Speaking or discussion exercises

Exercise 1.Topics for discussion. Use as much adverbs in your speech as possible. (Perhaps, certainly, definitely, probably, obviously, completely, practically, almost, hardly, more or less, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, finally)

1. Nanocomputers: Reality or Dreams?

2. Whould you like to be a Nano computer User? Why?

3. Which gadget would you like to become nano in future? Why? 5

4. DNA computer: Good or Bad?


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

to approach – приближаться                              to slow down – замедляться
visible – видимый            narrow – узкий                             wave – волна

to utilize – использовать                                       to throw – бросать/ кидать
spot – место                    to fly over – пролетать            split - отдельный
instantaneous - мгновенный; немедленный
straightening - выпрямление
Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.
speed of light – скорость света                                      network – сеть
electromagnetic specctrum – электромагнитый спектр
optical cable – оптический кабель
alloptical router – всеоптический маршрутизатор

Pre-text exercise 3.Check your memory; try to guess the meanings of the following words and expressions: appointed task, nano-designed optics, ultrasharp image, billions of pieces of information, monstrous network, perfect device, nano-size laser.


Nano-Optics Improves Telecommunications!

Einstein tells us nothing moves faster than light. In fact, it is so fast that as you approach the speed of light, time itself starts to slow down. So when you want your e-mail or your fax to get to somebody as soon as possible, what you really want to say is “get it there at the speed of light.”

Of course, visible light is just one narrow segment of the electromagnetic spectrum — and all those waves travel at light speed. Telecommunications utilize some of these various forms of light (radio waves or microwaves, for example) to throw information from one spot on the earth to another. With billions of pieces of information flying over our heads every split second or passing below us in an optical cable, the whole world seems to be full of our thoughts. So full, in fact, that it takes a monstrous network of electric devices, cables, and computers to keep it all sorted.

And sorting takes time. Even with the best electronics today, sorting digital signals is not instantaneous, and every device, cable, or computer slows down the flow, even as it’s doing its appointed task of straightening all the signals out. Where then, is that perfect device, the one that does all the work without taking any time at all to dosaid work? As you might have guessed, nanotechnologists are leading the way here, exploring ways to create an alloptical router that could route the information without having to convert it from light to electricity — in the process increasing its speed by a factor of 100! They are also looking at other applications for nano-designed optics, including ultrasharp image recorders and projectors — even a nano-size laser. In the world of nanotechnology, the future won’t just be smaller; it’ll get a whole lot faster!


ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1.What do you say when you want something to reach somebody quickly? 2. What is telecommunication? 3. Describe perfect device. 4. What is the principle of all-optical router? 5. How can the communication quality be improved with the help of nanotechnology? 6. Why does it happen that all the digital devices slow down from time to time? 7. Do you know the devices that are made with the help of nanotechnology?

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1. Make up 5 your own  Conditional sentences using your active vocabulary and following conditional conjunctions: if, even if, in case, unless, as long as, on condition (that), provided (that), providing (that) suppose (that), supposing (that). Read them to the group and ask to translate.

Exrcise 2. Continue the phrase according to the example. Make the chain of 5-10 sentences.
Example: Student A: If nanotechnology is popular, it will be used far and wide.

           Student B: If it is used far and wide, our life will be changed.

           Sudent C: If our life is changed …

1. If nano-optics improves telecommunications …

2. If the scientists could invent nano-sized satellite…

3. If our grandparents had used nanotechnology …

Exercise 3 Read and translate the text. Define the type of sentences (simple, complex, compound, asydentic)

World's First Nanoradio Could Lead to Subcellular Remote-Control Interfaces

In the beginning of 2007 less than two weeks after a team of scientists created a nanoscale radio component, scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced the creation of the world's first complete nanoradio.

The breakthrough nanoradio consists of a single carbon-nanotube molecule that serves simultaneously as well as all the essential components of a radio work: antenna, tunable band-pass filter, amplifier and demodulator. The radio opens the possibility of creating radio controlled interfaces on the subcellular scale and it may have applications in the areas of medical and sensor technology. The nanoradio's amplifier operates on the same principles as vacuum-tube radios from the 1940s. The nanotube, about 10 nanometers in diameter and several hundred nanometers long, is contained in a vacuum and one of its ends is connected to an electrode of a battery. The other electrode is placed a short distance from the nanotube's other end. The tube, now charged, will vibrate in tune with any external electromagnetic signal, effectively acting as an antenna. The favorable vibration frequency can be adjusted by changing the applied voltage, which allows to tune the radio to different carrier frequencies. The field electron emission effect causes a current to flow, as electrons tunnel across the gap between the tube and the second electrode. This current represents an amplified version of the radio signal; no demodulation is necessary. These carbon nanotubes are so small that we can have a radio-controlled interface with something that is on the same length scale as the basic submachinery of the cell and the basic workings of life.

Exercise 4. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to the infinitive constructions. Define the function of the infinitive.

