3. 3. 1 Hydrogenation of acetonitrile with various "H-5" -Ni-Nbsk (5% Nb) catalyst weighed under the hydrogen pressure in the liquid phase

Catalytic hydrogenation of acetonitrile to the primary - CH3CH2NH2, secondary - (CH3CH2) 2NH and tertiary - (CH3CH2) 3N amines is a model reaction reflecting the characteristic features of hydrogenation of the nitrile group, but belonging to the class of insufficiently studied compounds [50-52].

  СН3–СºN + Н2®СН3–СH=NH + Н2®СН3–СН2–NH2     (1)

acetonitrile         aldimine                  ethylamine

Promoted catalysts based on Ni-Raney (Ni50-x-Mex-50% Al) have been studied to intensify the catalytic synthesis of ethylamine. They are: N-5-Ni-Nbsk (5% Nb) catalysts.

[1, 2, 16, 17, 32], when studying the hydrogenation of decyloxypropionitrile and terephthalonitrile in the presence of promoted Ni-Raney-based catalysts under hydrogen pressure in the liquid phase, catalysts with Nb [ 1, 16, 17], so we found it expedient to use a Ni-Nbsk (5% Nb) catalyst in the hydrogenation of acetonitrile.

The rate of hydrogenation of nitriles and the direction of the reaction depend not only on the nature of the catalyst, the solvent, the process conditions, but also on the amount of ammonia introduced into the reaction medium [1-7, 14-20, 30, 32, 44]. On Ni-Ti (3 % Ti), Ni-Nb (2-5% Nb) catalysts, the maximum yield (98%) of γ-decyloxypropylamine and p-xylylenediamine corresponds to a weight ratio of nitrile: ammonia of 1: 3 [1, 15-17].

It is of great practical interest to find the optimal catalyst: nitrile (acetonitrile) ratio and change the amine yield from the amount of catalyst.

The change in the amount of catalyst during hydrogenation in the liquid phase naturally leads to a change in the ratio of the reacting substances on the surface, which sometimes leads to a change in the selectivity of the process.

The results of hydrogenation of acetonitrile in various portions of the H-5 catalyst are shown in Table 1.

The weight of the catalyst varies from 0.05 to 0.5 g. When the catalyst charge is increased by 10 times, the reaction rate increases accordingly from 32 to 127 cm3H2 / min (Table 1), the character of the kinetic curves is preserved.


Table 1 - Hydrogenation of acetonitrile with various portions of H-5 catalyst in ethanol (A4H2 = 1000 cm3 H2, nitrile: ammonia = 1: 3, g / g, 4.0 MPa, 313 K)

Catalyst weighing, g Initial hydrogenation rate, W cm3H2 / min Yield of ethylamine, %
0,05 37 92-94
0,1 68 97-98
0,3 99 98
0,5 132 96-98


It can be seen from Table 2 that at a ratio of nitrile: ammonia 1: 3, the rate of hydrogenation of  benzonitrile at 293 K is 33 cm3H2/min, and a 4-fold increase in temperature to 353 K (from 20 to 80 ° C), respectively, the reaction rate increases to 128 cm3H2/min. At high temperatures, along with the growth rate of the hydrogenation reaction of acetonitrile to ethylamine, secondary and tertiary amines are formed [14-20].

1 - 293 K; 2 - 313 K; 3 - 333 K

Figure 4 - Hydrogenation of acetonitrile on an H-5 catalyst at different temperatures in ethanol (qcat = 0.1 g, A2H2 = 1000 cm3 H2, nitrile: ammonia = 1: 3, g / g).


Study of the effect of hydrogen pressure on the hydrogenation of acetonitrile

The hydrogen pressure plays an important role in the hydrogenation of nitriles [2, 5-9, 14, 30, 53, 56].

The study of the hydrogenation of a number of unsaturated organic compounds under hydrogen pressure showed that the reaction rate is most often directly proportional to pressure, in some cases it increases rapidly, in others it slows [1-5, 17, 53].

The ratio of adsorbed molecules of hydrogenated matter and hydrogen should largely determine the effect of hydrogen pressure, temperature and other factors on the reaction rate [5, 17, 24]. The pressure primarily affects the concentration of hydrogen on the surface of the catalyst.

Some papers [5, 24, 32] show that with increasing hydrogen pressure in the system, the hydrogenation rate increases proportionally to a certain limit, the latter depending on the nature of the catalyst and the hydrogenated compound and on the experimental condition.

Hydrogenation of acetonitrile in alcohol on H-5 catalyst changed the hydrogen pressure in the range 0.5-7.0 MPa at a temperature of 313 K (Fig. 4). As the hydrogen pressure rises, the reaction rate increases monotonically to 6.0 MPa. At a pressure above 6.0 MPa, the velocity ceases to depend on the pressure, i.e. in this case, the increase in the reaction rate with increasing hydrogen pressure is observed up to a certain value of it, above which it does not change. In the case of acetonitrile, this value corresponds to 6.0 MPa.

