A) in the subject clause after the principal clause

b) in the object clause after the principal clause

c) in the conditional subordinate clause

d) in the compound sentence

104. Define the term in the following sentence: These aftershocks result from the rock near the fault adjusting to accommodate the new stress levels.

A) aftershocks

b) result

c) rock

d) fault

105. What case of using Subjunctive I formed with the help of the auxiliary verb should + infinitive is observed in the following example: We propose that all children should be transferred, at the age of eleven or twelve, from the junior or primary school. Ми пропонуємо, щоб дітей переводили з початкової школи у віці 11-12 років?

a) in the subject clause after the principal clause

B) in the object clause after the principal clause

c) in the conditional subordinate clause

d) in the compound sentence

106. What case of using Subjunctive I formed with the help of the auxiliary verb should + infinitive is observed in the following example: Should our plant succeed (= if our plant should succeed) in saling its production we may increase our income. Якби наше підприємство змогло успішно збути свою продукцію, то ми могли б збільшити свій прибуток.

a) in the subject clause after the principal clause

b) in the object clause after the principal clause

C) in the conditional subordinate clause

d) in the compound sentence

107. Identify the way of translating the Subjunctive II form used in the original object clause with the predicate verb in the Indicative mood in order to express wish with implied regret: I wish I deserved your compliment. – Я дуже б хотів бути гідним вашого компліменту

A) by the subjunctive form

b) with the help of the stative

c) through the modal particle

d) through the imperative verb form

108. Identify the way of translating the Subjunctive II form used in the original object clause with the predicate verb in the Indicative mood in order to express unreal wish: “I wish I had met him when he was younger”. «Шкода, що я незустріла його, коли він був молодшим».

a) by the subjunctive form

B) with the help of the stative

c) through the modal particle

d) through the imperative verb form

109. By what morphological element has the contextual meaning of the infinitive functioning as a subject of the original sentence been expressed in the Ukrainian translation: To affirm the superiority of one approach over another is to take an extreme position. – Безапелятивно стверджувати зверхність одного підходу над іншим – означає займати крайню позицію?

A) by a single infinitive

b) by a noun

c) by an infinitival phrase

d) an adjective

110. By what morphological element has the contextual meaning of the infinitive functioning as a subject of the original sentence been expressed in the Ukrainian translation: To violate this integrity in analyzing such elements would gravely weaken the theory. – Порушення такої цілісності аналізу подібних елементів серйозно послабило б теорію?

a) by a single infinitive

B) by a noun

c) by an infinitival phrase

d) an adjective

111. By what morphological element has the contextual meaning of the infinitive functioning as a subject of the original sentence been expressed in the Ukrainian translation: To make these arguments valid requires an extra premise in each case. – Для того, аби зробити цей аргумент дійсним, у кожному з випадків потрібні додаткові передумови?

a) by a single infinitive

b) by a noun

C) by an infinitival phrase

d) an adjective

112. By what morphological element has the contextual meaning of the infinitive functioning as a predicative part of a compound nominal predicate of the original sentence been expressed in the Ukrainian translation: The goal of any sampling is to make it representative. – Мета формування будь-якої вибірки – досягнення її репрезентативності?

a) by an infinitive

B) by a noun

c) by a finite form of the verb in the perfective aspect

d) an adjective

113. By what morphological element has the contextual meaning of the infinitive functioning as a predicative part of a compound nominal predicate of the original sentence been expressed in the Ukrainian translation: My aim here is not to defend or attack this proposal. – У цьому випадку я не маю на меті захищати або нападати на цю тезу?

A) by an infinitive

b) by a noun

c) by a finite form of the verb in the perfective aspect

d) an adjective

114. By what morphological element has the contextual meaning of the infinitive functioning as a predicative part of a compound nominal predicate of the original sentence been expressed in the translation into Ukrainian: This point seems to have been overlooked by researchers. – На це дослідники, здається, уваги не звернули?

a) by an infinitive

b) by a noun

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 193; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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