And Have / Got something done

Exercise 126.

Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense, either the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect.

1. You (find) the money which you (lose) yesterday? — Yes, I (find) it in the pocket of my coat when I (come) home. 2. The rain (stop) but a strong wind is still blowing, 3. You (see) Nick today? — Yes, but he already (leave). 4. We never (see) him. We don't even know what he looks like. 5. She (meet) them in the Globus theatre last afternoon. 6. How long you (know) him? — We (meet) in 1996, but we (not see) each other since last autumn. 7. He (live) in St. Petersburg for two years and then (go) to Siberia. 8. When he (arrive)? — He (arrive) at 2 o'clock. 9,1 (read) this book when I was at school. 10.1 can't go with you because I (not finish) my lessons yet. 11. The clock is slow. — It isn't slow, it (stop). 12. He (leave) for Canada two years ago and I (not see) him since. 13. This is the fifth cup of coffee you (have) today! is the most beautiful place I (visit). 16 I (not see) Nick lately. Anything (happen) to him? ~- Yes, he (get) into an accident three weeks ago. Since that time he (be) in hospital. 16. Why you (switch on) the light? It isn't dark yet. 17. He (do) everything already? — Yes, he (do) his part of work long ago. 18. The last post (come)? — Yes, it (come) half an hour ago. 19. When you (meet) him last? 20. You ever (be) to Japan? — Yes, I (be) there the year when there was an earthquake. 21. The discussion already (begin). Why are you always late? 22. Why you (take) my pen while I was out? You (break) it. 23. You never (tell) me why you're called Tony when your name is John. 24, Her father (die) when she was a small girl. 25. They (not meet) since they (leave) school. 26. The rain (stop). Come out, I want to speak with you.


Exercise 127.

Match the two halves of these sentences.

1) He caught a cold     a) all day.

2) She lias been interested , in maths b) before.                      

3) They went out        c) since last year.

4) He has been in love with her d) when he was six.

5) The Nobel Fund was set up e) up to now.

6) He has been engaged at the plant f) when he had to wait for the bus.

7) He hasn't been abroad g) a few minutes ago.

8) I've visited seven countries h) in the first half of the 20th century.

9) Mary and Nick have never quarrelled like   i) since she began to study it.


10) My son started school j) for two years.

Exercise 128.

Choose che correct variant.

1 ___ever___ to this museum? — Yes, I___it once when I___a youth, and the pictures___ a deep impression on me. Since then I___there.

a) did you be, visited, was, made, was not

b) were you, visited, was, have made, was not

c) have you been, have visited, were, have made, have not been

d) have you been, visited, was, made, have not been

2.1___Jack lately. When___him last? — I___ mm two days ago. I___ that he ___very much.

a) did not see, have you seen, met, thought, changes

b) have not seen, did you see, met, think, changed

c) have not seen, you saw, met, think, changed

d) do not see, have you seen, have met, thought, would change

3, The Egyptian civilization.___ the oldest which___ us art. It___about five thousand years ago. The story of Egyptian art___three thousand years and__ the art of different periods.

a) is, left, began, covers, includes

b) was, leaves, has begun, covered, included

c) is, has left, \vas began, has covered9 has included

d) has be?n, left, began, covers, included

4,___ your tennis racket with you? — Yes, I am going to show you how much I __ since last summer. I ___tennis lessons now. Now it___for you to judge if I ___ any progress,

a) did you bring, improved, take, is, have made

b) have you brought, improved, take, was, have made

c)  did you bring, have improved, am taking, is, made

d) have you brought, have improved, am taking, is, have made

5.___lunch already? — No, not yet. The waitress my order fifteen minutes ago and___me anything yet.

a) have you, took, has not brought

b) have you had, took, has not brought

c) did you have, has taken, did not bring

d) have you have, was taken, was not brought


Exercise 129.

Translate the following sentences using the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect.

1. Где мистер Андерсен? — Он уехал в Гаагу. — Когда? — Несколько дней тому назад. — А я никогда не был в Нидерландах, хотя хочу там побывать уже несколько лет. 2. Вы когда-нибудь были в Санта-Барбаре? — Да. — Когда вы там были в последний раз? — В прошлом году. 3. Где Анна? Почему она не пришла в институт? Я ее сегодня не видел. С ней что-нибудь случилось? — Да нет, Анна здесь. Она только что по­шла на лекцию. Но лекция уже началась, так что ты не сможешь сейчас с ней поговорить. 4. Вы были в театре на Бродвее? Что вы там смотрели? Когда вы там были в последний раз? 5. В последнее время я не получала писем (hear from) от своих родителей. — Когда ты получила последнее письмо? — Месяц на­зад. С тех пор я уже отправила им несколько писем. 6. Пойдемте в ресторан обедать. —• С удовольствием. Я еще не обедал. — А когда вы завтракали? — Поздно утром, но я уже давно хочу есть. 7. Погода изменилась со вчерашнего дня. Очень холодно, идет снег и дует сильный ветер. 8. Они уже ушли? — Да, они вышли ровно в семь. 9. Они познакомились полгода тому на­зад у моей подруги, но с тех пор не виделись. 10. Я скучаю по своей семье. Мне кажется, я не был дома уже целую вечность. Моя командировка длится уже полгода. 11. Вы уже написали контрольную работу? Покажите мне ее» 12. Давно вы приехали? Видели его? — Я приехала вчера, Я видела его и говорила с ним сегодня после завтрака. 13. Месяца три спустя он уехал в Африку, С тег пор они не встречались. 14, Я давно пришла сюда. Я здесь с 9 часов. 15, У тебя с тех пор немного потемнели волосы,, 16, Мы только что про­дали последний экземпляр этой книги. Жаль, что вы не сказали нам, что она вам нужна» 17. Когда я заболел? — Три дня назад. Я с ним со вчерашнего дня. 18, Я узнал ваш телефон в справочном бюро (enquiry office) и зво­нил вам несколько раз, но никто не отвечал. 19. Вы давно здесь? — Нет, я только что пришел. 20. Он на­учился плавать в детстве. Они тогда были на юге.


Exercise 130.

 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense,

run make
study work
consider do
walk speak
wait paint
snow try

1. He __ for two hours, tell him to rest a little. 2 "I ___a long time for you," said my friend with a displeased air. 3. They___ a noise since I came here. 4. How long you___to get in touch with your friend? 5. Your face is dirty with paint. What you___? You___the house? 6. They___this problem for more than two hours. 7. I ask you to keep to the point, You___for fifteen minutes,

but the subject of your report is not clear yet. 8. He is a rather experienced specialist. He___his business for seven years. 9. There is a lot of snow in the street as it ___since yesterday. 10. How long your brother___as a doctor? 11. I've got sore feet. We___for six hours already.


Exercise 131

 Open the brackets end put the verbs intothe Present Perfect Continuous Tense orthe Present Perfect Tense.

1. I (try) to get into contact with them for a long time, but new I (give) it up as hopeless» 2, My shortsighted uncle (lose) Ins spectacles. We (look) for them everywhere but we can't find them, 3, She (be) of great help to us since she (live) for such a long time with us, 4. You ever (work) as interpreter? — Yes, thai is what I (do) for the last five months, 5. They (make up) their quarrel? — I don't know. I only know that they (not be) on speaking terms since September. 6. Our pilot (ask) for permission to take off for ten minutes already, but he (get) no answer yet. 7. A skilful photographer (help) me with the development of summer films for two weeks, but we (develop) only half of them, 8.1 (know) them since we met at Ann's party» 9. You (open) the door at last» I (ring) for an hour at least, it seems to me. 10. Looks the typist (talk) all the time, she already (miss) several words.


Exercise 132

 Open the brackets and pat the verbs into the proper tense, either the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Don't come in, He (take) an exam. He (take) his exam for half an hour already. 2, Where are the children? — They (play volleyball). They (play volleyball) since t\\o o'clock, 3. 1 (learn) to type for a month and can say that my typing (improve). 4. Nick (come) round to see as tonight. 5* He (stay) at his sister's for six weeks» He (try) to find somewhere to live. 6. We can't dance as my father (work) in the study. He (prepare) a report. He (v rite) it for the whole day. 7. Do you see what the child (do) with your hat? Тakе it from him. 8. They still (discuss) the article? But they (do) it since twelve o'clock! 9. The prices (go up)o They (rise) since 1991, 10. What a strong wind (blow)! It (blow) since yesterday.

Exercise 133,

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense (the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect Continuous or the Present Perfect Tense).

1. It (snow) steadily the whole week and it still (snow). 2» We (climb) for six hours already, but we (not reach) the top of the mountain yet. 3. The pain already (go) but the child still (cry), 4. The workers (work) very hard these two weeks, they (be) busy with the interior decoration of the house» 5. He (solve) the crossword puzzle for an hour and he (say) he (be) about to solve it as he (think) over the last word о 6. He (work) at the language all the time and (make) great progress. His pronunciation (be) rather good, only a slight accent (remain). 7„ Не (finish) the first part of his book and now he (write) the second. He (work) at his book for two years, 8. Dusliri Hoffman, who (play) the hero, (give) a fine performance. 9. Why your hair (be) wet? You (swim)? 10, Doctors and scientists (show) recently the benefit of fish in the diet.

Exercise 134.

Translate into English.

1. Он наш тренер (trainer) с тех пор, как я начал иг­рать в этой команде. 2. Они уже приняли решение (take a decision) по этому вопросу? — Нет. Они все еще спорят (argue). Они обсуждают этот вопрос уже два часа и еще не пришли ни к какому решению, 3. Утро было солнеч­ное, но с одиннадцати погода изменилась, и сейчас идет дождь. 4. Чем вы занимаетесь с тех пор, как мы расста­лись (part)? 5. Мэри уже приехала? — Да, она уже здесь два дня. Она приехала в пятницу. 6. Студенты пишут контрольную работу уже два часа. Пока только двое сда­ли работы. 7. Гроза (thunderstorm) прошла, но небо покрыто темными тучами, и дует сильный ветер. 8. Вы прочитали книгу, которую я вам дала? 9. Вы плохо вы­глядите. Вы много работали на этой неделе? — Да. Я работаю над переводом уже десять дней, но сделала только половину. 10. Что здесь делает этот человек? — Он ждет секретаря. Она еще не пришла на работу.


Exercise 135.

Open the brackets and use either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

1, We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2.1 just (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5.1 (walk) along the street watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it (be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to speak. 7.1 (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring) when she (dress). 12.1 (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen). 13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she never (come).

Exercise 136.

 Find the mistakes if any. Use the proper tense.

1. When I came, he was having breakfast. 2. When she worked there, she often made mistakes. 3. When he was phoning, she had a bath, 4. While I was ironing, he read a newspaper, 5.1 cooked supper when I heard this news. 6. He was working in this company in 1997. 7.1 could not answer your call, I worked in the garden then. 8. They wished to stay because they enjoyed themselves,

9, Were you quarreling all evening? 10. The train was approaching the city when it was raining heavily, 11. The secretary still typed when the boss came in and was putting some documents on the table. 12. When he came up to the square, he saw a lot of people: they sang, danced and shouted. They were celebrating New Year, 13. Just as I was coming into the room, the students discussed the first report. 14, All the time I was writing, he was annoying me with silly questions. 15, The children played while the mother put the room in order.


Exercise 137.

 Choose the right variant using the Present Perfect, the Past Indefinite cr the Past Continuous Tense.

1. While I (was waiting/waited/have waited) for him to call up, he (had/was having/have had) a good time in the bar. 2. She (has written/wrote/was writing) this exercise yesterday at 8 o'clock. 3. He (has invited/was inviting/ invited) me to the party yesterday. 4.1 (passed/have passed/ was passing) my exam in history today. 5. He (read/has read/was reading) a book two days ago. 6. They (have seen/ saw/were seeing) this film last week. 7. She (painted/has painted/was painting) the picture when I came. 8.1 (made/ have made/was making) my report when you entered the hall. 9. They (learnt/were learning/have learnt) the new words yesterday from three till seven. 10. It (rained/has rained/was raining) this week. 11. She (was having/had/ has had) a bath at seven o'clock last night. 12. She (was washing/washed/has washed) dishes already. 13. They (had/have had/were having) supper when the telephone rang, 14.1 (didn't meet/haven't met/was not meeting) you for ages. 15. Last summer he (has gone/was going/ went) to the Caucasus. 16, She was thoughtfully looking at him while he (read/was reading/has read) a newspaper. 17. While I (swept/was sweeping/has swept) the floor, Mrs, Parker began cooking. 18.1 just (had/have had/was having) a telegram to say that my poor friend is badly ill again. 19. We (sat/were sitting/have sat) in silence for a few minutes. He (spoke/was speaking/has spoken) at last.

20. While she (washed/was washing/has washed up), she (was hearing/heard/has heard) the doorbell, then voices. 21. "She (was making/made/has made) tea, let's go to the dining room". 22. Only two stars (shone/were shining/ has shone) in the dark blue sky. 23. On glancing at the address, he observed that it (contained/was containing/ has contained) no name. 24. He just (left/was leaving/has left) the hall when a stranger (entered/was entering/has entered). 25.1 (met/was meeting/have met) Ann at her father's house twenty years ago and (knew/have known/ was knowing) her ever since.


Exercise 138.

Choose the right variant.

1. Higher education in the US___in 1636 when the first colonists___Harvard College.

a) has begun, founded

b) began, have founded

c) began, founded

d) was beginning, have founded

2. Noah Webster___ An American Dictionary of the English Language in two volumes in 1828, and since then it___the recognized authority for usage in the United States.

a) published, became

b) has published, has become

c) published, was becoming

d) published, has become

3. He___at Oxford then. He was not the best student, though he ___ well known among the second year students.

a) was studying, became

b) was studying, has become

c) studied, became

d) has studied, has become

4. One day when he___home he___a boy who___ him from the opposite side of the street.

a) was walking, saw, watched

b) walked, has seen, was watching

c) was walking, saw, was watching

d) has walked, has seen, has watched

5. It was midnight. She____ in her lonely room. The rain driven by the rain__ against the window.

a) sat, beat

b) was sitting, was beating

c) has sat, beat

d) has been sitting, has been beating


Exercise 139,

Translate into English.

1. Я так и не увидел Великие озера. Когда поезд проезжал этот район, была ночь. 2. Пока директор вел беседу с представителями (representative) иностран­ных фирм (firm), секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 3. Том Сойер не мог играть со своими товари­щами Он красил забор (fence). 4. Уже садилось солн­це, когда я подъехал к Эдинбургу. 5. Он вел машину на большой скорости, б. Они вышли, когда еще было свет­ло, но черные тучи собирались на горизонте (horizon) и дул холодный северный ветер. 7. Ей было очень труд-I но жить с миссис Грин в одной комнате (share a room), так как та постоянно жаловалась (complain of) на хо­лод и на плохое обслуживание. 8. Она шла по темной улице и оглядывалась, Кто-то следил (follow) за ней. 9. О я выглянул из окна. Много людей стояло около дома» 10. Когда я вошла в комнату, она плакала, 11. Мы катались на лыжах, хотя шел снег. 12. В тот день у нас было много работы, т.к. вечером мы уезжали. 13. Мы познакомились (get acquainted), когда сдавали вступи­тельные (entrance) экзамены. 14. Вчера он был занят, он чинил (fix) телевизор. 15. Он вошел в комнату, по­здоровался (greet) со всеми и сел у окна. 16. Она гото­вилась к экзаменам. 17. Когда часы пробили одиннад­цать, он все еще работал. 18. Дождь начался в тот мо­мент, когда она вышла в сад. 19. По вечерам он имел обыкновение читать вслух своему сынишке. 20. Они прекратили ссориться (quarrel), т.к. гости входили в зал.


Exercise 140.

 Open the brackets paying attention to the use of the Past Perfect Tense.

1. He already (go) by the time I (come) to the party. 2. Mother (cook) dinner before he (come). 3. When I (reach) the front door, I realized that I (loose) the key. 4. The shop (close) by the time I (get) there. 5. The scientists (carry) out many experiments before they (achieve) satisfactory results. 6. When I (arrive), he (stay) in the same hotel where we first (meet). 7. By the end of the year he (finish) research. 8. He told me that he (not see) much of her since she (move) to another town. 9. When I (come), he already (come) and (sit) near the fireplace looking through a magazine. 10. She said that they (meet) in 1990 for the first time.