The logarithmic dependence of the reaction rate on the hydrogen pressure, constructed on the basis of the kinetic curves of the measurements, is expressed by a broken line characterizing the change in the order of the reaction along hydrogen (Fig. 5). The order of the reaction was determined from the slope of the slope. In the pressure range 0.5-6.0 MPa, the reaction order for hydrogen is ~ 0.5. the reaction is due to atomically adsorbed hydrogen. At a pressure above 6.0 MPa, it goes to zero.

The results of  hydrogenation of acetonitrile in the presence of an H-5 catalyst at various pressures in alcohol in the presence of ammonia are presented in Table 3 and Figure 4. Comparative results of hydrogenation of acetonitrile show (Table 3 and Figure 4) that in ammonia alcohol with an increase in hydrogen pressure from 0.5 to 6, 0 MPa yield of ethylamine rises from 84 to 98%, further increase to 6.0 MPa slightly affects the yield of benzylamine and the speed of the process.

It has been established that hydrogenation of acetonitrile with Ni-Nbsk catalyst proceeds with a gradually decreasing velocity, the calculated amount of hydrogen is absorbed. The decrease in speed during the experiment is due to the adsorption of reaction products on the catalyst surface.


Kinetic curves: 1 - 0.5; 2 -1.0; 3 -2.0; 4 -4.0; 5 -6.0; 6 -7.0 MPa

Figure 4 - Hydrogenation of acetonitrile on H-5 catalyst (0.1 g)

at various pressures in ethanol (nitrile: ammonia = 1: 3, g / g, 313K)

Figure 5-Dependency



Table 3 - Hydrogenation of acetonitrile on H-5 catalyst at different pressures in ethanol (nitrile: ammonia = 1: 3, g / g, 313K)


Рн2, MPa Initial rate, cm3 / min Yield of benzylamine,% Duration of the process, min
0,5 42 85–88 28
1,0 50 92–94 23
2,0 58 95–96 18
4,0 68 97–98 11
6,0 83 98 8
7,0 84 97–98 8


With an increase in hydrogen pressure from 0.5 to 6.0 MPa, the initial hydrogenation rate of acetonitrile increases monotonically from 42 to 84 cm3H2 / min, respectively (Table 4 and Figure 5). As the hydrogen pressure rises above 6.0 MPa, the reaction rate remains practically unchanged. As you can see from Table. 3 and Fig. 4 that the rate of the hydrogenation reaction of acetonitrile increases to 6.0 MPa of hydrogen, characterized as the limiting, above which the reaction rate does not change.

It follows from the literature [1-7, 14-20, 30, 32, 44, 56, 58] and the reaction scheme depicted below that the first intermediate compound formed on the surface of the catalyst during the hydrogenation of nitriles is aldimine:

To direct the reaction towards the formation of primary mono- and diamines, it is necessary to increase the hydrogen concentration on the surface of the catalyst, for example, using an increased hydrogen pressure and to strengthen the adsorption bond of hydrogen to the surface by promoting wirelet nickel or by selecting a solvent, in particular, by introducing it into ammonia [1- 7, 14-20, 26, 30, 32, 35, 43].

Reactive-active aldimine reacts with ammonia to form an unstable compound that readily converts to the primary amine, reacting with hydrogen and cleaving ammonia [1-7, 14-20]:

Ammonia prevents aldimine from reacting with the primary amine, in the interaction of which a Schiff base is formed and, upon further interaction with hydrogen, passes into the secondary amine.

If during the adsorption on the surface of the catalysts, the nitrile is coordinated with the π-bond catalyst, then upon the addition of hydrogen one or two nitrile-metal bonds are broken. After the addition of two hydrogen atoms, the intermediate for the hydrogenation of the nitrile is the reactive aldimine R-CH = NH [50-52, 59, 60].




-The kinetics of hydrogenation of the "H-5" -Ni-Nbsk (5% Nb) catalyst at various pressures and temperatures in alcohol in the presence of ammonia was studied. Hydrogenation of acetonitrile proceeds with a gradually decreasing in time rate.

- The kinetic regularities of hydrogenation of acetonitrile to ethylamine in the liquid phase are determined by varying the experimental condition (T,, catalyst: nitrile ratio).

- The influence of hydrogen pressure and temperature on the process of hydrogenation of acetonitrile in the presence of "H-5" -Ni-Nbsk (5% Nb) catalyst was studied. It is established that the reaction rate increases with increasing pressure and temperature.

- It is established that in ethanol in the presence of ammonia with increasing hydrogen pressure from 0.5 to 6.0 MPa, the reaction rate increases monotonically to 6.0 MPa.

- It is shown that in ethanol with a ratio of nitrile: ammonia = 1: 3 (g / g), at a hydrogen pressure of 4,0-6,0 MPa and a temperature of 313-333 K, the yield of ethylamine  is on the "H-5" -Ni- Nbsk (5% Nb) catalyst 97-98%.






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