Is not raining, has cleared, is shining



__ Kazakhs drink a lot of tea with milk: The

Choose the list of uncountable nouns: furniture/intelligence/water

I cannot be blamed for my __ decision: Family’s

The highest mountain in _ Alps is__:The/-

It isn’t very warm today. It was __yesterday: warmer

She looks __ in white than in any other color: better

Recently,he was woken in the middle of the night by someone__on his front door: Knocking

My brother and __ wife live in Astana: his

__ was such an interesting experience: That

This is the house__was built by Jack: that

__ are the people she is speaking with? Who

In 1935 the world’s estimated Proven Reserves of oil were___: Twenty-four billon barrels

He came _ in the race:third

Let’s go out. It__ now:is not raining

It was six o’clock and it__ dark: was getting

I__ John at four o’clock:met

At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She…. : will be working

The room __at the moment: is being cleaned

She ___ in her room now. But I am not sure: may be reading

I__go to the theatre yesterday because I was very busy. I__do many things: couldn’t;had to

Every candidate seems..: winning,,,,,,,to win 23

__ a lory isn’t easy: driving

Do you think my jacket needs__:to have cleaned,,,,,,,cleaning 25

I __ agree with you: totally

…she can’t drive, she has bought a car: Even though

Going straight __and__, he saw his friend __ the other side __the road: on;on;on;of

__forget to do your homework: Don’t

If they__ better qualified they__: were, would apply

The word ‘goods’ is the synonym of: product




 I am working for__: a company

There isn’t much__ left: sugar

I live near the station –it’s only about ___:ten minutes’ walk

Helen wants to go to __university when she finishes school: -

Have you ever seen __ UFO?: the

The weather today is the same ___ it was yesterday: as

Who is the __ man in the world?: richest

At times, English can be a__ language: confusing

Students often interrupted __: one another

Give me_ yellow paper which is facing back: that

Did you meet the lady__ uncle works in the reception?: whose

I don’t know __ of them actually get it?: which

How old is your brother ?-12 : twelve

Her birthday is the 21 of August: twenty first

___ of the students got excellent marks at the final exam: Fifty per cent

Water___ at 100 degrees: boils

It was warm, so I… of my coat : took

I__ golf in my life: have never played

John __to London next week: is going

A lot of jazz festivals __every year in America: are held

There was no one else at the box office. I __ wait in queue: didn’t need to,,, needn’t to

Where is Tom? He __come soon : might

She was explaining how _the gadget: to use

Suddenly everybody stopped __.There was silence: talking

__ each other for a long time they had a lot to talk about:Not seeing

The policeman looked at him__: suspiciously

We are really sorry . We regret what happened __: very much

She was walking in the road , not __the pavement: in

My niece was late his morning , but she is usually..time: on

I’ll buy you sweater if I __ a nice one:find

He brightened as if he __ a gift: had received

Find the antonym of the words ‘worst’ in the given sentence. She is the worst student in our group.: best




She is a nice ___ :person

Her __ long and beautiful: hair was

Mr. __ house was sold at a high price: Carter’s

It is more difficult to go on a fast during ___ Ramadan in the summer:-

__ Sahara is not dry as most people think: the

As a matter of fact, the train is slightly__ expensive these days: more

You are talking very loudly. Can you speak a bit __?: quietly

She is__with (wish)…: a) d…ed

If you want ….help: a) yourselves

Do you remember ____ …5 сөз (F..):that

We all trust people___ speak the troth: who

__ knows you better?: who

__ of students were present at the meeting: Hundreds

My friend came the __ in the running …: the fifth

I __ …,6 сөз: am not working

Out full __ sow: is being d..ed

You __ being anything to the party: needn’t

Professional footballers __ be very fit: have to

I pretended __ ill in order not__ to school: to be , to go

Her husband suggested __ a melodrama after work : seeing

There was a big red car __ outside the house: parked

He tried __ to find a job, but he had no luck: hard

See/quite/ we/ frequently/them: We see them quite frequently

We you be __ home tomorrow afternoon? at

The post-office works from Monday to Friday. Sometimes it also works__ Saturdays: on

If I hadn’t studied , I__ to pass the exam: wouldn’t have been able

Don’t let them___: come

The synonym to the word outstanding is: distinguished

Вариант -4

Plual from of ‘child’. Children

You can see some __ under the three. Children

I can see the__ toilet but where is the __? the

Tom’s apartument is on __ tenth floor. The

I’ve never been to __ People’s Republic of China. The

Bob is .. than you. Taller


Вариант -10

The castle was many__old. Centuries

To make a sandwich, you need__ bread and sausage or cheese,_ leaves of (6). Some,a few,a little

This is __dog. Mary and Tony’s

__Byron is __ poet and_ novelist. -,a,a

__Europe and__Asia make one continent. -,-

Luckily, my new boss isn’t__ rude as my old boss. As

He is elder

__events affect (11) unexpected

He looked at__ in the mirror. Himself

Could you give me a kilogram of apples? –Sure, __ ones or__ ..? there, those

This is a bag/__I saw in the shop. When

__ of you speaks French? Which


What will be at the end of __ century? The twenty-first

People normally spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping. One third

It __any more, it__up and the sun__.

Is not raining, has cleared, is shining

He said yesterday that__a ghost when he was six years old. He’d seen

Do you know about Sue? She__ her job. Has given up

Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds__ them. Will eat

The office__ twice a week. Is cleaned

We have got plenty of time. We..hurry. needn’t

You __ cat many vegetables if you want to be healthy. Should

Emmy has finally agreed__Mike. To marry

I now regret__ what I said. Telling

Do you know, I spend twelve hours a week__ to London? Travelling

Simmons responded more__than Jones to the request for more time. Appropriately

She__a month. Travelled nearly

Liz usually goes to work.. bus. By

Mr.Goldstein appeared again__the evening_the appointed time. In/at

The boy feared lest he__mistakes in the test. Should have made

Children_quickly if they__. Learn,are interested

Find the synonym for the word ‘alert’. energetic


Вариант - 6

My __ enjoy visiting the museum.: children

Which noun is countable?:orange

__ flat is much larger than _ flat.: Jack and Kate’s, their parents’

Shall we go to ___ Paris for the weekend.:-

__ recent study indicates that there is a connection between poverty and crime: The

Please, come … not to be late: earlier

Kate is__ than any other actress on TV: prettier

___ sums have motivated every staff to come up with brilliant ideas: calculated

This is not my pencil,__ is blue: mine

__ bottle over there is empty: That

The cyclist__ won the race trained hard : who

___ compares to you , my love : nothing

Nine hundred and ninety-nine:999

Women’s day is celebrated on__ of March every year: the eighth

We read 0.35 as__ in English:

Bob is a friend of mine . I… him for a long time:

She said she ___ him since she left Berks :

Ann spent a lot of money yesterday.She ___ an expensive dress:

‘This dictionary costs S600 , but the red one is cheaper’.-‘Ok, I__ the red one’

The telephone by Alexander Bell__in 1876:

Since the new boss took over, we__ to chage our working methodos : had

She__ never let them hurt her feelings: must

He knows so much about the world.He seems to _ a lot: had travelled

He left the room without…goodbye: saying

Look at the cars..on the other side of the street:broken

He tried__ to find a job: hard

To tell you/awfully/that we have no more ticets/I am /sorry: I am awfully sorry to tell you that we have no more ticets

She looks at herself__ the mirror:in

Who is woman__ that photograph?: in

I wish I __ faster: were

He ordered that the goods__ immediately:to be sent

The police are__ an investigation into the robbery: working out



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