Exercise 141.

 Choose the right variant.

1.1___to the USA so far.

a) have not been

b) had not been

2 I never___them when I lived in London.

a) had met

b) have met

3.1 came at 2 o'clock. He___the work by that time.

a) had done

b) has done

4,1 met her on Monday and___her since.

a) had not seen

b) have not seen

5. She said in a voice she never___about it before.

a) has heard

b) had heard

6. Yes, I know Jim. I___him for more than ten years.

a) have known

b) bad known

7. She tried to concentrate. She ___ John since 1978. No, he could not have done it.

a) has known

b) had known

8. He___ in a bank before he came to our office.

a) had worked

b) has worked

9. We___. there since we were young.

a) have not been

b) had not been

10. Why___the window? It is very noisy in the street.

a) had you opened

b) have you opened


Exercise 142.

Open the brackets and use the required past tense.

1. It was the poorest room he ever (see). 2. No sooner she (come) at the station than a fast London train (arrive). 3» I (finish) my work by afternoon and (sit) quietly in my armchair, thinking of the days that (pass) by, 4. The storm already (die) away, but very far off the thunder still (mutter). 5.1 already (go) into the bed and (fall asleep) when my mother (knock) at the door and (ask) me to get up. 6. By the time the guests (come), she still (not be ready). 7.1 (not listen)s so I missed what she (say). 8. By 9 o'clock he (finish) work. He (go) outside. The rain (stop) but it (be) rather cool. 9. By the time I (come) the shop already (close), 10. Hardly we (leave) when our bicycle (break) down.


Exercise 143.

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

consider burn
drive hope
quarrel rain
practice write
work try

1. He___the car for many hours before he came to the crossroads, 2. The pianist ___ the passage hour after hour till he mastered it, 3, When I met her, her eyes were red. She and Mike again____. 4, When I came, they___ this question for more than an hour. 5. It was evening

and he was tired because he___since dawn. 6. He ___ to get her on the phone for 15 minutes before he heard her voice. 7. By 12 o'clock they _____ a composition for two hours. 8. The fire___for some time before a fire brigade came. 9.1___to meet her for ages when I bumped into

her by chance. 10. When I left home, it was raining, and as it___since morning, the streets were muddy.



Exercise 144.

Open the brackets and use the proper tense.

1. When he (arrive), I (live) in London for a week. 2, We (read) while he (eat). 3. When Jack (phone) me, I (write) a letter, 4. When my friend (come), I (do) an exercise for an hour. 5. The library (close) by the time I (get) there. 6.1 (drive) home when I (hear) the news on the radio. 7. They always (have) loud parties which (go on) till the early hours, 8. We (walk) for some hours before we (realize) that we (lose) our way. 9. No sooner I (complain) that I (not hear) from them for a long time than the letter (come). 10. The concert was a great success. When the pianist (finish) his part, the audience (applaud) the orchestra for some minutes.


Exercise 145.

Translate into English.

1. Мы посмотрели пьесу до того, как обсудили ее. 2. Мы посмотрели пьесу, а затем обсудили ее. 3. Я был в Лондоне в прошлом году. Раньше я там не бывал. 4. Ему не нравилось письмо, которое он пытался напи­сать уже два часа. Слова казались ему неубедительны­ми (unconvincing). 5. Когда мы пришли, он уже вер­нулся и что-то писал в своем кабинете (study). 6. Он окончил свою работу в саду и сидел на террасе (terrace). Вечер был теплый, и солнце только что зашло. 7. Она проработала с нами только два месяца, но доказала, что она опытный юрист (lawyer) . 8. Шел очень сильный снег, и я не смог разобрать (make out) номера трамвая. Когда я уже проехал (cover) несколько остановок (tram stops), я понял что ехал в неправильном направлении. 9. Я звонила вам с 4-х часов, но не смогла дозвониться (get): ваша линия была все время занята, 10. Две не­дели шли дожди: наконец три дня назад установилась (set in) хорошая погода.


Exercise 146.

Here is the forecast of the life in the 21st century. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

forbid start
be use
live have
elect work
take over replace

1. People___ on the moon. 2. Children___school at the age of three. 3. Computers___ teachers. 4 People ___ 4 hours a day. 5. Houses and factories___ solar energy. 6. Americans___a woman president. 7. Robots ___most jobs. 8. There will be a law, which___having more than two children. 9. Six weeks___a normal annual holiday. 10, Great Britain___a black Prime Minister.


Exercise 147.

Fill in the blanks with shall or will.

1. Tomorrow it _____ be cold and wet. 2. He___ be fifty in June. 3. it's too dark to go. I___call a taxi. 4. ___ I give you a lift? 5. _ you help me with this bag? 6.1 ____, beat you if you do it again 7._____ I close the window? 8.___„ you close the window? 9. There is a car pulling down. — Oh, that___be John. 10.1 doubt if he ____come soon. 11.___ we go on with our work? 12. Don't worry, I___not be late. 13.1 suppose you______ be pretty busy tomorrow.


Exercise 148.

Open the brackets and use either the Future Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense.

1. I've bought a typewriter, I (learn) to type. 2. No, I (not eat) meat any more. I am a vegetarian-. 3. What's I    wrong? — I've got a flat tyre. — No problem. I (help) you. 4.1 (punish) you if you continue doing it. 5. The forecast says it (rain). 6. You (air) the room? — Certainly-7. Nick» my TV set is again out of order. — O.K. I (fix) it. 8. I suppose he (come). 9. He (help) you if you ask him. 10. What you (do) this evening? 11. He (be) busy tomorrow. He (sendee) his car. 12. Lucy (not go) anywhere this summer. Her son (go) to college. 13. Ann is very angry with him. I am afraid she (not stay) here another minute. 14.1 (give) you another piece of cake? — No, thanks, that (do). 15. You (help) me with this bag? 16.1 (send) the letter? 17.1 am afraid, it (be) difficult for you to stay there so long. 18. Where we (meet)? Victoria Station (be) all right? 19. In the 21st century people (fly) to Mars and other planets. 20.1 (go) to the country for the weekend. — I (go) with you, 21. You (turn down) the radio, please?


Exercise 149.

Open the brackets and put the Future or the Present Indefinite Tense.

1.1 (accompany) you with pleasure as soon as I (finish) my report. 2. The performance (be) a great success if he (play) the leading role. 3. If this time (be) convenient for you, we (meet) tomorrow. 4. We (not complete) the work this week in case he (get) ill. 5. We (not start) till he (arrive). 6. Provided he (leave) now, he (miss) the rush hour. 7. We (not be able) to carry out the experiment unless he (help) us. 8. You may take my dictionary as long as you (give) it back on Friday. 9. As soon as he (return) from the beach, we (have) dinner. 10.1 (phone) you when she (come). 11. Providing that he (work) hard, he will finish his work on Thursday. 12. She has two keys in her bag in case she (lose) one. 13. Unless he (come), we (not go) to the country. 14. He (remind) you of your promise in case you (forget) it. 15. As soon as the lake (get frozen), she (go skating). 16. When you (turn) on the right, you (see) an old oak. 17. If she (keep) her promise, they (be) rich. 18. Unless you (look) at the picture at some distance, you (not see) the details. 19. Providing that nothing (happen), I (return) in two weeks. 20. If the wind (blow) from the west, it (rain). 21. If you (get) there before me, wait till I (come). 22. Provided all (go) well, I (graduate) in June. 23. He (not go) for a walk until he (do) his lessons. 24. He (not catch) the train unless he (leave) immediately. 25. We (not wait) till he (make up his mind).


Exercise 150.

 Open the brackets and use the proper tense, either the Future or the Present Indefinite paying attention to when and if.

1. Well go swimming if it (be) a nice day tomorrow. 2,1 wonder if it (rain) tomorrow. 3. You'll get wet if you (not take) an umbrella. 4.1 don't know when he (come back), 5.1 doubt if he (join) us. He is very busy. 6. She will serve the table when he (come). 7. I'll be grateful to you if you (lend) me this sum of money. 8.1 am not sure if he (follow) my advice. 9,1 wonder if I (solve) this problem without anybody's help. 10. He supposes that they will buy the house if it (be) in good condition, 11.1 am sure that when he (come) he will apologize for his rudeness. 12.1 wonder if you (invite) the Browns if they (be) here on Sunday? 13. It's hard to say if she (find out) everything. 14,1 don't know when she (go) to see them. 15. We will discuss the terms of the contract when he (come), 16.1 will not deal with him if he (be) so stubborn!


Exercise 151.

 Choose the right variant.

1, He___here till he___everything.

a) will stay, doesn't do

b) will stay, does

c) stays? will do

d) stays, will not do

2. In case the weather___good, they___fishing.

a) will be, will go

b) is, go

c) will be, go

d) is, will go

3. Unless he___, we___to the theatre.

a) doesn't come, won't go

b) comes, won't go

c) won't come, don't go

d) doesn't come, don't go

4.1 can't decide if I___you till I___when they___.

a) will join, will know, will leave

b) will join, know, will leave

c) join, will know, leave

d) join, will know, will leave

5. I___you the keys to the car as long as you___the speed.

a) will give, won't exceed

b) give, won't exceed

c) will give, don't exceed

d) give, don't exceed

6.1 don't know if they___new people. If they___I___you of it.

a) will hire, will, will inform

b) hire5 do, inform

c) hiie, will, will inform

d) will hire, do, will inform.

7.1___ anywhere till my son___all his exams.

a) won't go, doesn't take

b) don't go doesn't take

c) won't go, takes

d) won't go, will take

8, If she___and we___at home, ask her when she ___the magazine.

a) phones, are not, will bring

b) will phone, will not be, will bring

c) phones, will not be, brings

d) will phone, will not be, brings

9.1___the article when I___home and___you upwhen it___ready.

a) will translate, will come, will ring, will be

b) will translate, come, will ring, is

c) will translate, will come, ring, will be

d) translate, will come, ring, is

10. He___me the book providing I___it not later than Saturday.

a) will give, will return

b) give, return

c) will give, return

d) give, will return

Exercise 152.

Translate into English.

1. Они будут смотреть фильм, как только дети ля­гут спать. 2, Как только он придет, я ему все расска­жу. 3. Я с ним поговорю до твоего приезда, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам. 4. Я буду вам очень благодарен (grateful), если вы продиктуете (dictate) мне зту статью. 5. С вашей стороны будет очень глупо, если вы не воспользуетесь данной возможнос­тью. 6, Поезд прибывает через час. Если вы поедете на машине, вы встретите ее. 7. Как только вы его увидите, спросите его, когда он уезжает и зайдет ли он к нам перед отъездом. 8. Спросите их, не дадут ли они мне пылесос (vacuum cleaner), если мне нужно будет почи­стить ковер. 9. Вот вам мой адрес на тот случай, если вы решите приехать в Москву. 10. Мне отправить пись­мо? — Да. Когда вы пойдете домой, бросьте его в почто­вый ящик (mailbox). 11. Я уверен, вы полюбите ее, как только она начнет работать с вами, 12. Мы детально (in detail) обсудим этот вопрос до того, как он придет. 13. Если он не получит книгу в воскресенье, он не сможет подготовиться к докладу. 14. Я с ним погово­рю, когда он придет, но я не знаю, придет ли он сегодня. 15. Я не знаю, когда я получу от нее ответ, но как толь­ко я его получу, я сразу же вам позвоню.


Exercise 153.

 Put the verbs into the Future Continuous Tense making all necessary changes.

Example: At 6 o'clock in the morning he always sleeps. —  He will be sleeping at 6 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.

1. It is 5 o'clock. She is having a music lesson. 2. He is working in the garden now. 3. It is eleven o'clock. Ben is lying on the beach. 4. It's 10 o'clock. Nick and Tom are playing tennis. 5. It's dinnertime. We're standing in the queue to enter the Canteen. 6. She is out. She always goes shopping during the break. 7. It's eight o'clock. He is speaking with his partner on the telephone. 8. Granny is cooking supper, 9. His little sister is eating porridge this morning. 10. It's no use inviting Tom for a walk. He is watching a football match.


Exercise 154.

Open the brackets and use either the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous Tense.

1. He has come home from school late today. So he can't go for a walk: he (do) his homework after dinner. 2. Today is Sunday and it does not rain. We (have) tea out in the garden. 3. The big stores (have) their summer sales soon. 4. The weather is warm today. We (have) a walk out in the garden. 5. I'm leaving now, but Т suppose I (see) you in the evening. 6. There is a party at Betsy's house tonight. So I (meet) you in the evening. 7. It's awful to think I (work) this time next week. 8. Wait a little, I (phone) for a taxi. 9. I'm very tired. I think I (go) to bed earlier today.

10 We (play) chess in half an hour, 110 When you come, he still (work) at his report о 12. Tomorrow at this time we (go) to Scotland. 13, Can you imagine that in five days we (cross) the Atlantic on our way home, 14. What you (do) if I come at five? — I (watch) TV. 15, If they arrive at 7,1 still (sleep). I usually get up at 8.


Exercise 155.

 Join the following sentences with if, when, after, while, etc,

Example: I'll go for a holiday. I'll not be busy, — I'll go for a holiday when I am not busy.

1.Hell be back early in August. His holiday will finish. 2. He'll have a good time. The sea will be warm. 3.I’ll be quite free. I’ll graduate from college» 4. He will come to my birthday party. He will not forget. 5. The German students will be having their oral test. The English students will be writing their examination paper. 6. He will not go for a walk. He will not have breakfast.

7. You will be packing our things. I'll be making arrangements on the phone. 8. We'll come at 2 o'clock. They will be preparing for the test. 9, You'll phone at 3, I'll be having a long-distance call and the line will be engaged» 10. They'll see the sights, They'll go home.


Exercise 156.

 Translate into English.

1 Если погода будет хорошей, завтра в это время вы будете пересекать Ла-Манш. 2„ Не звоните мне от 3-х до 5-ти. Я буду работать. 3. Девочки сейчас будут играть в волейбол? а мальчики — в футбол, 4. Когда ты придешь к нему 9 он будет красить потолок (ceiling). Он ремонтирует (refurnish) квартиру. 5 Боюсь, я буду занят в это время. Мы будем встречать японскую деле­гацию 6о Когда мы придем домой, мама все еще будет готовить обед. 7. Неужели я завтра буду лететь на са­молете в Америку? 8 Боюсь, когда вы придете, сын будут уходить» 9 Мы завтра будем обедать в три, а не в два, 10. Ваш малыш еще будет спать, если я приду в три?



Exercise 157.

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in the Future Perfect Tense.

go          tidy up

pack         learn

type            buy

paint     receive

cook             see

1She _ an urgent paper for the conference. 2, Bob __ his room by his mother coming. 3 He already _____ a portrait for the exhibition. 4, Peter _ dinner by the time his wife comes. 5. She__ a wedding dress by the time her wedding takes place, 6, They __ by the time we come here. 7. Т _ s. letter by the end of "the week.' 8. The train is to leave at nine o'clock. They ___their

suitcase by that Иже. 9.1 _ the film by 9 o'clock. 10. She _ the new words for the spelling test, which her teacher is going to give tomorrow.


Exercise 158.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Indefinite, the Future Perfect, the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.

1. By 8 o'clock they (have) dinner. 2. By the end of the week he (finish) the translation. 3, Before you (come) I (do)all the work. 4, She (look) through the article by 12 o'clock. 5. They (receive) our letter by Monday. 6. By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (stop), 7.1 think he (answer) the letter by this time. 8. We (begin) to work after we (read) all the instructions, 9, We (not do) anything until he (take) necessary steps. 10. The committee (prepare) the plan by tomorrow. 11.1 suppose when my letter (reach) you I already (return) from your voyage, 12. He (pass) an exam after he (learn) all the material. 13.1 am afraid they (not discuss) all the questions by the time they (come). 14. We (not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data. 15. The secretary already (look) through all the papers before the boss (come). 16. My train (leave) by the time you (come) to the station.


