to work hard on Latin because I am greatly interested in this subject. 3. The findings of our experiments are very important. 4. All the students of our group cope with their English.


Exercise 74. Change the tense of the given sentences from Present Simple into the Past and Future Simple and make all other necessary changes:

1. All the students of our group cope with their task. 2. Most freshmen take an active part in the Institute social life. 3. My younger brother arranges his affairs for admission to the University. 4. My fellow students are eager to do home for winter vacation in January.


1. We hand in a GCSE, my results of Unified state exam, and an application for admission to the Medical University.

2. The students carry on experiments on animals during their practical studies.

3. We get our GCSE after leaving school.

4. The doctor treats this little girl for grippe at her home.


Exercise 75. Make up your own situations on the following topics using the given words:

1. My fellow students …

       to study in the first year; to belong to a scientific society; to live at a hostel; a member of Students Committee, to take an active part in; to be friendly with

2. How I spend my spare time…

       after classes; to rest; to attend concerts, students clubs; to arrange discussions; to go to the theatre; a holiday; an Institute canteen; to go in for sports

3.Our teachers and professors…

       to give classes in; to carry on research work; to learn many interesting things from smb; to deliver lectures in; to ask many questions


Make up your own situations on the following topics using the given words:

My university studies …

       to be free of charge; a curriculum; to include; to take notes of a lecture; to attend practical classes; to miss a lecture; to carry on experiments; to pay great attention to; to be interested in; knowledge of medicine


Exercise 76. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. Он упорно работал, потому что очень хотел сдать вступительные экзамены. 2. Вчера мы проводили в лаборатории трудный, но интересный опыт на животных. 3. Моя старшая сестра очень хотела стать врачом, поэтому она после окончания школы поступила в медицинский университет. 4. Мой брат работает в медицинском институте и ведет там большую исследовательскую работу. 5. Вы записываете лекции? – Да, конечно. Мы получаем много знаний на лекциях. 6. Завтра я буду работать над гистологией, т.к. этот предмет труден для меня. 7. Студенты второго курса принимают активное участие в общественной жизни университета. Они устраивают вечера и посещают различные дискуссии. 


Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. Студенты первокурсники очень интересуются лекциями по биологии.

2. Многие из моих однокурсников являются членами научных студенческих обществ.

3. Скоро мы узнаем результаты второго опыта.

4. Давай пообедаем в университетской столовой после занятий.

5. Через шесть лет мы будем сдавать государственный экзамен и станем врачами.


Exercise 76. Make up correct sentences of the words in brackets:

1. (graduate, will, friend, soon, will, from, the Medical, my, University, and, a common,become pediatrician.)


2. (last, Histology, delivered, an English, lecture, in, professor, Tuesday, an interesting.)


3. (post-graduate, is, to attend, he, courses, going, because, scientist, is, he, to be a, eager.)



Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 331; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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