Примерные задания для раздела «Письмо»


Comment on the following statements

  1. Many people argue that ordinary people can do a lot to help the environment, including recycling materials and preventing waste. However, this depends on towns providing facilities for recycling and educating people on the need to help the environment, which some people think is too expensive.
  2. Many young people go to university after leaving school. However, a number of them feel that university is not for them.
  3. Some people think that pupils at school should learn practical skills that will help them in later life, such as cooking or car mending. Others argue that pupils are at school to learn traditional academic subjects.
  4. Some people believe that teenagers learn a lot by doing a part – time job. Other people say that young people should concentrate on their studies instead.
  5. Some scientists perform experiments on animals. However, some people say it’s cruel and unnecessary.

Личное письмо:

  1. You received a letter from your English – speaking pen friend who writes:

Thanks for your letter. Your English is really improving. How long have you been learning English? How do you learn new vocabulary? What do you think are the best ways of learning English?

As for my news, I bought some great clothes last Saturday.

Write a letter. In your letter: answer the questions and ask 3 questions about the clothes.

Write 100 – 140 words.

  1. You received a letter from your English – speaking pen friend who writes:

My parents say I need to start thinking about what career I want to do in the future. What do I need to think about? How can I find out more about different jobs? What are you thinking of doing?

By the way, I’ve joined a new basketball team!

Write a letter. In your letter: answer the questions and ask 3 questions about the new basketball team.

Write 100 – 140 words.



Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 265; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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