Exercise 159.

Translate into English.

1. Боюсь, к тому времени, когда вы придете с день­гами, они уже все распродадут. 2. Позвоните мне после того, как вы прочитаете книгу. 3. Мы сделаем все уп­ражнения к его приходу, а затем все вместе поедем на каток (skating rink). 4. Я напишу ему после того, как увижусь с его родителями. 5. Наш завод выпустит (produce) новый автомобиль к концу года. б. Не знаю, напишет ли он статью к первому сентября. Если она будет готова к этому времени, мы ее напечатаем. 7. Я уже уйду в театр, если вы придете так поздно. 8. Бо­юсь, вы опоздаете. Они уже закончат переговоры (talks) к 5 часам. 9. К сожалению, вы его не застанете. К это­му времени он уже уедет на вокзал. 10. К воскресенью они закончат ремонт (repairs) и переедут на новую квар­тиру.


Exercise 160.

Open the brackets and use the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. They already (rehearse) for an hour when we come. 2.1 (work) in this company for 10 years next April. 3. By next year he (writing) the novel for three years. 4. The thieves are sure that they (drive) for 6 hours when the police discover the robbery in the morning. 5. They (study) for 3 hours when you come.


Exercise 161.

Find and correct the mistakes if any (pay attention to the use of tenses).

1. After graduating from the institute I came to St. Petersburg. I am working here since then. 2.1 have just left the house when you phoned me. 3. By the time I came to the country cottage my friends have already left. 4. When I came, my friend was sitting on the sofa and was reading a newspaper. 5. It has rained since morning and I am afraid, it won't stop by Saturday. 6. He will work at his new book during his holiday. 7. The woman who speaks with my sister is my neighbour who is living opposite us. 8. They were looking for the money since morning but they couldn't find it anywhere. 9. Yesterday when I came to see my friend he was having supper. He has just come home. 10. After he has finished the picture he will invite his friends to look at it.


Exercise 162.

 Choose the right variant.

1. When, Ann last?

I___her since she   to another city.

a) have you seen, haven't seen, has moved

b) did you see, didn't see, moved

c) did you see, haven't seen, moved

d) have you seen, didn't see, has moved

2. Our train___at 8 o'clock. If you___at 5, we. our things.

a) leaves, come, will pack

b) will leave, will come, will be packing

c) is leaving, will come, are packing

d) leaves, come, will be packing

3. They___. to build a new McDonalds in several days and___it by the end of the year.

a) will start, will finish

b) are starting, will have finished

c) start, will be finishing

d) start, are finishing

4.1___the performance for twenty minutes when my friend___at last. His car___on his way to the theatre.

a) was watching, had come, had broken down

b) had been watching, came, had broken down

c) watched, came, broke down

d) have been watching, had come, has broken

5. Look, what he___on the blackboard. He___three mistakes.

a) is writing, has made

b) has written, had made

c) has been writing, is making

d) writes, made

6. What ___if the rain „__by evening? It___since yesterday, I wonder when it___.

a) will we do, doesn't stop, is pouring, will stop

b) are we doing, hasn't stopped, had been pouring, stops

c) shall we have done, won't have stopped, was pouring, will be stopping

d) shall we do, hasn't stopped, has been pouring, will stop

7. What___when I___? - We.___the article which Mary___just _....... I___to read it for a long time.

a) did you do, was coming in, were reading, has brought, have wanted

b) were you doing, came in, were reading, had brought, had wanted

c) had you been doing, came in, read, brought, had been wanting

d) have you done, have come in, have read, has brought, wanted

8. It___dark, it's time for the children to go home. They___in the yard for the whole evening.

a) got, play

b) has got, are playing

c) is getting, have been playing

d) gets, played

9.1 haven't heard you come into the room. When___? —

I __ long ago. You___and I___to disturb you.

a) did you come, came, were reading, was not wanting

b) did you come, came, were reading, did not want

c) have you come, have come, have been reading, don't want

d) were you coming, was comings read, haven't wanted

10.I__ till Father___. He___his key and I will have to wait for him.

a) won't be leaving, will come, had lost

b) won't leave, will come, has lost

c) won't leave, comes, has lost

d) aren't leaving, comes, loses


Exercise 163.

 Translate into English (revision).

1. Он стоял у окна и думал о своем будущем» 2. Я видел его давно. Я видел его недавно. Я не видел его давно. 3. Это произошло до того, как мы туда приехали. 4. Они сделали все возможное (do one's best) до того, как пришел врач. 5. Я надеюсь, тебе будет все ясно, когда ты получишь письмо. 6. К 9 часам он закончил работу и вышел на улицу. Ветер утих (fall), но было довольно прохладно. Он медленно шел, стараясь ни о чем не думать. 7. Я не видел тебя целую вечность. Как дела, какие новости? 8. Вы ошиблись. Вы передаете мне соль, а не горчицу (mustard). 9. Мы остановились, так как ка­кой-то человек подходил к нам, 10. Я пришел, чтобы попрощаться с вами. Завтра в это время я буду плыть (sail) к острову Пасхи (Easter), 11. Куда ты положил ключ? Я нигде не могу его найти. 12. Он не видел меня, так как что-то писал. 13. Наконец я сделал свою до­машнюю работу и теперь свободен. 14. Кто-то стоит у нашей двери. Мне кажется, он подслушивает (overhear). 15. Если она не получит никаких известий от брата на этой неделе, она пошлет телеграмму. 16. К тому време­ни, когда мы добрались до дома, снег прекратился, а луна ярко сияла на темном небе. Мы устали, т. к. шли три часа. 17. Ты когда-нибудь слышал, как хорошо она гово­рит по-английски? Говорят (they say), она учит его уже три года. 18. Что ты будешь делать завтра в три часа? Если ты будешь свободен, мы придем к тебе.


Unit 12

The Passive Vofee

Exercise 164.

 Match the beginning of the sentence on the left with its ending on the right.

1) The experiment 2) The mail 3) These machines 4) When can the new equipment 5) It's a pity the concert 6) Are the orders 7) If we use the old methods, a lot of time 8) Something important 9) No decisions 10) This monument 11) Offers 12) Have any interesting exhibitions or fairs 13) All these little wooden houses 14) The future church      15) The lost dog                a) been held recently? b) was erected three hundred years ago. c) was being looked for everywhere. d) will be described in several journals. e) are made and contracts are signed in this office. f) is being designed by several well-known architects. g) were built with very simple tools many years ago. h) was not recorded, i) are going to be tested again. j) have been taken yet. k) was being discussed, so I sat down to listen. 1) may be wasted and very little be achieved, m) always fulfilled in time? n) usually brought at 9 a.m. o) be installed?  



Exercise 165,

Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

 A using the Indefinite Tenses (give two forms where possible).

Example: Tom gave her a book. — She was given a book. The book was given to her.

1. He broke my watch. 2. The teacher explained the rule to the students. 3. He often asks me to help them. 4. They usually do written exercises in class. 5. She will make a new discovery soon. 6. Steve will make a report at the conference. 7» They play tennis all year round, 8. His friends never forgave his betrayal, 9, The manager offers me several jobs. 10. They will promise you much, but don't imagine they will give you everything. 11. His parents regularly sent him parcels with fruit from their garden. 12. They will give me a leave in JoJy if there is no urgent work. 13. The Spanish government offered Columbus three ships, 14. They usually send their children to camp for summer. 15. The officer charged him with a very important mission, 16, I'm sure we'll settle the matter easily. 17. The policeman fined the driver for exceeding the speed limit 18. Somebody calls her every day. 19. We request the passengers leaving for London to register. 20. The manager will sign contracts tomorrow.

В using the Indefinite Tenses (pay attention to pre­positions),

Example: She looks after him well. — He is well looked after (by her).

1. We sent for the police. 2, They speak much about this book. 3. They often laugh at him. 4. They listened to our conversation very attentively. 5.1 think they will wait for us only in a week. 6. Nobody took notice of his late arrival. 7. We looked through all the advertisements very

attentively. 8, He was a brilliant speaker, and whenever he spoke, the audience listened to him with great attention, 9. They will look after him in hospital much better. 10. Everybody looked at her new dress with interest. 11. She sent them for a taxi. 12. People will talk much about the successful performance of the young actress. 13, They always make fun of him. 14. The teacher pointed out gross mistakes in the translation. 15. He referred to very interesting plans.

16. They agreed upon Monday as the most suitable day. 17. He did not touch upon this question unfortunately. 18. They spoke to him about his promotion yesterday.

С using the Continuous Tenses.

Example: They are solving a difficult problem now. — The problem is being solved now.

1. Don't come in! The professor is examining students. 2. Can I read the article? — No, the secretary is typing it. 3. We had to hurry. They were waiting for us. 4. It was noisy. Nobody was listening to him. 5. Does he realize that they are laughing at him? 6, Look at this man. I think he is following us. 7. Listen carefully! He is giving a very interesting talk. 8, The waiter is serving us rather fast, 9. The secretary was looking through morning mail. 10. The interpreter is translating their conversation rather well. 11. The briefing is in full swing. The correspondents are interviewing the participants of the conference. 12, The company was developing a new project. 13. You can't watch the film now. The mechanic is fixing the TV set.                                  

D using the Perfect Tenses

Example: They have already brought the medi­cine. — The medicine has already been brought.

1. You have repaired our house lately. 2. When the fire brigade came, the fire had destroyed the building. 3. The athlete has shown much better results since this coach trains him, 4.1 will have answered all the business letters by noon. 5. The president of the board has signed the document. 6. Is she washing the floor? — No, she has already washed it. 1, By his arrival they had repaired his car. 8. He has booked the tickets and the clerk will have brought them by 2 o'clock. 9. They had painted the house by his arrival. 10. The police haven't found the reason for the accident yet. 11. Have you touched anything here? 12, The sociologist has interviewed a lot of students.

13. Have they tested all the machines? 14. The flood has caused considerable damage, 15. John will have received the papers by tomorrow.

E using modal verbs.

Example: He can do this work. — The work can be done (by him).

1, She can find a job easily. 2, The matter is urgent. They should phone her immediately. 3, The boss wants Mr. Black. You must find him. 4= I can make an interesting offer to you. 5. He's get a pay rise and low they can buy a new house. 6, You must send the document as quickly as possible. 7. The weather is warm. She may plant the flowers. 8. The document is of great importance. He must show it to us. 9. He must give back the book on Sunday. 10. Their kitchen is large and they can use it as a dining room. 11. Ecologists say that we should take care of our planet", 12. You must send for the doctor immediately. 13. The lecture is over. You may ask questions. 14. You should avoid the center of town during1 rush hours. 15. They agreed that the club should raise membership fee.


Exercise 166.

Choose the correct grammar form to translate a predicate.

1. Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.

a) was being built

b) has been built

c) was built

2. Сейчас здесь строится новый супермаркет.

a) is being built

b) is building

c) is built

3. На этой неделе преподаватель объяснил (препо­давателем был объяснен) новый материал.

a) had been explained

b) was explained

c) has been explained

4. Новое здание института уже построили, когда я поступила на юридический факультет.

a) was built

b) has been built

c) had been built

5. Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год.

a) are being examined

b) is examined

c) are examined

6. «Вы были невнимательны, когда объяснялось это правило», — сказал преподаватель.

a) was explained

b) had been explained

c) was being explained  

7. Цветы уже политы.

a) are watered

b) have been watered

c) were watered

8. Такие столы делают из дорогого дерева.

a) are being made

b) have been made

c) are made

9. Этот фильм никогда не показывали по телевизору,

a) has never been shown

b) was never shown

c)' had never been shown

10. Мою квартиру отремонтируют к субботе,

a) will be repaired

b) will have been repaired

c) is being repaired

11. Списки все еще печатаются.

a) are typed

b) are being typed

c) have been typed

12. Их еще не пригласили,

a) were not invited

b) had not been invited

c) have not been invited

13. Вам сообщат об этом завтра.

a) will be informed

b) will have been informed

c) are informed

14 Когда я вошел, обсуждение было прервано.

a) had been interrupted

b) was interrupted

c)  has been interrupted

15 Земля была покрыта снегом.

a) was being covered

b) was covered

c) had been covered


Exercise 167.

Open the brackets and use the verb in the appropriate form of the Passive Voice,

1, The first draft resolution (not discuss) yesterday; it (withdraw) long before the beginning of the meeting. 2. He is not in town; he (send) on a special mission, 3. Don't come into the compartment; the berth (fix) now. 4. A new underground line (construct) now. They say one of its stations (build) in my street. 5. He wants to know when the final decision (take). The activities of the committee and their delays already much (speak) about. 6. It was three o'clock. We (tell) to hurry up because we (wait). 7. Do you believe that such a problem can (solve)? 8. It must (do) without delays. 9. On September 9, 1850, California (admit) to the Union as the thirty-first state. 10. Don't speak in a loud voice: we (listen). 11. The plan (approve)? — No, it (discuss) now. — How long it (discuss)? 12. By the time he arrives everything (settle). 13. Not all the necessary things (buy) for our trip that's why the departure (postpone). 14. The money (lend) to him two months ago, but it (not give) back yet. 15. The business day was in high gear: the mail (look) through, documents (type), letters (answer), talks (hold). 16. Wait a minute. The table (lay). 17. Dynamite (invent) by Alfred Bernhard Nobel. 18. This exercise may (write) with a pencil. 19. This work (do) before you went to Moscow? 20. If you (ask) about it, will you be able to answer?


Exercise 168.

 Find and correct the mistakes if any,

1, Don't bring the article today. It will be being typed only tomorrow. 2. The South Pole was discovered by Amundsen in 1912, 3. The book which was written last month is discussing a lot. It has been written a lot of articles about. 4. When I came, an experiment was been holding in the lab. 5. Do you know that this house was belonged to Mr. Brown? 6. What new buildings have been built in your town since I was there? 7. The building was collapsed during the earthquake. 8. Have you seen him? Has he been changed much? 9. Do you know that you are following? 10.1 hope this journal can find at the library.


Exercise 169.

Translate into English using the Passive Voice.

1. К сожалению, на конференции такие вопросы не затрагивались (touch upon). 2. Кто вам сказал, что со­глашение (agreement) подписано? 3. Здесь говорят толь­ко на английском. 4. Ей разрешили заниматься спортом. 5. Посетителей принимают каждый день. 6, Бетти не разрешают приходить сюда. 7. В больнице за ним ухаживали плохо. 8. За ним уже послано? — Да, ему позвонили и велели придти в восемь. 9. На нашей улице строят новый кинотеатр. 10. Не говори это, а то (otherwise) над тобой будут смеяться. 11. Мне еще ничего об этом не говорили. 12. Мы поедем завт­ра за город, если будет дождь? — Да, мы должны туда поехать, нас там будут ждать. 13, Это здание было только что построено, когда мы приехали сюда. 14. К вечеру работа выла закончена. 15. Когда мы вернулись, на рассказали много интересных новостей.


Unit 13

Sequence of Tenses

Exercise 170

 Change the following into indirect speech,

1. "I have something to tell you," I said to her. 2, "I met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning last spring," he said. 3. "I am going to call again tomorrow, mother," she said. 4. "I've been to Turkey twice, but so far I haven't had time to visit Istanbul," said Robert. 5. "It will be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," I replied. 6. "The president is to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow," said the BBC announcer. 7. "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work," they said. 8. "We have bought a new flat. But we don't like it so much as our last one," said my cousin. 9, "I have left a message for him, but he hasn't phoned yet," she said. 10, "I've no idea who has done it but I'll find out," said Peggy. 11. He said, "My mother has just been operated on," 12. 'I'll come with you as soon as Fin ready," she replied to me. 13. i have a French lesson this evening and I haven't done my homework yet," said the small boy. 14. "She has been sitting* in the garden since the police came," I said to the officer. 15. "You haven’t closed the window and has forgotten to turn off the light," he pointed out,

Exercise 171,

Change the following general questions into indirect speech. Begin your sentences with the words I/he wondered, we/they asked, she/he wanted to know, etc.

