Глава 1. Теоретические основы технологий информационного обмена между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран-партнеров

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования


Факультет «Экономики торговли и товароведения»

Кафедра международного бизнеса и таможенного дела



по дисциплине «Информационные технологии и системы в таможенном деле»

на тему «Технологии информационного обмена между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран партнёров»


обучающаяся группы 26Д-ТА-45/17
очной формы обучения

Факультет «Экономики торговли и товароведения»
Арефьева Полина Витальевна

Научный руководитель

к.с.н., доцент

Вавилова Елена Васильевна

Москва – 2018


Introduction. 3

Глава 1. Теоретические основы технологий информационного обмена между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран-партнеров. 5

1.1Таможенная информационная система и таможенная информация. 5

1.2 Международное таможенное сотрудничество: понятие, формы, уровни 6

1.3 Технологии обмена информацией между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран-партнеров. 9

Глава 2. Анализ развития технологий информационного обмена таможенных 12

2.1 Этапы развития технологий информационного обмена. 12

2.2 Общая схема обмена информацией. 14

2.3 Основные проблемы технологий информационного обмена. 16

Глава 3. Перспективы развития технологий информационного обмена между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран-партнеров.. 19

3.1 Основные направления совершенствования технологий информационного обмена. 19

3.2 Перспективы взаимодействия информационных технологий обмена между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран-партнеров. 21

Conclusion.. 23

Список литературы... 26





The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that in the context of modern globalization, international cooperation in many spheres of life is of great importance in conducting a successful internal and foreign policy of any state. Given the development and liberalization of foreign trade along with the appearance of the world market, our state faces the issue of regulating foreign trade relations. The movement of goods across state borders is directly controlled by the customs authorities. In order to protect their interests, customs services of different countries, particularly engaged in the regular processing of significant amounts of information, should cooperate with each other. To accelerate these processes and eliminate numerous mistakes of various kinds, an introduction of information technology in the customs affairs is a necessity. In addition, an exchange of information that can be provided by modern technologies allows for tracing the legality of customs operations and preventing offenses.

The goalof this term paper is to determine the role of technology in the information exchange between the FCS of the Russian Federation and partner countries, study their improvement and identify development prospects.

The following objectives are set to achieve this goal:

- To consider the concept of the FCS information system and customs information;

- To identify which technologies are used by the customs services of the Russian Federation and partner countries to exchange information,

- To review the development stages of technologies and their implementation;

- To study the general model of information exchange and related issues;

- To identify the main areas of technology improvement and their development prospects.

The subject of the research is technologies of information exchange between the customs services of the Russian Federation and partner countries, their development and prospects.

The object of the research is technologies of information exchange between the customs services.

Methods ofthe research are as follows:

- Comparative method;

- Forecasting;

- Analysis information exchange methods;

- Description of the technologies used;

- Study and analysis of references, sources and documentation.

The structure of the term paper includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, bibliography, and one appendix. The introduction substantiates, the relevance of this topic, determines the goal of the study,objectives, the subject, the object and the methods of research. The first chapter outlines the basic concepts of information technologies and systems required for understanding the further material, defines directions of the international customs cooperation, and describes the basic information exchange technologies. The second chapter deals with the development stages of information exchange technologies, identifies the general scheme of their operation, and identifies the main issues in this field. The third chapter gives an account of the main directions for the development of customs information exchange technologies and addresses, prospects for their further development. The conclusion, formulates thegeneralconclusionsontheworkdone.



Глава 1. Теоретические основы технологий информационного обмена между ФТС РФ и таможенными службами стран-партнеров

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 502; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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