What advantage of watching TV is mentioned in the text?

     a. It keeps people informed.

b. It entertains people.

c. It educates people.

d. It helps people kill time.

What danger of watching TV is not mentioned in the text?

a. People become lazy.

     b. People become addicted to their tellies.

     c. People are made buy certain products.

     d. People spoil their eyes.

Watching TV is described as

     a. blessing of civilization. '

     b. essential for European and American way of life.

     c. the most popular leisure activity in the world.

     d. necessary for all ages.

The author is sure that

     a. commercials are very clever.

     b. commercials are few on TV.

     c. people enjoy commercials as much as programs.

     d. nobody believes commercials.

The headline “Is Television Important for You?”...

     a. is the summary of the text.

     b. states the topic of the text.

     c. doesn’t correlate with the text.

     d. is the first line of the text.


Вариант 4

Задание 1                   Грамматика

I. Выберите правильный вариант

1. Pluto is (cold) of all the planets.

a) the coldest b) a coldest c) a colder

2. Let's go by train. It's much (cheap).

a) cheap b) cheaper c) the cheapest

3. I earn (little) money than he does.

a) littler b) more little c) less

4. The grass is always (green) on the other side.

a) greener b) green

5. This house is (old) of all the houses in the street.

a) as old as b) older c) the oldest

6. I don’t know Spanish, but I … it now.

a) am learning b) learn

7. John … in the garden.

a) is still working b) still works

8) Dad … on Saturdays.

a) is usually working b) usually works

9) We    … to the cinema.

a) are sometimes going b) sometimes go

10. What she … ? - She is a secretary at our college.

a) is she doing b) she does c) does she do

11. Kate already … the fence.

a) painted b) has painted c) paints

12. He … painting the fence just now.

a) finishes b) has finished c) finished

13. I … a dictionary yet.

a) did not buy b) have not bought c) have bought

14. He … on Friday.

a) did not come b) have not come c) did not came

15. I … him for a year.

a) did not see b) don’t see c) have not seen

II. Переведите на английский язык

1. Моя мама сидит у окна.

2. Каждую неделю я посылаю письмо родителям.

3. Вчера вечером мы обсуждали ваш доклад.

4. Она переводила статью в то время, когда мы смотрели телевизор.

5. Я никогда не был в этом театре.


Задание 2

Прочитайте текст.


The majority of young people in Britain today accept most of the  beliefs, customs and behaviour of their parents. But they have become much more independent since the Pop Revolution of the 1960s. At that time they developed their own separate culture: they started listening to different music, wearing different clothes, working out different ideas about life, using different words and behaving differently.

What parents think about their children-teenagers:

- that everything is wrong with today’s teenagers. They want to be treated like adults but they won’t take adult responsibilities. They just sit around, listening to loud music. They never listen to us. They don’t even like us. They and their friends just use the house like a convenient hotel and they wear these terrible clothes. Moreover they do it to upset us.

And what some today’s teenagers think about their parents:

- they are so boring. They want us to be like them and accept their way of life. They think about us like about criminals. They don’t like the way we look. They’re afraid what the neighbours will think of our hair and clothes. They treat us like kids - always ordering us around. They are jeal­ous because we have a much better time than they used to have when they were young.

Maybe some easy rules could reconcile two sides:

- All members of the family must do an equal share of the housework according to age and ability. A list of duties will be put up each week.

- Children and parents have an equal right to free time.

- Children have a right to bring friends home whenever they like.

- Bedtime will be fixed according to age. Children of 15 may go to bed when they like.

- Parents must not break promises. Parents must not cancel plans suddenly. Parents must not criticize their children in public.

- Parents are not always right.

Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. What is your attitude to the older generation?

3. Do you think that the generation gap is natural?

4. Do you agree with any of the main points of this article?

5. What do you think about your parents?

6. Do you celebrate different holidays with your relatives or friends?

7. What are the advantages of living with parents?

8. What problems do teenagers have when they live with their parents?

9. What do teenagers think of their parents?

10.  Why are parents upset?

11.  What can help in solving the problem of the article?

Выберите правильный вариант.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 493; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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