Example: Did she go shopping? — 4c asked if/ whether she had gone shopping,

1. Are your children still skiing? 2. Have they had breakfast yet? 3. Is Mike still taking an exam? 4. Did she take part in the performance? 5. Had they already left by the time you went to the station? 6. Do they regularly go to the swimming pool? 7. Will she buy a new Hoover? 8. Will she be training at 10 tomorrow? 9. Does he usually go to the Caribbeans for his holiday? 10. Did she learn to play the guitar? 11. Has the decision been already taken? 12. Do you know when the results will be out? 13. Does he know your new address? 14, Have you known each other for a long time? 15. Did he begin smoking a pipe?


Exercise 172.

Change the following special questions into indirect speech. Begin your sentences with the words I/he wondered, we/they asked, she/he wanted to knew, etc.

Example: When did she go shopping? — He asked when she had gone shopping.

1. Why did he decide to go to Ethiopia? 2, When was she sent on business? 3. Who will fulfil this task? 4. How long has she been staying here? 5. Who was he speaking to when I came tip to him? 6. Who will play the role of Hamlet? 7» What is shown in this diagram? 8. What is he going to do on Sunday? 9„ How long have they been developing this project? 10. Who was this book written by?


Exercise 173,

 Imagine that you have come to study to a foreign country and students are asking you questions. Report these questions later to your friend.

Example: "What country do you come from?" asked Bill. — Bill asked what country I came from.

"Do you often go to the swimming-pool?" asked Pete. — Pete asked if I often went to the swimming-pool.

1. "How long have you been here?" said Ann. 2. "Are you working as well as studying?" asked Peter. 3. "Have you got a work permit?" Bill wanted to know. 4. "What are you going to study?" asked Ann. 5. "Have you enrolled for more than one class?" said Peter. 6. "Do you want to buy any second-hand books?" said Bill. 7. "Have you seen the library?" asked Ann. 8. "Do you play rugby?" said Peter. 9. "Will you have time to play regularly?" he went on. 10. "Did you play for your school team?" asked Bill. 11. "Are you interested in acting?" asked Ann. 12. "Would you like to join our drama group?" she asked. 13. "What do you think of our canteen?" asked Pete.

Exercise 174.

Change commands, requests, recommenda­tions into indirect speech.

Example: "Close the doqr," she asked me. — She asked me to close the door.

1. "Open the safe!" the raiders ordered the bank clerk. 2. "Please do as I say," he begged me. 3. "Help your mother, Peter," Mr. Pitt said. 4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said. 5. "Do whatever you like," she said to us. 6. "Don't miss your train," she warned them. 7. "Read the document before you sign it," the lawyer said to his client. 8. "Fill in the blank again," he said. 9. "Buy a new car," I advised him. 10. "Don't drive too fast," she begged him. 11. "Don't put your bicycle near my window," said the shopkeeper to me. 12. "Come to the cinema with me," he asked her. 13. "Cook it in butter," I advised her. 14. "Send for the fire brigade," the manager said to the porter. 15. "Please pay at the desk," said the shop assistant to her. 16. "Don't argue with me," said the teacher to the boy. 17. "Pull as hard as you can," he said to her. 18. "Don't lend anything to her," he advised us. 19. "Stand clear off the door," a voice warned the people.

20. "Put down that gun. It's loaded," she warned him.


Exercise 175.

Change sentences with modal verbs and their equivalents into indirect speech.

1. "If what you have said is true I must go to the police," he said. 2. "You don't need to come in tomorrow," said my employer. "You may take a day off." 3. "I'll be busy next week and won't be able to help you," she said to us. ''Besides this text must be typed and as for me, I cannot type, so I'll have to ask somebody to do it," she added. 4. The official said, "This passport photo isn't like you at all. You must have another one taken." 5. "I needn't get up till nine tomorrow," I said. 6. "I must go to the dentist tomorrow," she said to me. "I have an appointment." 7. "I will go to bed. I had to get up very early today," he said. 8. "I couldn't meet her, I was working," he said. 9. "Ann's English is very poor. She must study very hard," the teacher said. 10. "Something was wrong with the receiver, I could not hear you well yesterday," she said.


Exercise 176.

 Translate into English paying attention to the sequence of tenses.

1, Я знал, что она еще не прочитала письмо. 2. Она считала, что ананасы растут на деревьях. 3. Он сказал нам, что расплатился с долгами (pay one's debts) боль­ше месяца назад. 4. Она сказала, что пишет это сочине­ние (composition) уже три часа. 5. Она не знала, успеш­но лл закончилась (be a success) операция. 6. Том по­звонил в полицию и сказал, что все его вещи украдены. 7. Капитан приказал всем подняться на борт (get aboard). 8. Они не знали, будут ли опубликованы ре­зультаты их исследований. 9. Я думал, что он работает, и не вошел в комнату. 10. Он попросил, чтобы она не беспокоилась. 11. Я не знаю, когда он приедет в Моск­ву. 12. Они поинтересовались, бывал ли я когда-ни­будь заграницей (abroad). 13. Он сказал им, что они не должны говорить об этом сейчас. 14. Наш гид (guide) рассказал нам, что замок (castle) был возведен в 14-ом веке. 15. Я надеюсь, что новый мост будет построен в следующем году.

Exercise 177.

Change the following into indirect speech paying attention to conditional sentences.

1. "I'll put a book into your briefcase in case you want to read," Mother said. 2. He said, "If she follows my advice, all will turn out well." 3. "Annette will have come to Paris in an hour if there arevno delays," Pete thought. 4. "These letters must be sent immediately as soon as they are translated," the manager said. 5. "I'll take you out for a walk after I have seen the film," he said to his dog. 6. "I am sure she will sing to us provided we ask her," he whispered. 7. "If she trains hard she will win the Cup," the trainer said. 8. "If she stays in bed for a couple of days, she will be all right in a week," the doctor said to the mother. 9. "If the train comes on time we'll be able to see the football match," he said to me. 10. She said, "I won't come if I am not invited."

Exercise 178.

Translate into English paying attention to the sequence of tenses in the clauses of time and cordition.

1. Я знал, что когда они вернутся, они обязательно позвонят нам. 2. Он сказал мне, что они не поедут туда, пока не узнают адреса. 3. Она сказала, что встретила приятеля, с которым училась в школе. 4. Она сказала мне, что вряд ли узнает район, так как он сильно изме­нился. 5. Он спросил, что я буду делать, когда выйду на пенсию (retire). 6. Он сказал, что как только докумен­ты будут получены, их пришлют нам. 7. Медсестра (nurse) сказала, что мы сможем поговорить с врачом только после того, как он осмотрит больного (examine a patient). 8. Он спросил меня, есть ли какая-нибудь на­дежда, что я изменюсь. 9. Корреспондентам сообщили, что проблема цен еще обсуждается и что, как только она будет решена, контракт будет подписан. 10. Он сказал, что прошло пять лете тех пор, как они женаты. 11. Он напомнил (remind) мне, что когда мы были сту­дентами, мы всегда помогали друг другу. 12. Профес­сор сказал, чтобы я не приходил, пока не выучу весь материал.

Test 4

Choose the right variant.

1. He___for some time before a servant___and___what he___.

a) knocked, opened, asked, wanted

b) was knocking, opened, asked, was wanting

c) had been knocking, opened, asked, wanted

d) had knocked, had opened, had asked, had wanted

2. The doctor___there___nothing to worry about if the fever___above 38,5°.

a) said, was, would not go

b) tells, is, will go

c) says, had been, went

d) said, was, did not go

3.1___a wash and a brush-up before starting to go to the luncheon Tom___me to, when they___me from the desk to say that he___below.

a) had, was invited, were ringing, had been

b) was having, invited, had rung, was

c) was having, had invited, rang, was

d) had been having, had invited, had rung, had been

4. While we___at___lunch, a letter___to me from my sister.

a) were,___, was delivered

b) had been, a, was being delivered •

c) were, the, had been delivered

d) have been,___, has been delivered

5. Some day I___to Paris to revisit all the places where I___in the time of my youth. I___them for a quarter of a century or so.

a) will have gone, have lived, haven't seen

b) am going, had lived, did not see

c) will go, lived, haven't seen

d) will be going, had lived, hadn't seen

6. Hardly___asleep___an alarm clock___.

a) have I gone, than, will ring

b) had I gone, when, rang

c) I had gone, then, had rung

d) was I going, as, was ringing.

7. We___continue our research unless he___us.

a) can't, won't help

b) will not be able to, does not help

c) can, will help

d) won't be able to, helps

8. We___him in many moods, but none of us___him to do a cruel thing.

a) see, ever know

b) see, don't ever know

c) have seen, have ever known

d) have seen, haven't ever known

9. He needed to feel that he___, that he___here, and that his word___.

a) was being listened to, was commanding, was always obeyed

b) is being listened to, is commanding, is always obeyed

c) was listened to, was being commanding, was always being obeyed

d) is listened to, is being commanding, was always being obeyed

10. Look! What___beautiful view! The sun___yet,  but the grey sky___near the horizon.

a) ___, was not appeared, is parted

b) ___, did not appear, parted

c) the, has not been appeared, has parted

d) a, has not appeared, is parted

11. When he saw that someone___at him, he did not immediately realize who this someone___.

a) looked, is

b) was looking, was

c) has been looking, is

d) had looked, was being

12. While our coffee___, I___him our sad story which'impressed him___.

a) was making, told, greatly

b) was being made, said, great

c) had been made, told, great

d) was being made, told, greatly

13. It___in the night, but now there___sunshine.

a) has rained, was

b) had rained, had been

c) is raining, is being

d) has been raining, is

14. As he___the room that morning, Ann___up the letter which she___.

a) was entered, was holding, had just received

b) was entering, has held, has just received

c) entered, was holding, had just received

d) had entered, held, has just received

15.1___a note with the address of the hotel and the boy's name into his pocket___he___his way.

a) have put, provided, will lose

b) will put, providing, will have lost

c) have put, in case, loses

d) will have put, when, have lost

16. They___, but as they___me there___a hush.

a) were talking, saw, was

b) are talking, have seen, had been

c) had been talking, will see, would be

d) have been talking, had seen, will be

17. Come on, if the sun___before we___home, we ___our way.

a) has set, reach, will lose

b) will have set, will reach, lose

c) will have set, reach, will lose

d) has been set, will reach, lose

18.___when he___her for the first time.

a) Tell me, has met c) Say to me, met

b) Say me, had met d) Tell me, met

19. He was tired and by the time I___, he___asleep.

a) have come, has fallen

b) came, fell

c) came, had fallen

d) had come, had fallen

20. The great majority of students___present at the conference.___great number of them___to listen to your lecture and each of them___ready to answer your questions.

a) are, A, want, is    c) is, A, wants, are

b) are, The, want, is d) is, The, wants, has been


Unit 14

The Infinitive

Exercise 179.

Match two parts of the sentences.

1) She goes swimming a) Why not go to the


2) They have to stay in. b) to shout at Ann? They can't afford

3) Are you fit enough c) to have a holiday.

4) To spend too much d) to ask for help, money

5) To err is human,      e) to post it?

6) Don't hesitate to phone f) to see how she is. me

7) The weather is fine, g) to try and keep her

                                           weight down.

8) The letter is urgent, h) if you need help. Could you remind me

9) I am sure, she is OK. i) would be foolish. We could telephone

10) Who allowed you    j) to take part in the


11) She is too proud      k) to forgive divine.

12) Ann is tired. She is  1) to go out very much, eager


Exercise 180.

Open the brackets and choose the Infinitive in the Active or Passive Voice.

1. They are glad (invite/be invited) to the party. 2.1 don't like (interrupt/be interrupted). 3. He will be happy (see/be seen) you. 4.1 was glad (meet/be met) at the station. 5. Children like (tell/be told) tales and always (listen/be listened) to them with interest. 6.1 did not think (interrupt/be interrupted) you. 7. He is glad (send/be sent) abroad. 8. He likes (ask/be asked) his professor questions, 9. He does not like (ask/be asked) questions because he does not know how to answer them. 10. Be careful with him. He is a very resentful person. He can't bear (joke/be joked at). 11. He does not like (laugh/be laughed) at other people. 12. Look, a ship can (see/beseen) in thedistance. Can you (see/be seen) it?


Exercise 181.

 Change the sentences according to the examples.


Example: It is simple to solve this problem. — This problem is simple to solve.

It is difficult to speak to such people. — Such people are difficult to speak to.

1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat. 2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our canteen. 3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather. 4. It is dangerous to stand on this ladder. 5. It is rather difficult to deal with stubborn people. 6. It is dangerous to drive a car in big cities. 7. It is interesting to meet new people. 8. It is simple to'communicate with people due to Internet. 9. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel. 10. It is always funny to listen to him.


Example: He came to the party the last. — He was the last to come to the party.

1. He is the only one among us who gave up smoking. 2.1 was the next who spoke on the topic. 3, He was the first who raised this question. 4. She was the second who got an excellent mark. 5. Paul was the last who greeted me. 6. She 13 the first who was fired. 7. He was the only one who jumped with a parachute. 8.1 am the next who will be interviewed. 9. He was the only one who could speak Japanese. 10.1 was the first who noticed the mistake. 11. His horse came in the race the last. 12. She was the first among us who recognized them.


Example: It was the best time when she could find them at home. — It was the best time for her to find them at home.

1. Here is a simple English book that you can read. 2. The first thing they must do when they arrive is to phone home. 3. This is a problem you should solve by yourself. 4. There is nothing that we can add. 5. These are children you can play with. 6. It is not a question you may laugh at. 7. There is nothing that we can do now. 8. These are nice flowers you can buy. 9. It was a little town where they could live a quiet life. 10. It is quite natural that they will get married.

Exercise 182.

 Make up new sentences beginning with It was. Use one of the adjectives from the box. The first is done for you.

nice         mean

unfair       kind

sensible     silly


Example: Mary invited'us to the party. — It was nice of Mary to invite us to the party. 147

1. He bought a car but he can't drive. 2. She betrayed all her friends. Nobody wants to speak to her. 3. They helped with the work. 4. The manager cut down his salary, though he is the best worker in the team. 5. He sold his house when it cost $45,000. Now such a house costs $40,000. 6. You made a serious mistake when you trusted her.


Exercise 183.

Complete the sentences with what /how/ where/whether and the verbs from the box.

get act go accept phone switch on use go take buy do

1.1 need advice. I have been offered a new job but I really don't know___it or not. 2. Do you know___if the robbers burst into the bank? 3. Can you tell me___if there is a fire? 4.1 don't know___the computer. Will this button do? 5. The countries are very interesting and

I haven't chosen yet___. 6. The TV set is good but I haven't decided yet ___it or not. 7. Why have you stopped? Have you forgotten___? 8. Have you understood ___this device? 9. The problem is serious. I don't know ___in this situation. 10.1 wonder___a suitcase. The

trip will take only two days.


Exercise 184.

Fill in the blanks with the particle to where necessary.

1. I'd rather (listen) to the radio than (see) this soap opera on TV, — As for me, I prefer (watch) TV. You'd better (take) a radio and (go) for a walk. 2. You are cold. You'd better (sit) near the fireplace. 3. She'd prefer (fly) rather than (go) by train. The plane saves time. 4. I'd rather (not go) to the country tomorrow. The weather leaves much to be desired. 5. You'd better (take) an aspirin. You look bad. 6. He preferred (put on) a brown suit. 7. She prefers (not wear) shoes with high heels. 8.1 want to get thinner so I'd rather (walk) than (go) by car. 9. You'd better (buy) a mobile telephone, it's more convenient. 10. I'd prefer (go) there in July.


Exercise 185.

Make up sentences.

Example: I/prefer/go alone/go with him. — I prefer to go alone rather than go with him.

1. I'd rather/stay at home/go out 2. He/prefer/solve  a problem immediately/postpone it 3. I'd/prefer/buy it tonight/go shopping early in the morning 4. They'd/  prefer/go to the restaurant/cook dinner at home 5. I'd rather/die/betray my friends 6. She/prefer/go to the country/stay in town 7. I'd rather/go to the movies/ watch the VCR 8. We'd/prefer/read a book/see a screened version 9. She/prefer/drink a cup of juice/have a substantial breakfast 10. I'd rather/go to the museum/ stay at home

Exercise 186.

