The Value of a College Education

“I’ve been a long-time supporter of college education. I think that a college degree puts you so far ahead in life that it’s utterly necessary in today’s competitive business world.

Now the government released a report backing what I’ve said all along.

According to the Census Bureau, a bachelor’s degree is worth about $23,000 a year. That’s the average gap in earnings between adults who graduated from college and those who just have high school diplomas.

College graduates make an average of about $51,000 a year compared with only about $28,000 for people with just a high school diploma. High school dropouts, on the other hand, earn an average of roughly $19,000 … and those with advanced college degrees make approximately $78,000.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman or what race or ethnic group you belong to. If you go to college, you end up making a lot more money. It’s that simple.

And I can’t think of a better reason to get a college degree.”


Vocabulary and Cultural Notes:

1. utterly[`Atəli]necessary – вкрай необхідно;

2. to release (a report) – опублікувати (обнародувати) (доповідь);

3. to back – підтримувати; підкріпляти;

4. all along – весь час; з самого початку; завжди;

5. the Census Bureau[`sentsəs `bjuərəu](Bureau of the Census) – Бюро перепису населення (підрозділ міністерства торгівлі США, створений в березні 1902 року. До функцій Бюро відноситься проведення перепису населення кожні 10 років у відповідності із законодавством США);

6. advanced college degree – науковий ступінь; вчений ступінь (вище ступеня бакалавра);

7. to end up – припиняти(ся), завершувати(ся).


b) Think and answer.


1. Is a college degree utterly necessary in today’s competitive business world?

2. Does college education put people far ahead in life? Explain your answer.

3. Are you a supporter of college education? Why?

4. Are high school dropouts able of making a lot of money?

5. What are your reasons for getting a university degree?

6. If you go to college, you end up making a lot more money, don’t you?

7. Can successful life stories of such former college dropouts as Bill Gates or Richard Branson refute Donald J. Trump’s views on college education?


Task 31. Make up a list of Ukraine’s most successful entrepreneurs. Characterize their accomplishments using the words and phrases from the box.

artistic to create boldly

entrepreneurial spirit

dedication and desire

ingenious to develop

outrageous business tactics

to invent oneself

to engineer

thrill seeking spirit


 formal training


 to revolutionize

to evolve inventive

 a college degree

appreciation imaginative

innovative products

to innovate

business experience

to keep one’s name famous

to pioneer innovative

to throw out the ideas

to drop out of college

creative to design original

Task 32. Speak on:

1. Different types of people doing business.

2. Characteristics of “a true entrepreneur.”

3. Entrepreneurship as an incredible force.

4. Life stories and accomplishments of successful entrepreneurs.


Task 33. Comment on the following sayings.

1. “The lifeblood of our business is that R&D spend. There’s nothing that flows through a pipe or down a wire or anything else. We have to continuously create new innovation that lets people do something they didn’t think they could do the day before.” (Steve Ballmer – Microsoft CEO)

2. “Since we live in an age of innovation, a practical education must prepare a man for work that does not yet exist and cannot yet be clearly defined.” (Peter Drucker – business management author)

3. “Genius is one per cent inspiration and 99% perspiration.” (Thomas Edison – inventor and businessman)

4. “Innovation is not the product of logical thought … although the result is tied to logical structure.” (Albert Einstein – physicist)

5. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” (Steve Jobs – Apple Computers)

6. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” (Mary Kay Ash – entrepreneur)

7. “It’s through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we’ve always mapped our path at Dell. There’s always an opportunity to make a difference.” (Michael Dell – Dell Computers)

8. “The link between my experience as an entrepreneur and that of a politician is all in one word – freedom.” (Silvio Berlusconi – entrepeneur & Italian prime minister)

9. “A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” (Richard Branson – British Virgin group founder)

10. “The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can’t do.” (Dennis Waitley – business expert).

11. “To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education – literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills.” (Alan Greenspan – Federal Reserve Chairman).

Lesson 2


Task 1.  a)Revise the word-building rules. Build the words using the following patterns. Translate the derived terms into Ukrainian.




спритність; хитрість; винахідливість;

дотепність; майстерність

resourceful + NESS resourcefulness
ingenious   ingeniousness







use + FUL -----------
resource   -----------




-----------              -----------
change -----------







will -----------
interest -----------
overwhelm -----------                     -----------









optimistic -----------
confidence -----------
generalization -----------


b) Fill in the blanks with some of the above derivatives. Translate the word combinations and phrases.

1. _____ need;

2. _____ paths;

3. _____ life stories;

4. _____ entrepreneurs;

5. _____ market conditions;

6. prone to _____ and _____;

7. _____ of substitute products;

8. _____ to submit to authority;

9. _____ and _____ of entrepreneurs;

10. _____ to put financial security on the line.

c) Use the derived words in the sentences of your own.

Task 2. a)Combine the verbs (column A) with prepositions (column B) to make up phrases.









b) Consider the following example sentences.


