V. Say what the allusions in the following sentences refer to.

1. She’s looking up at him as if he could walk on water. (A.R.)

2. He fancied himself La Mola, and Aramis, Bussy, Chicot, and D’Artagnan rolled into one, but he quite failed to envisage Val as Coconnas, Brissac, or Rochefort. (J.G.)

3. I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities, and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenes knew. (F.S.F.)

4. This time, however, the mountain was going to Mahomet; for he felt by now more deeply civilized than Paris, and perhaps he really was. (J.G.)

5. This last remark exposed the heel of Achilles, for this admirable, elegant young man, smoker, mandolinist, lover, the future intrepid voyager to India had one amazing weakness – he was afraid of the dark. (A.J.C.)

6. But at the same time, you, in the act of loving somebody, become real, cease to be a part of continuum of the uncreated clay and get the breath of life in you and rise up. (R.P.W.)

7. Some confounded Frenchman – one of those “Bel Ami” chaps, perhaps, who had nothing to do but hang about women… (J.G.)

VI. Point out instances of hyperbole in the following sentences.

1.… and on the edge of the town he began to look inside the pubs he passed, sometimes startling the people there by the sudden intensity of his face, all cheek-bones and jaw and dark burning eyes… (S.B)

2.Then she took the finger away, and smiled directly and simply across the thousand miles of leather cushion between us. (R.P.W.)

3.Until Fluvanna came I didn’t have anybody but Elvira to help me, and though she was willing to do what she could, her fingers were all thumbs when it came to making up a bed or moving things in a sickroom. (E.G.)

4.Heaped around and in back of him were mounds, pyramids, walls of canned food. (J.S.)

5.Then she’d be all knees and sharp elbows and little short laughs and giggles and serpentine evasions and strategy worthy of a jujitsu expert when I tried to capture her for a kiss. (R.P.W.)


Дата добавления: 2018-09-20; просмотров: 245; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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