 Open the brackets and put the verb into | the corresponding form.

Example: I'd rather you (do) the job yourself. — I'd rather you did the job yourself.

1. I'd rather he (go) on holiday in March. 2. Would you rather I (cook) the supper? 3. I'd rather they (go) with us. 4. Would you rather he (play) the leading part? 5. I'd rather she (buy) a new TV instead of a freezer. 6. Would you rather I (not know) anything? 7'. I'd rather you (ask) me a straight question. 8. Would you rather he (make) a new attempt? 9. I'd rather she (enter) the university. 10. Would you rather she (not interfere)?


Exercise 187.

Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: time/he/come back. — It's time for him to come back.

1) high time/we/say goodbye to everybody; 2) time/ the child/go to bed; 3) time/she/put up with his behavior; 4) high time/they/develop a new model; 5) about time/ we/leave the house; 6) high time/he/speak English fluently; 7) time/she/choose a profession; 8) high time/ we/buy a new TV set; 9) high time/he/ring me up; 10) time/he/temper justice with mercy.

Exercise 188.

 Change your sentences according to the example.

Example: It is high time for them to come back. — It is high time they came back.

1. It is time for her to make a decision. 2. It is high time for her cousin to find a job. 3. It is high time for us to put up with it. 4. It is time for you to get married. 5. It is high time for me to hand in the composition. 6. It is about time lor the chairman to make a break. 7. It is high time for Granny to have a nap. 8. It is high time for Pete to take his mother from the hospital. 9. It is high time for the government to change their policy. 10. It's high time for the local authorities to pull down this house.


Exercise 189.

Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. I'd prefer to speak to you in private than phone you, 2. There is a reporter for interview you. 3. The meat is too hot to eat. 4. You would better help her carry these suitcases. 5. It was very generous from them to give us such a present. 6. Sorry to have failed to keep the appointment. 7.1 had rather go without him. 8. She the first to finish the hometask. 9.1 don't like to be listened to him. 10.1 am not sure where going now. 11. Such books are interesting reading, 12,1 am the next to fire.


Exercise 190.

Translate into English.

1. Она была слишком мала, чтобы запомнить про­исшествие (incident). 2. Он тот самый человек, с кото­рым можно поговорить по этому вопросу. 3. Для него важно получить информацию сегодня. 4. Вот деньги, которые мы можем потратить на мебель, 5. Они очень довольны (pleased), что их пригласили на конферен­цию (conference). 6. Вы будете выступать (speak) пер­вым. 7. На эту ошибку надо обратить особое (particular) внимание. 8. Ты бы лучше остался дома. 9. С его сто­роны благородно (great) сделать все (do one's best) для того, чтобы спасти их. 10. Он не знал, что делать дальше и к кому обращаться с просьбой (make a request). 11. Он позже всех разгадал ее намерения (intentions). 12. Я бы предпочел поехать туда на ма­шине, а не на самолете. 13. Уже совсем темно, давно пора включить свет. 14. Ему пора обратиться к вра­чу. 15. Я предпочитаю отдыхать где-нибудь на море, а не сидеть на даче.


The Complex Object

Exercise 191.

Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

Example: He expected (they, arrive) at 5. — He expected them to arrive at 5.

1. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel or with us? 2. I'd like (the professor, look through) my report. 3. Do you want (I, show) you the sights of the city? 4. We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come. 5.1 want (she, tell) me the news in brief. 6. He expected (the meeting, hold) in the Red Room. 7.1 would like (they, fix) an appointment for me for Tuesday. 8. We want (she, introduce) us to the president. 9.1 don't want (they, be late) for dinner. 10. He expected (she, invite) to the party by the Smiths. 11. I'd like (the dress, bxiy) by Saturday. 12.1 don't want (she, treat) like Alice. 13. We considered (he, be) an honest person. 14.1 don't like (she, prevent) me from doing it. 15.1 suspect (he, help) by her.


Exercise 192.

 Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.

Example: I did not see him. He entered the house, — J did not see him enter the house. I saw him. He was entering the house. — / saw him entering the house.

1. They did not notice us. We passed by. 2. He heard her. She was playing the piano. 3. He saw her. She burst into tears. 4.1 felt her hand. It was shaking. 5. He hasn't heard us. We called his name. 8. They haven't seen the accident. It occurred at the corner. 7.1 heard them. They were arguing. 8. She heard the footsteps. They were dying away. 9. She felt something. It was crawling around her neck. 10. We many times heard him. He told this story. 11. She noticed the expression of his face. It changed suddenly. 12.1 heard somebody. He mentioned my name. 13.1 felt something hard. It hurt my leg.

Exercise 193.

Change complex sentences into sentences with the Complex Object.

1.1 did not expect that she would forget about my birthday. 2. She saw how the children were playing in the park. 3. Do you know that he went abroad two days ago? 4.1 like to watch how she dances. 5. She could hardly believe that he had been rescued. 6. He expects that everybody will be ready to do this work. 7.1 don't like when the children are late for dinner. 8. Don't consider that he is a hero. He is an ordinary man. 9. I've heard how he was arguing with his father. 10.1 suspect that he has taken my money. 11. She likes to watch how the sun sets. 12.1 hate when people shout at each other. 13. They suppose that he will cope with this work. 14. I've heard how she was crying. 15. We expect that he will solve this problem soon.


Exercise 194.

Open the brackets and use the proper form of the Complex Object.

1. Where is Nick? — I saw (he, talk) to Kate a few minutes ago. 2, Parents always want (their children, be) the best. 3.1 wouldn't like (such valuable presents, give) to me. 4.1 noticed (he, write) something and (pass) it to Alice. 5. We suppose (they, apologize) to us. 6. She watched (the stars, sparkle) in the dark sky. 7. I did not expect (he, behave) in such a way. 8. We don't want (our planet, pollute). 9.1 heard (he, work) in his study at night. 10. They expected (he, buy) a more expensive car.


Exercise 195.

Open the brackets and write the correct form of the infinitive.

1. The doctor wanted the patient___

a) to examine

b) to be examined

c) being examined

2. There are a lot of people who expect your country ___the same as their own.

a) not to be

b) not being

c) not be

3. Did you hear the chairman___an announcement?

a) to make

b) making

c) be made

4. When I was waiting in the hall, I saw a girl___with a file in her hand.

a) came out

b) to come out

c) come out

5. Nobody expected the president of the company___ to the party.

a) coming

b) to come

c) come

6. I saw him___round the corner and___.

a) turn, disappear

b) to turn, to disappear

c) turning, disappearing

7. She noticed the children___behind the tree but pretended to see nothing.

a) hiding

b) to hide

c) to be hidden

8.1 want his article___in November.

a) to publish

b) to be published

c) publishing

9. He did not expect her___about it.

a) to be asked

b) ask

c) asking

10. We did not want his speech___.

a) to interrupt

b) to be interrupted

c) interrupt

Exercise 196.

Translate into English using the Complex Object.

1. Я не ожидал, что этот полицейский будет таким невежливым (impolite) человеком. 2. Мы бы хотели, что­бы вы доставили (deliver) товары к концу июня. 3. Я ожидал, что ее пригласят туда. 4. Они не ожидали, что его спросят об этом. 5. Я слышал, как его имя несколько раз упоминалось на собрании. 6. Он не заметил, как мы подошли к нему. 7. Вы видели, как они над чем-то смея­лись? 8. Мы не ожидали, что об этом объявят (announce) по радио. 9. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы она сказала нам, что она будет делать сегодня вечером. 10. Я думаю, что сегод­ня вы услышите, как она поет. 11. Когда он услышал, что его сын плачет, он встал и пошел в детскую комнату (nursery). 12. Я бы хотел, чтобы никто не брал мои вещи.

The Complex Subject

Exercise 197.

Open the brackets and use the Complex Subject.

Example: He is thought (study) now. — He is thought to be studying now. 155

1. He is considered (be) a good musician. 2. They are thought (go away) some days ago. 3. James is expected (make) a report next Wednesday. 4. Steve is known (help) them to solve a problem when they were in trouble. 5. Mozart is known (compose) a lot of wonderful pieces of music. 6. The film is considered (be) the worst of the year. 7. She is supposed (work) in the laboratory from 2 to 6 p.m. tomorrow. 8. They are known (make) a new discovery a month ago. 9. He is expected (manage) the business himself. 10. He is said (be) at the customs office now. 11. The delegation is reported (leave) Prague tonight at ll a.m. 12. They are known (live) in Egypt for a long time. 13. He is believed (work) at an urgent problem now.


Exercise 198.

Change these sentences using be likely, be unlikely, be .sure.

Example: He may come on Sunday. — He is likely to come on Sunday. She may not allow us to go there. — She is unlikely to allow us to go there. They will certainly help us. — They are sure to help us.

1. They may have a good time in the bar tonight. 2. He will certainly win this match. 3. The plane may not reach the place of destination on time. 4. You may miss the train unless you hurry. 5. She may not go by plane. 6. He may not be invited to the conference. 7. They will certainly get married soon. 8. They may not follow my recommendations. 9. They may go on a world tour. 10. This picture will certainly be the best at the exhibition.

Exercise 199.

 Open the brackets and use the Complex Subject.

A Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.

Example: Do you remember his name? — Unfortun­ately, I don't remember his name. — / don't seem/appear to remember his name.

1. They got married a month ago. Is she happy? — No, she is not happy.2. Doesshe have a key to her suitcase? — No, she has lost it. 3.We are so late. I am sure he has gone. — No, he is waiting for us.4. She looks nice. — Yes, but she has put on weight. 5.1want to be introduced to Mrs. Smith. — Peter will help you. He knows her well.6.1 have much trouble with my new washing machine. — No problem. I know this type very well.7. Does he work at the same office? — No, he changed his job.8. Is she still abroad? — No, she returned two months ago and now is working at her new book.9. Look, this man is overhearing us.Speak more quietly. 10. The president has left his country residence and is returning to the capital.

В Change your sentences using the verb happen with the verbs in bold type.

Example: Do you know Mr. Brown? — Do you happen to know Mr. Brown?

1. I'll visit Trafalgar Square if I am in London. 2. If anybody knows him, call the police. 3. If you see Kate, ask her to phone me. 4. Do you knowhow to get to the Tower? 5. He'll arrange everything if he goeson a tour. 6. Does he knowwith whom Mary has gone to the Canaries? 7. Have you seenthem leave? 8. Can you change a pound? 9.Has she seenwhere they parked their ear? 10. If I meetthem, I'll phone the police.

С Change your sentences using verbs turn out or prove.

Example: He knows Mr. Brown. — He turned out/ proved to know Mr. Brown.

1. The interview with the young artist was rather interesting. 2. The prices at the hotel were reasonable. 3. The conversation with them was rather unpleasant. 4. The young man was a smuggler. 5. He was a qualified economist. 6. The student's knowledge of mathematics was above the average. 7. Yesterday's party was entertaining. 8. The weather in this part of the country was rainy. 9. The workshop was rather useful for economists, but for managers it was rather dull. 10.1 bought a book which was a best-seller. 11. This unpleasant man who found faults with me during the interview was my manager.

Exercise 200.Choose the right variant.

1. The rain seems___. Call the children in. I don't want them___.

a) to be, to be got wet through

b) to be starting, to get wet through

c) to have started, to have got wet through

d) to have been started, to be getting wet through

2. The English colony, Plymouth, in Massachusetts, is known___by the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.

a) to be established

b) to have established

c) to have been establishing

d) to have been established

3. Look, they are likely___to the news. They seem

a) to be listening, to be excited

b) to listen, to be excited

c) to have been listening, to have excited

d) to have listened, to be being excited

4. He is sure___a liar. Everybody heard him___ that in so many words.

a) to be, to say

b) be, say

c) to be, say

d) be, to say

5. When I came in, the discussion seemed___to an end. They appeared___patience because they turned out___for it.

a) to have been coming, to have been losing, be ready

b) to be coming, to be losing, not to be ready

c) to come, to lose, to be ready

d) to have come, to have lost, not to be being ready

6. Jack, you seem___too fast. The speed is already 100 miles. I am afraid. I want you___the speed till 40 miles.

a) to have driven, slow down

b) to drive, to slow down

c) to be driving, to be slowing down

d) to be driving, to slow down


Exercise 201.

Translate into English using the Complex Subject.

1. Стивен обязательно выиграет эту игру. 2. Изве­стно, что Питер уехал в Осло. 3. Предполагают, что президент выступит на конференции. 4. Эту пьесу счи­тают самой интересной в театре. 5. Кажется, она гото­вит яблочный пирог (apple pie). Пахнет очень вкусно. 6. Боб, наверное, нам поможет. — Он наверняка нам поможет. 7. Полагают, что они уехали вчера. 8. По-видимому, переговоры (talks) закончатся завтра. 9. По­лагают, что эта работа была выполнена успешно. 10. Вряд ли этот факт имеет большое значение (be of

great importance). 11. Это, вероятно, случится, если ве­тер не переменится. 12. Говорят, что делегаты на кон­ференцию уже приехали. 13. Известно, что этот коми­тет был создан несколько лет тому назад. 14. Он, по-видимому, пишет новую книгу. 15. Предполагают, что они смогут решить этот вопрос тотчас же. 16. Известно, что Джек Лондон написал много прекрасных книг.


Unit 15 Causative Verbs

and Have / Got something done

Exercise 202.

Write sentences in the way shown.

Example: He did not paint the walls. — He had (got) them painted.

1. He did not fix the fridge. 2.1 did not wash the floor. 3. She did not type the article, 4. He did not translate the letter. 5. They did not repair the house. 6.1 did not wash the car. 7. She did not make the dress. 8. He did not cook supper. 9. He did not iron the shirt. 10. They did not build the fence.

Exercise 203.

Choose the right variant.

1. Get your children (to feel/feel/felt) responsible for their studies. 2. She had her husband (to entertain/ entertain/entertained) the guests while she was making tea. 3. He got them (to pay/pay/paid) for the damage. 4. She had her carpets (to clean/clean/cleaned). 5. He couldn't get the dog (to rise/rise/risen). 6. She had the porter (to carry/carry/carried).her luggage. 7. She got her baggage (to carry/carry/carried) in. 8. Peter the Great got his noblemen (to have/have/had) their beards (to shave/shave/shaven). 9. The rebellions had the president (to leave/leave/left) the country. 10. She had to get the tyre (to change/change/changed). 11. The manager had his employees (to work/work/worked) till seven. 12. She got him (to buy/buy/bought) an expensive gold bracelet for her. 13. Din has his things (to wash/wash/washed) in the laundry. 14. She couldn't get the child (to go/go/ gone) to bed. 15. Speak to him, please; try to get him (to refuse/refuse/refused) this offer.


Exercise 204.

 Use the correct form of the verb.

1. Her remark made everybody (feel) uncomfortable. 2. They got the manager (sign) the contract. 3. She was made (give up) smoking. 4. They got him (sell) the car. 5. Let him (do) the task himself. 6. He had a fireplace (install) in the corner of the sitting room. 7. She bought a nice dress but she had to get the sleeves (shorten). 8. The professor let Mike (leave) the room. 9. They were made (hand) in their reports on Thursday. 10. He let me (decide) for myself. 11. They had him (contribute) to expenses. 12. The teacher got the pupils (learn) the poem by heart. 13. He took a lot of photos during his holiday and got them (develop). 14. The robber had the teller (open) the safe. 15. The opposition got the government (decrease) prices. 16. Don't let them (attend) the conference. 17. They were made (go) to the police station. 18. He got the chairman (make) an announcement, 19. She made him (forget) the incident. 20. Do you let your children (watch) TV till late at night? 21.1 got my son (shave) his moustache. 22. Let your children (have) tastes in music different from yours.


Exercise 205.

Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. My mother won't let anybody to think ill of him. 2. It was so difficult for me to get him to believe us again. 3. The party was dull, and we decided to tell stories to make the time to pass. 4. Nick got Mary given him a lift to the school. 5. He will try to get her to replace him. 6. Let's to try to get them join our company. 7. She got the telephone to repair. 8. The thought of his coming made me to feel ill. 9. The wind made the windows rattled. 10. They must have the problem settle. 11. She had the secretary to make another copy. 12. He had the copy to make. 13. They did their best to make themselves agreeing to the proposal. 14. He changed his mind to have his house to paint green, 15. Let him choosing his friends himself. 16. Your enthusiasm makes me to feel young again. 17. She had a desire let her life to go on as though nothing had happened. 18. The director got his paper to type. 19. The teacher made the girl do the exercise again. 20. What makes you to think so? 21. The boy was made to water the garden. 22. She is getting her hair to cut tomorrow. 23. She did not let her daughter to go to discos. 24. Let's try to have him come to the party. 25.1 got him to go to India.

Exercise 206.

Translate the sentences with causative verbs into English (you may have several variants).

1. Грабители (robbers) заставили людей, находящих­ся в банке, встать к стене. 2. Пусть ребенок съест мо­роженое. 3. Я не виноват. Меня заставили сделать это. 4. Вчера мне вымыли окна. 5. Позвольте мне попы-'таться сделать это самому. 6. Дети очень шумят. Пусть они идут гулять. 7. Его заставили выполнять скучную (dull) работу. 8. Я уговорил ее поехать отдохнуть (go for a holiday). 9. Ему отремонтировали квартиру. 10. За­труднительные обстоятельства (circumstances) заста­вили его поступать таким образом. 11. Давай сделаем перерыв (break) на обед. 12. Ты должен заставить ее принять это предложение. 13. Дайте знать, когда захо­тите меня повидать снова. 14. Он уговорил своего со­седа присматривать за собакой во время его отсутствия (absence). 15. Интересно, что заставило его убить президента? 16, Она всегда разрешает своим детям смот­реть мультфильмы (cartoons) в воскресенье, 17. Подо­зреваемого (suspect) заставили лечь на землю (ground). 18. Ей нужно починить часы. 19, Она плохо себя чув­ствует: ей вчера удалили (pull out) зуб. 20. Он не стро­ил дом сам, ему его построили.


Unit 16

The Gerund

Exercise 207.

You can use either gerunds or infinitives after the following verbs. Find the odd word in the chain of the verbs.

Example: fancy avoid agree postpone

1) deny practise afford suggest
2) offer mention risk mind
3) put off prove learn aim
4) admit fancy fail consider
5) expect happen give up tend
6) enjoy endure imagine appear
7) can't help adore refuse carry on
8) delay have difficulty intend spend time
9) can't stand keep resist seem
10) be busy neglect threaten plan

Exercise 208.

Complete the following sentences using gerunds.

1. (Be) free and alone is a good thing if you are tired of big cities. 2. (Find) you here was a quite a surprise. 3. If this is what you intend (ask) me, stop (waste) your time. 4. They kept on (talk) though the band began (play). 5. Everyone enjoyed (swim) in the river. 6. My watch needs (repair). 7. He never mentioned (live) in Prague. 8. He does not seem to mind (air) the room. 9. Just imagine (go) there together! 10. Don't put of (do) it now. If you postpone (receive) a visa again, you will miss an excellent opportunity of (go) there.


Exercise 209.

Match the parts of the sentences.

1) Making money

2) Being born in my provincial town

3) There is a general feeling all around

4) He promised them that no harm

5) Would you mind

a) would come to them for signing the papers.

b) looking up his tele­phone number?

c) is my dream also.

d) wasn't much different from being born in Brooklyn.

e) that her running away was a good thing.

Exercise 210.

Complete the following sentences with gerunds formed from the verbs in the box.

buy    comment

answer       sign

pay            help

recognize   make go                see


1.___big prices for famous pictures is now a wealthy man's way of___taxation. 2. English grammar is very difficult and few writers have avoided___mistakes. 3. Maurice was saved Kate's entry with the tray. 4 The elderly ladies enjoyed___who came in and

out,___old friends, and___unfavourably how these had aged. 5. Of course the contract is mutually beneficial and he is all for___it. 6. The important part of his life is___people. 7. Parks at night is a dangerous place to walk. Avoid___there after darkness. 8. Father suggested

___a new machine.


Exercise 211.

Make up sentences using gerunds.

1. Forgive (I, take up) so much of your time. 2. Do you mind (he, join) us? 3. Does he feel like (stay) here for another week? 4.1 appreciate (you, encourage) him when he failed in his experiment. 5. Do you know the reason for (he, feel) disappointed? 6. "It's no good (you, hate) it," he said becoming didactic. 7. Only the other day they had been talking about (something, happen), 8, She was listening hard all the time for any sound of (Jan, descend) the stairs. 9. He wishes he'd never told you the truth but it's no use (he, deny) it. 10. Cursing himself for (not learn) to drive a car he woke up Toni. 11. Of course, I should insist on (you, accept) the proper professional fee. 12. Bob was feeling rather unwell, and was not really looking forward to (we, visit) him. 13. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living. 14. He warned us that there was no point in (we, arrive) half an hour earlier. 15. They were talking about (she, give up) the job and (go) to live in the country.


Exercise 212.

Open the brackets and use the proper gerund either in the active or passive voice.

1. The speaker was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment. 2. He showed no sign of (hurt). 3. They showed no sign of (recognize) us. 4. He insists on (pay) for his work done. 5. We did not want to speak to the correspondent and tried to avoid (interview) by him. 6. Excuse me for (give) so much trouble to you. 7. After (examining) by the doctor I was given a sick leave. 8. They deny (rob) the bank, but admit (make) plans about it. 9. The problem is not worth (speak of). 10. Why does he avoid (meet) journalists? 11. She insisted on (show) the files to her. 12. She does not stand (remind) people of their duties and (remind) of hers. 13. He is not used to (speak to) like that. 14. He had never thought of security because he had no idea of (kidnap). 15. Did you succeed in (persuade) your colleagues? 16, The TV set needs (repair). 17. He is looking forward to (give) the main part in the play. 18. After (look through) the papers were registered. 19. He can't do anything without (disturb) anybody or (disturb). 20. Have you ever dreamed of (earn) a million dollars?


Exercise 213.

Complete the sentences on the right using the gerunds formed from the verbs in the box.

persuade       go

remember gamble

do               see

try            visit

talk        watch

buy             get

speak          cry

4. Do you ever watch TV? Never. I think it's a waste of time___. 2.1 advise you to see the film which is on at our local cinema. It is worth___. 3. He is speaking too much. I think it's no use___into every detail. 4. Why are you speaking so much of it? To my mind, the matter

is not worth___of. 5. Why are you crying? You are seven years old already. Is it good___over the broken doll? 6. Stay in bed then. It is no good.___anything if you feel bad. 7. Have you talked to Alice? Yes, but we had difficulty ___ to her. I did not expect her to be so stubborn. I think it's a waste of time___her to follow cur advice. 8. She has bought a new fur coat.   Well,

to my mind, there is no point in___a new one if she has already got four coats! 9. What are you going to do tonight? Let's go to the casino. I think it is a waste of money___. 10. Where have you been this summer? In Moscow, I had difficulty___, a visa. 11. She has left for Paris. It's no use___to get in touch with her, 12. England and Brazil are going to play tomorrow. I've already bought tickets. Matches between England and Brazil are worth ___. 13. Ronald Reagan often used Russian proverbs in his speech. I think he supposed they were worth___.


Exercise 214.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions after, before, by, on, without.

1. What did she mean___boasting like this? 2. His knowledge has improved___taking a training course. 3. He could tell the funniest story___smiling. 4.___ entering the house she rushed to the telephone___greeting anybody. 5. You can keep healthy and fit___jogging in the morning. 6. Where did he go___finishing his work? 7.___writing an article about the events he must go to

the place where they are taking place. 8.___hearing a woman's cry he jumped up from his seat. 9.___ going through the customs office he went aboard the plane. 10. She was upset___not getting an answer from him.


Exercise 215.

Fill in the blanks with proper gerunds (use the verbs in the box).

Send call go take speak find accomplish come part laugh gamble explain steal Cheat support live take buy

1, He has succeeded in___a difficult task and we are proud of him. 2. You should ask him for help. It seems to me that he is very good at___everything. 3, Mr. Grimsby hasn't got enough experience. I am against___in our work and I object___to the conference. 4. The audience

burst out___at the sight of the monkey going through different tricks. 5. Do you know he has given up___? 6.1 don't insist on ___there by plane. 7. Though nobody suspected him of___, his companions accused him of_______ them when he was responsible for___goods for their

company. 8. They are engaged in___new people for their firm. 9. Why do you persist in___him? 10. He is fed up with___alone. He is looking forward to his family___ in two days. 11. They prevented us from___rash steps. 12. She feels like___too much when she drinks a glass of

champagne. 13. He decided against___her again.


Exercise 216.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. The policeman accused him ___exceeding the speed limit. 2. She has been dreaming___flying to the Bahamas. 3. The rain prevented him___going to the country. 4. They have  decided___buying a new car. 5. He succeeded___being promoted. 6.1 feel___staying

at home. It is rather cold. Let's watch a new film on TV instead___going to the picnic. 7. She is fed_______ staying in the village. 8. He went to the disco despite ___having a headache. 9. She is looking_______playing the leading part in the performance. 10.1 think it's no use ___ trying to get him home. 11. Everybody congratulated her___passing the exam so well. 12. He

is not very good___taking decisions quickly. 13. They don't approve___her getting married to James. 14. The police suspect him___drug smuggling. 15. We have difficulty___installing the new equipment.


Exercise 217.

Paraphrase the sentences using the gerunds. Use prepositions or adverbs where necessary (gerundial phrases are in bold type).

Example: We have no objections. They may leave at once.— We have no objections to their leaving at once.

1. He is unable to resist her charm.It's funny. 2» They told the truth.You shouldn't deny it. 3.You shouldn't take advantage of people's weakness.It's no good. 4.1 confided in this man.I admit it. 5. She accepted the proposal.Her mother was displeased with it. &.We rang the bell»and we were admitted to the hall. 7. I'd like to speak to you frankly.I hope you don't mind it. 8. He is admitted to our closed circle.I object to it. 9. He was afraid that I would change the decision. 10.1regiet that I gave you so much trouble. 11. After he had studied the weather forecast in great detail,he said he would go back to London. 12. Why do you insist that he should be present there?13.1 am really ashamed that I haven't written to you for so long. 14. You submitted the report to the secretary.I remember it. 15.1 was prepared to dislike Mr. Kalada even before I met him. 16.He suggested that we should start at once.17. Mrs, Knight disliked tbatl told the truth.18. We are looking forward to the fact tl at you will spend the summer with us.19. He isresponsible that the letter is delivered only today.20. This woman's face attracted his attention as familiar for he remembered that she had passed by him several times.

Exercise 218.

 Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives. Use prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. There is no point (worry) about these things. 2. Do you want me (order) a long-distance call? 3. Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth. 4. I've seen him (leave) the office early this afternoon. He seemed (be) unhappy about something. 5. She didn't succeed (be) economical. 6. Would you mind (look up) his telephone number? 7. I'm looking forward (make) an appointment with this businessman. 8. It was a lovely day, so I suggested (go) to the country. 9. Would you mind (close) the window? I hate (sit) in. a draught. 10. It's worth (arrange) the things properly. 11. I'd like you (arrange) everything by the time I come back. 12. Jt's very difficult (deal) with him because he got used (do) everything in his own way. 13. The teacher was very strict. Nobody dared (speak) to each other. 14. They don't have much money. They can't afford (go) out very often. 15. It is no use (have) a car if you don't know how (drive).

Exercise 219.

Choose the right variant with the following verbs.

A remember

1. Remember (to look/looking) ahead when driving.

2. When you go on that mission please remember (to point out/pointing out) to people there that our stand on this issue remains the same. — I won't fail to do that. 3. Do you remember (to meet/meeting) them last summer? 4. Remember (to phone/phoning) as soon as arrive. 5. The policeman asked me if I clearly remembered (to lock/ locking) the door before I went to bed. 6.1 remember (to pay/paying) him. I gave him two pounds. 7. Did you remember (to give/giving) him the key to the safe? — No, I didn't. I'll go and do it now. 8.1 don't remember ever (to see/seeing) you. 9. She does not remember (to ask/asking) this question. 10. We remember (to stay/ staying) a weekend with her. She is a nice woman. 11. When you are on holiday remember (to send/sending) postcards to a few close friends.

В regret

1.1 regret (to tell/telling) you all the tickets for this performance have been sold. 2. He's always regretted (not to learn/not learning) to play a musical instrument. 3. They regret (to fail/failing) to understand the importance of your proposal. 4.1 regret (to inform/ informing) you that your application has been rejected. 5.1 don't regret (to quarrel/quarrelling) with him. 6. The manager regrets (to say/saying) that your proposal has been turned down. 7. We regret (to miss/missing) this film. It is worth seeing. 8.1 regret (to say/saying) I won't be able to come. 9. She regrets (not to be able/not being able) say goodbye to him. 10. If you regret (to do/doing) something, you are sorry about an action in the past.

С be (get) used to/used to

1. He used to (be/being) good at mathematics. 2.1 got used to (get up/getting up) very early. 3. In the Dark Ages people used to (think/thinking) that the sun goes round the earth. 4. He wasn't used to (work/working) late at night. 5. He used to (study/studying) late at night when a youth. 6. She was used to (wander/wandering) about the fields by herself. 7. In my childhood my aunt used to (bring/bringing) little presents for me. 8. He quickly got used to (have/having) a good meal and nice suits. 9. He used to (say/saying) that there was nothing like warm crisp brown bread spread with honey. 10. The mother was used to (do/doing) all the work about the house alone. 11. The mother used to (do/doing) all the work about the house,

D try

1. Why don't you try (to lose/losing) some weight? 2. He tried (to go/going) to evening classes but his English was still hopeless, 3. She tried (to explain/explaining) the situation but he refused to listen and went on grumbling. 4. Do stop talking, I am trying (to write/ writing) a letter. 5. He tried (to persuade/persuading) them to sign a contract. 6. Try (to forget/forgetting) it, it is not worth worrying about. 7.1 tried (to catch/ catching) his eye, but he sat motionless. 8. He tried (to cook/cooking) but failed. 9. They had tried (to introduce/ introducing) many other methods in return to the initial one.

E stop

1. If you stop (to do/doing) something, you finish an action. 2. If you stop (to do/doing) something, you interrupt one action in order to do something else. 3. We stopped (to buy/buying) food in the store because the owner raised the prices. 4. We stopped (to buy/buying) food in the store because we were hungry. 5. Do stop (to make/making) this awful noise! 6. We've only stopped (to buy/buying) some petrol. 7. They stopped (to produce/ producing) refrigerators because of their workers' strike. 8. He suddenly stopped (to speak/speaking), got up and left without saying anything.

F be afraid to/be afraid of

1. I'm afraid (to take/taking) an exam because I'm afraid (to fail/failing) it. 2. He was afraid (to leave/ leaving) the house because he was afraid (to meet/meeting) someone who might recognise him. 3. He was afraid (to say/saying) a word because he did not know anybody. 4.1 am afraid (to go/going) by plane. 5. He was afraid (to tell/telling) her the sad news. 6. My sister is such a coward! She can't see horror films because she is afraid (to meet/ meeting) a ghost at night. 7. He was afraid (to make/ making) the next step because he was afraid (to fall/falling) because he was standing on the brink of the precipice.

G can't help

1. It is silly of me, but I can't help (to feel/feeling) anxious. 2.1 can't help (to laugh/laughing)) at his jokes. 3. They can't help him (to do/doing) the exercise. 4. She could not help (to be attracted/being attracted) by the fact that she was being looked at. 5. He couldn't help his son (to solve/solving) the problem. 6. She couldn't help (to phone/phoning) her mother when she heard the news.


Exercise 220.

Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives.