1. Stories have been going about concerning the government’s secret intentions. Поповзли чутки про таємні плани уряду.
2. I cannot go for your idea. Я не можу погодитися з твоєю пропозицією.
3. My remarks go for your friend as well. Мої зауваження торкаються і твого друга також.
4. That goes for all of us. Це нас усіх влаштовує.
5. Go for him! Схопити його!
6. Go to! Заспокойся! (Охолонь!)
7. Go to, you creep! Геть звідси, дурню!
8. We began work at 12 and went on till half-past one. Ми розпочали працювати о 12 і продовжували до половини другої.
9. How is your work going on? Як іде робота?
10. Japan has repeatedly called for reduced US government spending to reduce its huge deficit. Японія неодноразово вимагала (закликала до) скорочення державних витрат США, аби скоротити їхній велетенський дефіцит.
11. The development of a national film industry has long been called for in Britain. Британії вже давно потрібен розвиток національної кіноіндустрії.
12. He would call for help at the slightest pretext. З наймалішого приводу він кличе на допомогу.
13. Our representative will call on you in the course of the next week. Наш представник зайде до вас упродовж наступного тижня.
14. By his own efforts, Charles Fax brought about the fall of the government. Чарльз Факс своєю власною діяльністю змусив уряд піти у відставку.


15. Major changes will have to be brought about in Ukrainian industry. В українській промисловості доведеться здійснити колосальні зміни.
16. Such drastic changes were brought about by the economic crisis. Такі жахливі зміни були спричинені економічною кризою.
17. The sudden cold weather brought on his fever again. Раптове похолодання спричинило в нього рецидив хвороби.
18. How did genetic engineering come about? Як виникла генна інженерія?
19. A storm is coming on. Насувається шторм.
20. When Jack wants something, he comes on like a truck. Коли Джеку що-небудь потрібно, він йде на пролом.
21. Father was in a very bad temper this morning, but he had come to by dinner time. Зранку батько був похмурий, але до вечора його настрій покращився.
22. I’ve been looking about for a better job since Christmas. Я шукаю кращу роботу з самого Різдва.
23. I was merely looking on. Я був лише стороннім споглядачем.
24. Most people look on the government’s promises with complete disbelief. Більшість людей сприймають обіцянки уряду з повною недовірою.
25. We must each look towards our own work. Кожен з нас повинен зосередитися (звернути свій погляд) на власній роботі.


c)  Substitute appropriate phrases in the box for the italicized words and phrases in the sentences below. Change grammatical forms if necessary.


go to   come on   go for
  look about   bring on  
call on   look towards   go about
  bring about   come about  
go on   come to   call for


1. Students of business can focus on Thomas Edison as a prime example of hard work.

2. Some of Edison’s ideas emerged quite by accident while he was involved in other projects.

3. The list of successful entrepreneurs continues to grow.

4. Traveling these pathways requires lots of energy and creativity.

5. Every successful entrepreneur creates benefits not only for a country as a whole.

Task 3. Practice reading the following words.

1. alternative [O:l`tə:nətıv] 2. authority[O:`θOrəti] 3. birth [bə:θ] 4. calculating [`kælkjuleıtıŋ] 5. certainly [`sə:tənti] 6. cohesion [kəu`hi:ჳən] 7. cunning [`kAnıŋ] 8. deception [dı`sep∫ən] 9. driven [`drıvən] 10. energy [`enəGi] / [`enərGi] 11. to follow [`fOləu] / [`fα:lou] 12. identifying [aı`dentıfaıŋ] 13. improvement [ım`pru:vmənt] 14. ingeniousness[ın`Gi:niəsnəs] 15. insight [`ınsaıt] 16. instructive [ın`strAktıv] 17. interlocked [ֽıntə`lOkt] / [ֽıntər`lα:kt] 18. lucky [`lAki] 19. majority [mə`GOrəti] / [mə`GO:rəti] 20. mercurial [mə:`kjuəriəl] / [mər`kjuriəl] 21. municipality [mjuֽnısı`pæləti] 22. naturally [`næt∫ərəli] 23. overoptimistic [ֽəuvərֽOptı`mıstık] 24. overwhelming [ֽəuvə`welmıŋ] / [ֽouvər`hwelmıŋ] 25. paths [pα:ðz] / [pæðz] 26. policy [`pOləsi] / [`pα:ləsi] 27. pragmatic [præg`mætık] 28. primarily [praı`merəli] / [`praımərəli] 29. process [`prəuses] / [`prα:ses] 30. to regard [rı`gα:d] / [rı`gα:rd] 31. region [`ri:Gən] 32. resourcefulness [rı`zO:sfəlnəs] / [rı`zO:rsfəlnəs] 33. stereotypical [ֽsteriə`tıpıkəl] 34. substitute [`sAbstıtju:t] 35. to support [sə`pO:t] / [sə`pO:rt] 36. tough [tAf] 37. unsentimental[ֽAnsentı`mentəl] 38. urge [ə:G] 39. usefulness [`ju:sfəlnəs] 40. vast [vα:st] / [væst]

Task 4. Read the text.


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