Список вопросов и (или) заданий для проведения промежуточной аттестации

Итоговый контроль в конце семестра проводится в два этапа:

Первый (письменный) этап проводится до начала экзамена. Он включает:

1. Реферирование текста, объем 2500 п. зн.

2. Лексический тест

3. Грамматический тест

Второй этап - устный экзамен. Он включает в себя:

1. Лингво-стилистический анализ текста из художественной литературы, объем

2500 - 3000 п.зн.

2. Беседа по пройденной теме.

Примеры заданий лексического теста:


Use the suitable words from the list below:

Productive _________ effort is often helped by_______________________. Discussing a problem with ___________or with lay persons may be helpful in one or several ways.

a) The other person may be able to _________a useful suggestion. It is not often that he can help by directly ____________a solution of the _______ (problem), because he is unlikely to have such ________ knowledge as has the scientist working on the problem, but with a different __________ of knowledge he may see the problem from a different ______ and suggest a new ________. Even a ______ is some times able to make useful suggestions.

b) A new idea may ______ from the pooling of information or ideas of two or more persons. Neither of the scientists alone may have the information necessary to draw the ________ which can be ________ by combination of their knowledge.

c) Discussion provides a valuable means of __________ errors. Ideas based on false information or __________ reasoning may be corrected by discussion. The ________ worker who is unable to talk over his work with colleagues will more often waste his time in following a false ______.

d) Discussion and ________ of views is usually __________, stimulating and __________, especially when one is in difficulties and worried.

e) The most ________ function of discussion is, I believe, to help one to escape from an ____________ of thought which has proved __________.

List of words:

Trail, aspect, impasse, mental, obtained, layman, colleagues, arise, indicating, intellectual intercourse, inference, contribute, background, uncovering, pertinent, approach, isolated, fruitless, questionable, established habit, refreshing, valuable, exchange, encouraging.


Примеры заданий грамматического теста:

Choose the right variant A, B, C or D.

1. Each July we … to Turkey for a holiday.

A are going B go C went D were going

2. The growing number of visitors … the footpaths.

A is damaging B damages C are damaging D was damaging

3. If you look carefully, you … find writing scratched on the glass.

A can B are going to C shall D will

4. You … mad if you think I’m going to lend you any more money.

A should be B are supposed to be C must be D ought to be

5. I … happy to see him, but I didn’t have time.

A will have been B would be C will be D would have been

6. The traffic lights … green and I pulled away.

A became B turned C got D went

7. … during the storm.

A They were collapsed the fence B The fence was collapsed

C They collapsed the fence D The fence collapsed

8. Who … was coming to see me this morning?

A you said B did you say C did you say that D you did say

9. I always associate … .

A red wine B red wine by France C French red wine D red wine with France

10. She noticed … away from the house.

A him to run B him run C him running D him ran

11. “I suppose you’ve heard the latest … .

A news,” said she B news.” She said C news’, she said D news,” she said

12. I notified … I had changed my address.

A with the bank that B the bank that C that D to the bank that

13. The … faulty.

A equipments are B equipment was C equipments were D equipment were

14. Many leading members of the opposition party … to justify the decision.

A have tried B has tried C have been trying D tries

15. I’ll be with you in … .

A one quarter of an hour B a quarter of an hour

C a quarter of one hour D a quarter of hour


Keys: 1. B; 2. A; 3. D; 4. C; 5. D; 6. B; 7. D; 8. B; 9. D; 10. C; 11. D; 12. B; 13. B; 14. C; 15. B.


Перечень экзаменационных тем:

  1. Use Your Head
  2. Severe Weather
  3. Time Eaters
  4. Stress
  5. Globe Trotting
  6. Language Matters
  7. The Ages of Man
  8. Personally Speaking
  9. Mind Your Manners
  10. State of the Union
  11. Last chance to see
  12. Living Dangerously
  13. Mind and Body
  14. Testing Times

Перечень компетенций, этапы их формирования,

Описание показателей и критериев оценивания компетенций на различных этапах

Их формирования, описание шкалы оценивания

Шкала оценивания сформированности компетенций и ее описание


Оценивание уровня сформированности компетенций в процессе освоения дисциплины осуществляется по следующей трехуровневой шкале:


Пороговый уровень -предполагает отражение тех ожидаемых результатов, которые определяют минимальный набор знаний и (или) умений и (или) навыков, полученных студентом в результате освоения дисциплины. Пороговый уровень является обязательным уровнем для студента к моменту завершения им освоения данной дисциплины.

Продвинутый уровень - предполагает способность студента использовать знания, умения, навыки и (или) опыт деятельности, полученные при освоении дисциплины, для решения профессиональных задач. Продвинутый уровень превосходит пороговый уровень по нескольким существенным признакам.

Высокий уровень -предполагает способность студента использовать потенциал интегрированных знаний, умений, навыков и (или) опыта деятельности, полученных при освоении дисциплины, для творческого решения профессиональных задач и самостоятельного поиска новых подходов в их решении путем комбинирования и использования известных способов решения применительно к конкретным условиям. Высокий уровень превосходит пороговый уровень по всем существенным признакам.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 185; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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