1.1 don't remember (switch off) the TV set. I'd better (go) and (check) it. 2. The weather is very nice. Let's (go) for a swim. — I am not particularly good at (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead of (bathing)? 3. We stopped once (buy) some food, and then we stopped again (ask) the way. 4. Do you feel like (dine) out or would you rather (have) dinner at home? — I'd like (go) out. I always enjoy (have) dinner at a restaurant. 5.1 don't mind (travel) by bus but I hate (stand) if there are a lot of people. I think it's better (go) by tube. 6. Would you like (come) to the conference devoted to the theatre? — No, thanks. I like (see) performances but I don't enjoy (listen) to people talking about it. 7. I'm delighted (hear) that you can come for the weekend. We are all looking forward to (see) you. 8. The autumn is wonderful! You got used to (swim) in September, so remember (bring) your bathing suit. 9.1 remember (lend) that book to you. You wanted (write) a report. — Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll bring it back tonight. 10. When would you like (start off)? — In a few moments. — Let's (wait) till it stops (snow) otherwise we may get lost. 11. Do you remember (meet) her at my birthday party? — Yes, certainly. Thank you for the chance (meet) such a beautiful and witty girl. 12. The results are very disappointing, I regret (say). I allow you (to rewrite) the test. But I allow (rewrite) on condition everyone is present. 13. You know I meant (buy) something for supper but the shop was closed. — OK. It means (have) sandwiches and tea for supper.


Exercise 221.

Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1.1 think you made a mistake to come here. 2. When he told me about his plans, I couldn't help to be surprised. It absolutely wasn't in his line. 3.1 can't help you preparing this historical sketch. 4. It's no use persuading such a stubborn person. 5. People often have difficulty to learn a foreign language. 6.1 congratulated Ann to enter University. 7. We called after him, but he did not even stop turning his head. 8.1 don't remember him to tell anything of the kind. 9. They couldn't forgive me for wasting so much time. 10. It is not worth to take up the matter now; it can wait.


Exercise 222.

Choose the correct variant.

1. He was clever enough_______in this delicate situation.

a) avoiding, speaking

b) to avoid, to speak

c) avoiding, to speak

d) to avoid, speaking

2.1 wonder if there is any use_______him.

a) trying, improving

b) trying, to improve

c) to try, to improve

d) to try, improving

3. Please let it ___ clearly. I am not used ___something twice.

a) understand, to saying

b) to understand, to say

c) be understood, to saying

d) be understood, to say

4. Suddenly she burst out___with the words, "I'm sick and tired___soups and porridges for him. I can't go on___my best years."

a) crying, of making, wasting

b) to cry, to make, to waste

c) to cry, of making, wasting

d) crying, to make, wasting

5. He had some difficulty,__his temper. This scene was worth___. After that he avoided___by his friends.

a) to control, to watch, to see

b) controlling, watching, seeing

c) controlling, watching, being seen

d) being controlled, being watched, to be seen


Exercise 223.

Translate into English using gerunds where possible.

1. Я настаиваю, чтобы ты показал нам свой новый автомобиль, 2. Маленький мальчик гордился тем, что у него такой благородный (noble) друг. 3. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. Вам не сможет не понравиться прекрасная игра (performance) актеров. 4. Было невоз­можно достать билет, и ему пришлось отказаться от мысли послушать знаменитого пианиста. 5, Я помню, он громко смеялся, когда рассказывал эту историю. 6. Она была уверена, что мальчики уже давно переста­ли работать и убежали на речку. 7. Она сидела в гости­ной (drawing room), не говоря ни слова и не обращая внимания на болтовню (chat) своей сестры. 8. Не отве­чая на приветствия, он быстро прошел в зал. 9. Мне надоело быть старым и мудрым, и я не выношу, когда ко мне относятся (treat) как к инвалиду. 10. Он наме­ревался начать свое расследование (investigation) с осмотра сада. 11. Помыв посуду и прибрав все на кух­не, она легла на диван. 12. Если ты не скажешь мне, в чем дело, какая польза оттого, что я здесь? 13. Я даже не мог прогуляться без того, чтобы он ко мне не подо­шел. 14. Он терпеть не может, когда его хвалят. 15. Ему не нравилось, что дочь часами болтает по телефону. 16. Он пытался найти предлог (pretext), чтобы уйти пораньше. 17. Надеюсь, вы не возражаете, если ему все расскажут? 18. Вы не забыли отправить письмо, кото­рое он вам дал? 19. Видя наши затруднения, они пред­ложили свою помощь. 20. Они не могли не рассмеять­ся при виде (at the sight of) клоуна.


Unit 17

The Participle

Exercise 224.

 Open the brackets and use the correct form of Participle I.

1. That night, (go) up to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty. 2. She smiled (remember) the joke. 3. A new road will soon be built (connect) the plant with the railway station. 4. He speaks like a man (take) his opinion of everything. 5. (Not know) that she could trust them she did not know what to do. 6. And (say) this he threw himself back in the armchair. 7.1 spent about ten minutes (turn) over the sixteen pages of The Guardian before I found the main news and articles. 8. (Be) so far away he still feels himself part of the community. 9. The boy came out of the water (shake) from top to toe. 10. (Support) her by the arm he helped her out of the taxi.

Exercise 225.

Paraphrase the following using Participle I where it is possible.

Example: The man who is speaking to Mary is a well-known surgeon. — The man speaking to Mary is a well-known surgeon.

1. The woman who is working in the garden is my sister. 2. The man who made a report yesterday came back from the USA. 3.1 couldn't ring them up because I did not know their telephone number. 4. We went to see our friends who had just returned from a voyage. 5. The sidewalks were crowded with people who were watching the carnival. 6. He had a massive gold watch, which had belonged to his father. 7. He stood at the counter and hesitated, he did not know what to choose. 8. The conferences, which are held at the University every year, are devoted to ecological problems. 9. Unable to attend the conference that took place a month ago, we asked to send the typewritten reports. 10.1 looked at the people who were lying on the beach. 11. The people who are waiting for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time. 12. The man who phoned you yesterday is waiting for you downstairs.

Exercise 226.

Open the brackets and use the correct form of Participle II.

1. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread (divide) into two halves. 2. There was another pause (break) by a fit of laughing of one of the old men sitting in the first row. 3. The child (leave) alone in the large room began screaming. 4. The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester (connect) with Liverpool by a canal. 5. The story (tell) by the old captain made the young girl cry. 6. He did not doubt that the information (receive) by morning mail was of great interest for his competitors. 7. The equipment (install) in the shop is rather sophisticated. 8. We've got a great variety of products, which are in great demand. Here are some samples (send) to our distributors last month. 9. The methods that were applied in the building of the new metro stations proved to be efficient. 10. She warmed over the dinner that she cooked yesterday.


Exercise 227.

Paraphrase the following using Participle II.

Example: These are only a few of the attempts, which were made to improve the situation. — These are only a few of the attempts made to improve the situation.

1. The new job, which has been offered to me lately, seems to be very interesting. 2. He could not recognize the square, which was rebuilt, while he was away. 3. The news, which you've brought to us, is exciting. 4. The things that are left behind by passengers are usually taken to the Lost Property Office. 5. The animals, which were Caught in the morning, struggled furiously. 6. The answer, which had been so long expected, came at last. 7. There was a dead silence in the room, which was broken only by his cough. 8. The sunrays lighted the magnificent house, which was built on the hill. 9. The castle, which was built many years ago, was in good order. 10. The typewriter that was bought a few days ago has gone wrong.

Exercise 228.

Open the brackets and use participial con­structions with the conjunctions when, white, as if, as though, if, till, unless.

Example: When you cross the street, be careful at the crossroads. — When crossing the street, be careful at the crossroads.

1. When he was lying he spoke more quickly than when he was telling the truth. 2. She stood in front of the mirror as if she were speaking to herself. 3. She screamed as though she had been badly hurt. 4. He is a quiet man. He never hurries unless he is pressed for time. 4. While I was waiting for you, I was looking through newspapers and magazines. 5. When he was asked about it, he could say nothing. 6. When the article is translated, it wirH be typed. 7. While I was crossing the street yesterday, I saw an accident. 8. A promise accounts so little till it is kept. 9. When he was a student he used to study at the library. 10. He was hesitating whether for take the step, which if it was mistaken, could put him to trouble.


Exercise 229.

 Open the brackets and use the correct form of Participle I Perfect.

1. (see) so little of the country, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions. 2. (arrive) two days before the conference he had a lot of time t<? see Edinburgh. 3.1 felt very tired (work) the whole day in the sun. 4. (buy) a pair of gloves we moved to the shoe department. 5. She left (tell) us all she had found out. 6. (get) what he wanted he took his hat and left. 7. By this time (get used) to the atmosphere of the big city, he no longer felt a stranger. 8.1 felt refreshed and rested (sleep) for eight hours. 9. (complete) all our preparations we hired a taxi and hurried off. 10. Never (experience) such difficulties she was at a loss.


Exercise 230.

 Open the brackets and fill in with the proper participle.

1. He fell asleep (exhaust) by the journey. 2. She" entered the dining room (accompany) by her husband and her father. 3. A snake (sleep) in the grass will bite if anyone treads upon it. 4. (Fill) his pockets with apples the boy was about to run away when he saw the owner of the garden with a stick in his hand. 5. It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer (promise) heat. 6. When I came home, I found the table (lay). 7. (Judge) by the colour of the sun it should be windy tomorrow. 8. (Arrive) at a big seaport, I started to look for a job. 9, He had received an urgent message (ask) him to telephone Sir Matthew. 10. He looked at groups of young girls (walk) arm in arm. 11. In the wood they sat down on a (fall) tree. 12. (See) from the hill the city looks magnificent. 13. (Not know) where to go he turned to a passer by. 14. (Lock) in her room she threw a fit. 15. (Address) the parcel, I went out at once to post it. 16. She often took care of my little sister (give) me a possibility to play with other boys. 17. (Wash) her face in cold water, she came up to the window and shut it. 18. Paul sat down again, evidently (change) his mind about going.


Exercise 231.

 Choose the right variant.

1. She stayed___in her room,___to come downstairs.

a) having locked, refused

b) locked, refusing

c) locking, having refused

2. She had a good practical knowledge of French___as an interpreter for many years in France.

a) working

b) having worked

c) worked

3. When we___from our day's outing came into the kitchen, we found dinner___.

a) returned, serving

b) having returned, served

c) returning, having served

4.___by his elbow, Mary listened to their talk.

a) supported

b) supporting

c) having supported

5.___their meal they went for a stroll in the park.

a) finishing

b) finished

c) having finished

6. Fruits___in hothouses are not so rich in colour, taste and vitamins as fruits___in natural conditions.

a) having grown, grown

b) grown, growing

c) growing, having grown

7.___in the reception room he thought over what he would say when he was asked into the office.

a) waiting

b) waited

c) having waited

8. She used to say sharp and___words to him.

a) having wounded

b) wounded

c) wounding

9.1 admired the grounds and trees___the house.

a) surrounding

b) having surrounded e) surrounded

10 She looked at the scene___to the innermost of her heart.

a) shaking

b) shaken

c) having shaken


Exercise 232.

 Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1, Felt tired and having nothing more to do till he came, she sat into the armchair at the window having looked at the mountains lighting by the sun. 2. On the walls there were some common coloured pictures, framing and glazed. 3. His house was close at hand, a very pleasant little cottage, painted white, with green blinds. 4, It was the hour of sunset, having unnoticed in the cities, so beautiful in the country. 5. Finished breakfast, he stayed for some minutes in the dining room. 6. Mother smiled looking at the children played in the garden. 7. While reading a book, I came across several interesting expressions. 8. Some questions having touched upon in the report are worth considering. 9. Leaving our suiteases we went sightseeing. 10. Hearing her come into the house he went downstairs.


Exercise 233.

Translate into English using participles where possible.

1. Будьте внимательны, когда ведете машину. 2. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных ка­рандашом. 3. Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немед­ленно выехала в Глазго. 4. Я не знаю человека, говоря­щего по телефону. 5. Уехав вечером, мы прибыли в город в 6 утра. 6. Полученное известие взволновало всех. 7. Я оставила ей записку, не застав ее дома. 8. Чув­ствуя усталость, они решили передохнуть. 9. Я не за­помнил имя человека, звонившего вам вчера. 10. Мы сидели на террасе, наслаждаясь чудесным видом гор, окружающих наш отель.

Exercise 234

(Revision.) Open the brackets and fill in with the proper verbals (infinitives,gerunds or participles). Use prepositions if necessary.

The Bees

I remember when I was a child (send) (visit) one of our numerous elderly eccentric aunts. She was mad about bees; the garden was full of bees, (hum) like telegraph poles. One afternoon she put on an enormous veil and a pair of gloves, locked us all in the cottage for safety, and went out (try) (get) some honey out of one of the hives. Apparently she did nor stupefy them properly, or whatever it is to do, and when she took the lid off, the bees poured out and settled on her. We were watching all this through the window. We didn't know much about bees, so we thought this was all right, until we saw her (fly) round the garden (make) desperate attempts (avoid) the bees, (get) her veil tangled in the rosebushes. Eventually she reached the cottage and flung herself at the door. We couldn't open it because she had the key. We kept (try) (tell) her this, but her screams of agony and the humming of the bees drowned our voices. It was I believe Leslie who had the brilliant idea (throw) a bucket of water over her from the bedroom window. Unfortunately in his enthusiasm he threw the bucket as well. (Drench) with cold water and then (hit) on the head with a large iron bucket is irritating enough, but (fight off) a mass of bees at the same time makes the whole thing extremely trying. When we eventually got her inside she was so swollen as to be almost unrecognizable.


Choose the right variant.

1. He seemed___all about influenza and said___was nothing___about.

a) to know, it, to worry

b) to be knowing, there, worrying

c) to know, there, to worry

d) to have known, it, to have been worried

2. She put down her book___me___; and___me ___took her workbasket and sat into one of the old-fashioned armchair.

a)   to see, coming in, have welcomed, as usually

b) having seen, to come in, welcoming, usually

c) on seeing, come in, having welcomed, as usual

d) after seeing, having come in, to welcome, in a usual way

3. I don't object___there, but I don't want ___ alone.

a) to your living, you living

b) you to live, your living

c) your living, you to live

d) to your living, you to live

4.1 remember___that hill in twilight. An age seemed ___since the day that brought me first to London.

a) descending, to have elapsed

b). to have descended, to have elapsed

c) to descend, to elapse

d) being descended, to be elapsed


5. He stood invisible at the top of the stairs___Irene ___the letters___by the___post.

a) to watch, to sort, bringing, latest

b) watching, sorting, brought, last

c) having watched, sorting, having brought, latest

d) being watched, having sorted, to have been brought, last

6. On his way home Andrew could not help___what ___charming fellow Ivory had turned out___.

a) to reflect, a, to be

b) being reflected, the, have been

c) reflecting, the, be

d) reflecting, a, to be

7.1 wouldn't like___because I'm afraid___.

a) drive fast, crashing

b) to drive fast, of crashing

c) driving fastly, to crash

d) to be driven faster, to be crashed

8.___paper is said___by___Chinese.

a) ___, to have been invented, the

b) the, to have been invented,___

c) ___, to have invented,___

d) the, to be invented, the

9. There is no point___to him. He is___last man in the world___by any such circumstances.

a) to speak, the, to trouble

b) to speak,___, being troubled

c) speaking, a, be troubled

d) in speaking, the, to be troubled

10. It's high time you___like that. He is fond___fun of everybody.

a) get used to him to behave, to make

b) used to his behaving, about making

c) got used to his behaving, of making

d) used to behave, to make

11 „ He felt___something from him and demanded _______truth. He wasn't worth______'_ lie.

a) them to hide, to tell, the, telling, the

b) them hiding, they will tell, a, to tell, a

c) they were hiding, being told, the, telling, a

d) they hide, telling, a, telling, the

12._______words about the author himself, the lecturer went on___of his works.

a) after saying, a few, to speak

b) saying, few, to speak

c) having said, few, speaking

d) to have said, a few, speaking

13. She was looking forward to___the leading part ___that she was greatly___at not even___it.

a) giving, playing, disappointing, being offered

b) to be given, to play, disappointed, to be offered

c) being given, to play, disappointed, being offered

d) give, playing, disappointed, offering

14. Did you remember___the parcel I gave you? —Yes, I remember___it a week ago.

a) to post, posting

b) to post, to post

c) posting, to post

d) posting, posting

15. You___go and check everything by yourself unless you___it.

a) would better, want him to do it

b) had rather, don't want his doing

c) had better, want him to do it

d) would rather, don't want him to do

16. The accused men___near the bank during the robbery. It's no,use___the case without direct___.

a) deny being somewhere, investigating, evidence

b) denies to be anywhere, to investigate, evidences

c) deny being anywhere, investigating, evidence

d) denies to be somewherej to investigate, evidences

17. You___your children___their own way in the end.

a) are to let, to go

b) have letting, going

c) have to let, go

d) are to let, gone

18.1 suggest___as soon as possible. I___before sunset.

a) us to start, would rather to come

b) our starting, had rather come

c) us starting, would prefer to come

d) our starting, would rather come

19.1 am afraid___to him. What if he really has the power to stop___there, and means___them against me?

a) to speak, me go, to turn

b) of speaking, my going, turning

c) to speak, my going, to turn

d) speaking, me going, to turn

20. He's always regretted___school so young. He has not got enough qualifications and education. Unfortunately he often receives letters___with "Dear sir, we regret___you that your application was turned down."

a) leaving, beginning, to inform

b) to leave, to begin, to inform

c) leaving, beginning, informing

d) to leave, to begin, informing


Unit 18 Modal Verbs

Obligation and Likelihood


Exercise 235.

Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs must, have to or be to.

1. You___(not tell) him about it. It's a secret. 2. It looks like rain. You___(take) your raincoats. 3. You ___(not talk) so loudly here. 4. In his youth he ___ (work) from morning till night to earn his living. 5. He ___(wait) at the station till it stopped raining. 6. The secretary informed us when the manager___(come). 7. They___(leave) on Saturday, but because of the delay with their visas they___(book) tickets for Monday. 8. They___(not tell) him anything about it before they

get further instructions. 9. He___(leave) for London that night. 10.___I (do) it all by myself? 11. It was too late to change their plans and they___(put up) with it. 12. You___(not prepare) all this work, I will help you. 13. Stay here till she is free. I think you___(not wait) long. 14. We___(conduct) a series of experiments this week. 15. Remember that we___(be) at this place not later than noon.


Exercise 236.

Choose the correct variant.

1. His German is very poor. He must (study/be studying/have studied) very hard. 2. His German is very good, he must (study/be studying/have studied) very hard. 3. His German is considerably improved, ho must (study/be studying/have studied) hard during hi» holiday. 4. He must (study/be studying/have been studying) German these two years, his German is rather rich and fluent. 5. She must (have taken/be -faking/have been taking/ a bath at that moment that's vhy she did not answer your call. 6. She must (be/be being/ have been) at home now, we saw her leaving the office. 7. She must (be/be being/have been) at home, she can't go away because there is no one to look after her sick mother. 8. You must always (think/be thinking/have thought) twice before you say anything. 9. Now he must (think/ be thinking/have thought) of what she has said. 10. He knows they are coming. They must (write/be writing/ have written) to him of their arrival in due time. 11. She must (play/be playing/have been playing) the piano now. 12. The foreigner must (understand/understood/have understood) me, for he nodded his head. 13. Where is Sara? I haven't seen her for a long time. — She must (stay/be staying/have stayed) at her friends'. She wanted to spend July with them. 14. He must (get/be getting/ have got) all he needed, otherwise he would have come again. 15. We must (meet/have met/have been meeting) somewhere before.


Exercise 237.

Open the brackets and use the proper infinitive after the verb must.

1. Look! All people in the street are going with their umbrellas up. It must (rain). 2. He has changed his job. He must (follow) your advice, 3. He must (fall) ill. Otherwise he would have come to the party. 4. Where is Michael? He must (be) here by now. — He lives in the country. He must (miss) the train. 5. What a dreadful noise! What is the matter? — Our neighbors must (quarrel) again. 6. Nobody must (notice) that he was not used to speaking in public. 7. The criminal must (be) very careful. He did not leave any fingerprints. 8. We are late, I am afraid. Ann must (wait) for us. 9. He must (forget) that he promised to come. 10. They must (write) a composition for two hours. They must (be) tired. 11. You must (misunderstand) me, I did not want to hurt your feelings. 12. Nobody must (see) him enter. Everybody startled when he came in. 13.1 hear someone's steps outside. She must (go). 14. You may find him in the garden. He must (read). 15. It is impossible to change anything. One must (take) things as they are.


Exercise 238.

 Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb must.

Example: I am sure they have changed the time. — They must have changed the time.

1. They are in Greece. I am sure they are enjoying themselves. 2. She is an experienced teacher. I am certain she has been working at school for at least twenty years. 3. They have probably finished painting the house. 4.1 feel sure she is at home. 5. Probably they have already passed the frontier. 6. She is sure he is playing cards with his friends. 7. She is not very young, as she seems to be. I think she is nearly forty. 8.1 think you have visited this place before. 9. He has to do a very urgent task. I feel sure he is working now. 10. He is so absent-minded. I am sure he left the letter unanswered. 11. You know he is a good tennis player. He is no doubt has won this match. 12.1 shan't bother you any longer; no doubt you feel tired of my talking after a tiring day. 13. It is clear that they are expecting somebody. 14. She was obviously upset by something; I never saw her so nervous. 15. The youth is probably reading something funny. He is smiling all the time.


Exereise 239,

Choose the right variant.

1. He wants us to obey him. We____exactly what he says.

a) have to do

b) must to do

c) are to do

2. Mrs. Sparred ____very beautiful when she was young. She has a fine face.

a) was to be

b) must have been

c) must be

3. You____so late. You should leave after dinner.

a) are not to stay

b) must not have stayed

c) must not stay

4. Something____. He____at seven,

a) must happen, must come

b) must have happened, had to come

c) must have happened, was to have come

5. Yesterday's rain spoiled my shoes completely and I___new ones.

a) had to buy

b) must have bought

c) was to buy

6. Which of them____the documents?

a) must have brought

b) have to bring

c) was to bring

7. The only thing he knew for certain was that he ____them.

a) must not meet  

b) hasn't to meet

c) is not to meet

8. You can't come in. You___a catching disease like that.

a) must not have

b) don't have to have

c) aren't to have

9. There__._ a garden once.

a) was to be

b) must have been

c) must be

10. We___in. The weather is changing,

a) must go

b) must have gone

c) are to go

Exercise 240,

Translate into English using the verb must and its equivalents.

l Он, должно быть, слышал об этом. 2. Этот дом, должно быть, построен в начале столетия. 3. Вы не должны прекращать работу, пока вы ее не закончите. 4„ У них, вероятно, сейчас урок. 5. Не огорчайся, он, должно быть, сделал это случайно. 6. Он, вероятно, сейчас спит. 7, Я ищу этот дом вот уже полчаса и нигде не могу его найти. Должно быть, она дала мне неправильный адрес. 8. Мне не пришлось делать этот чертеж. 9. Он, вероятно, не успел закончить работу к пятнице и был вынужден потратить на нее все вы­ходные, т„к. ее нужно было закончить к понедельни­ку. 10 Она, должно быть, не полила сад. Земля очень сухая. 11с Выбора не было, и им пришлось согласить­ся. 12. Она, должно быть, ждет нас дома. 13. Она дол­жна ждать нас дома. 14 Ей, наверное, не сказали, что мы уже вернулись, 15, Ей пришлось извиниться, хотя это и было неприятно.



Exercise 241.

Open the brackets and give the correct form of the verb after need.

l. The vegetable garden needs (water). 2. The TV needs to be (fix). 3. They need (come) here at three o'clock. 4. The cottage needs to be (repair). 5. She needs (prepare) harder for her exams. 6. The lawn needs (cut). 7. You need (book) a ticket beforehand. 8. Granny needs to be (look after). 9. The walls need to be (paper). 10.1 need (get) this book somewhere.

Exercise 242.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Pay attention to the use of the particle to.

worry leave
carry come
talk help
tell go
phone ask

Example: All is agreed and understood between us,so you needn't___about it any more. —

All is agreed and understood between us, so you needn't worry about it any more,

You don't need___there. — You don't need to go there.

1. You needn't___here by yourself. You may send someone else. 2. She doesn't need___bags by herself: there are porters at the station. 3. You don't need___ about her; she is quite able to take care of herself. 4.1 don't need___you how important it is. 5.1 needn't ___him. He will tell me everything himself. 6. You needn't___me again, I never forget my promise. ?. She doesn't need___to the library; I have got this book. 8. They needn't___for the airport so early; I will give

them a lift. 9.1 can do it by myself. You needn't___ me. 10. You don't need___to her. I have already told her everything.


Exercise 243.

Choose the right variant.

1. He says I (mustn't/needn't) do it. He has already done it. 2. You (needn't/mustn't) carry your driving license with you. 3.1 can show my student's card, and I (mustn't/needn't) pay to get in. 4. I've hurt my knee and the doctor says I (mustn't/needn't) play football for two weeks. 5. Copies (needn't/mustn't) be done without permission. 6. He is a very discreet person, you (needn't/ mustn't) be afraid of telling him anything. 7. He (needn't/mustn't) be said twice. 8. You (needn't/mustn't) answer the question if you don't want to. 9. It's a non­smoking carriage. You (needn't/mustn't) smoke here. 10. She (needn't/mustn't) go to bed so late. Has she forgotten the doctor's instructions?


Exercise 244,

 Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with either didn't need (to) 01 needn't have (done).

1. You___ (go) into so many details. The report was too long. 2, She got up late because she was alone and she____(cook) breakfast for the whole family. 3. We ___(hurry): she wasn't ready yet. 4. He___(return) to the office so he took a taxi and went home. 5.1___ (take) a bus because Martin gave me a lift. 6. We___ (come) so early. Now we must wait. 7. She___(go) shopping so she went straight home. 8. You___(make) this remark, I am sure he felt hurt. 9. She was on holiday and she___(wake up) early. 10. He___(spend) so much money. Does he remember that he's got children?


Exercise 245.

Translate into English using the verb need.

1. Зря ты сказал Майку об этом. 2, Егэ не надо оо этом спрашивать. 3. Мне нужна ваша помощь. 4. Зря ты учил текст наизусть (by heart); учитель его не спрашивал. 5. Вечером температура упала, и он ре­шил, что ему не нужно идти к врачу. 6. Разве ты не видишь, что ему надо подстричься? 7. Зря он отка­зался от приглашения. 8. Вы купили машину толь­ко год назад. Неужели ее надо красить? 9. Мне нуж­но наладить (fix) компьютер. 10. Джону не надо было ехать в Лондон, и он решил провести выходные в Брайтоне.


Exercise 246.

 Match the parts of the sentences.

1) My room is in a mess a) He should always turn them on in the dark

and my friends are              otherwise he may have an accident.

coming to visit me               tonight.                       

2) You haven't paid your b) You ought to go on a. diet.

monthly rent yet Friday is

the last day you can do it.

3) Tom drives the car         c) You should ring her up and apologise.

without headlights.         

4) Anna's library book is d) She ought to give up smoking.

due today.                   

5) I've put on weight       e) He should go to the dentist's.


6) I am afraid, I was rude f) You ought to put it in order.

to Kate yesterday.           

7) I've got urgent work                           g) You should record the film. Have you

 and my computer does not work,                   got a VCR?

8) He has a bad toothache,                   h) You ought to go to the

                                                           bank till Friday and pay it

9) I have a test tomorrow                 i) You should phone Nick He's got clever on fingers

 but there is a film. TV I've wanted

 to see so much.

10) She has a bad cough but                j) She ought to return her books today

she goes on smoking.                           if she doesn't want to pay a fine.



Exercise 247.

Read the situations and write sentences with should (shouldn't) haoe or ought to (ought not to) have,

Example: He had a test this morning. — He didn't do it well. He should have studied more last night.

1. She didn't take a taxi. She was late for the wedding. 2.1 didn't eat at home. Now I'm hungry. 3. She bought a TV set last month. Now she regrets doing that. Her children watch it day arid night. 4. He signed a contract without reading it thoroughly. Now he has discovered that he has no right to make any amendments there. 5. Mary sold her house. That was a mistake because now she spends a lot of money to rent an apartment. 6.1 enjoyed the party last night a lot. Why didn't you come? 7, The driver in front of me stopped suddenly and I smashed into the back of his car. It was not my fault. 8. The boy went out without the doctor's permission Now he is much worse. 9. When we arrived at the hotel there were no free rooms. We hadn't reserved one. 10. It was not a good idea for Tom and Mary to get married. Now they quarrel all days long.


Exercise 248.

Choose the right variant.

1. She looks bad. She should (be/have been) more careful about her health. 2. You shouldn't (miss/have missed) the chance. It was a brilliant opportunity for you. 3.1 think the policeman was right. She shouldn't (exceed/have exceeded) the speed. 4.1 ought to (bring/ have taken) the opera glasses. Now I see nothing. 5. It seems to me that he is a hot-temper person and often flies into a rage because of mere trifles. He should (control/ have controlled) his temper. 6. They should (clear/have cleared) up the problem long time ago. 7.1 ought not (to stay/have stayed) there long. The party was a failure. 8. You should (shave/have shaved) this beard of yours!

9. She should (be/have been) more attentive. Didn't she see a car on the right? 10. It's a secret. You ought not to (reveal/have revealed) it to anybody.


Exercise 249.

 Choose the right variant.

1. Don't argue with her, you___her age.

a) need respect

b) have to respect

c) ought to respect

d) are to respect

2. You___it long ago.

a) must do

b) should have done

c) needn't have done

d) are to do

3. This is serious; you___at it.

a) haven't to laugh

b) should not laugh

c) don't have to laugh

d) must not have laughed

4. There___an interesting concert last night, but I didn't feel well and___home.

a) had to be, had to stay

b) should be, was to stay

c) must be, ought to stay

d) was to be, had to stay

5. According to the rules a football player___the ball with his hands.

a) must not touch

b) need not touch

c) don't have to touch

d) must not have touched

6. The situation was dangerous. You___frightened.

a) should have got

b) must have got

c) have to get

d) need have got

7. We ___ to write and thank them for their hospitality.

a) must not forget

b) must not have forgotten

c) shouldn't forget

d) don't have to forget

8. Why___I know where he is?

a) should

b) must

c) need

d) ought

9. They___more polite.

a) need have been

b) should have been

c) must have been

d) are to have been

10. You___so much noise or you'll wake up the baby!

a) must not make

b) must not have made

c) needn't have made

d) don't have to make


Exercise 250.

 Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with must, have to, be to, should, need, ought to (in ноте cases you may have several variants)

1. He ___(not go) to court because the case was dismissed. 2. If I'm late, I'll ___(take) a taxi. 3. The young___(respect) the old age. 4. The conversation grew awkward. She felt that something ___ (do), or else the party would break up. 5. They___(meet) tomorrow, so you___(not make) an appointment to see him. 6, You ___(have) a visa to enter a foreign country. 7. You___ (try) and be more punctual. 8. Why are you so late? — I ___(change) a tyre. 9. You___(not shout), I am not deaf. 10. They___(cross) the English Channel now.



Exercise 251.

Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Тебе следовало позвонить ему вчера. 2. Ему не следовало говорить с ней таким тоном (tone). Его тон, должно быть, и обидел (hurt) ее. 3. Это должно было произойти. Всем известна его забывчивость (forget-fulness). 4. Она должна была выяснить все до того, как начинать работу. Теперь ей нужно многое переделы­вать. 5. Ей следовало принести все документы давным-давно. Теперь слишком поздно. 6. Детям нельзя смот­реть фильмы ужасов, 7. Мне их проводить (see off)? — Нет, не нужно. Мне придется сделать это самому, 8. В чужой стране необходимо приспосабливаться (adapt oneself) к новым условиям жизни, 9. Зря ты купил это пальто. 10.Мы, должно быть, не заметили его в этой толпе (crowd). 11 „Нам не надо было спешить, поэтому мы решили пойти пешком. 12. Почему я дол­жен это делать?


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