1. Various electron devices have been required to realize advanced functions in various information technology fields. 2. The rapid growth of electronics plays the most leading part to activate science and technology. 3. Among many elemental technologies in electronics, the silicon devices and their large-scale integrating technique have been the basis to make the progress in electronics. 4. Moreover, various electron devices have been required to realize advanced functions in various information technology fields. 5. In order to integrate functional devices, it is necessary to develop fundamental technology for nano processing of various materials to fabricate device structures. 6. The aim of Nanoelectronics is to process, transmit and store information by taking advantage of properties of matter that are different from macroscopic properties.

Nano-optics appears to be a field with a promising future. 7. Nanophotonics is mainly expected to play a main role to micro/nano electronics on chip and extend the capacity of telecommunication networks into the Terabit’s regime. 8. One of the major emphasis’s in the last few years has been developing on-chip interconnects to break the bottleneck (ограниченный ресурс) for higher data rates within integrated chips. 9. Electro-optic modulators are devices used to modulate, or modify a beam of light. 10. The phone requires the WiFi to be active all time in order to receive an incoming or making an outgoing call.

Exercise 5. Replace the word in italics by one from the given: increase, makes better, is assisting (to), by perfecting, are improving with the help of, advanced, developing, to refine.

1. Improving the alignment of fiber-optic connections is one of many ways to apply nanotechnology to telecommunications. This improved accuracy comes about by aligning the optical fibers — improving the medium via nano-manipulation — which will improve efficiency of transmission. 2. Bell Lab micro mirror technology improves the modulation of beams used in projection optics that could be used to improve military and other communications. 3. Mobile telecommunications are also benefiting from nano. Agilent Technologies is shipping a MEMS device that is helping cellphones get smaller. The MEMS device (called a duplexer) is about 1/20th the size of the part it replaced.

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Write an annotation to the text.

The information superhighway has often been used as just another name for the Internet, it also describes the vast network of (usually underground) optical and electrical cables now used to carry information.

Improving those cables, and increasing the speed limit on the highway, is a good way to get information traveling faster, and significant work has already been done in that arena. Fiber optics,using flexible cables of glass to carry information by means of light pulses, goes a long way towards moving news faster — remember: light travels faster than electricity — and optical cables can carry a lot more information than electrical ones — thousands of times more.

Nanotechnology is set to take the nextstep and improve the highway yet again. And there is definitely still room for improvement. As you might imagine, keeping the highway from jamming when there’s so much information traffic careening about is a hard job, and electrical routing is presently working at near capacity.

We forgot one little detail: Electrical routers have to convert the light pulses from the fast fiberoptic cables into electrical signals, and then reconvert and send them out into optical cables again after they’ve been sorted. When the routers start reaching the upper limits of their capabilities, you start getting electronic bottlenecks at the routers.

Crystals designed on the nano scale could replace electrical routers — and cut through the conversion folderol — by directing the light itselfinstead of first converting it into electrical signals. The fiber-optic cables you use to carry information are potentially capable of transferring data at 10 to 40 Gbps (gigabits per second), but most electrical routing occurs at less than 1 percent of that rate.

Not only will the highway be able to handle higher speeds, it will be able to handle heavier traffic.

Exercise 2. Match the term and its definition.

1. Nanowire 2. Nanocircuitry 3.Nanoelectronics 4. Nanophotonics 5. Nanometer 6. Nanorod a) It refers to the use of nanotechnology on electronic components, especially transistors.   b) It is based on semiconducting materials and it have also been investigated for application as energy harvesting and light emitting devices     c) It is one of the more often used units for very small lengths   d) It is the study of the behavior of light on the nanometre scale.   e) It is a nanostructure, with the diameter of a nanometer. It could be used, in the near future, to link tiny components into extremely small circuits.   f) It is an electrical circuit on the scale of nanometers.

Exercise 3.Translate from Russian into English.

1. Багодаря появлению новых средств наноманипулирования возможно создание механических компьютеров, способных функционально повторить современный микропроцессор Intel Pentium II. 2. Применение нанотехнологий в наноэлектронике позволит перейти от планарной (planar) технологии изготовления процессоров к 3D технологии. 3. Развитие методов атомно-силовой микроскопии (atomic-force microscopy) может обеспечить производство памяти с поверхностной плотностью данных до 17 терабит/см2. 4. Это позволит создать компьютеры и микропроцессорные системы гораздо большей производительности, чем существующие сейчас. 5. В 2002 году компания HP создала память с электронной адресацией, имеющую на сегодняшний день наибольшую плотность данных. 6. Опытный лабораторный образец 64-битной памяти использует молекулярные переключатели (ключи), как активные устройства, и по размерам не превосходит квадратного микрона. 7. Плотность битов в новом устройстве более чем в 10 раз больше, чем в современных кремниевых аналогах.


Speaking and Discussion

Exercise 1.Make a report of some Nanoelectronics or Nanoradio device that has been invented recently.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions and prove your opinion.

1. Do you believe that nanotechnological applications in the fields of Radioengineering and Electronics will be really helpful to our society? 2. Don’t you think that new nano devices can have harmful effect to people because of its special emission? 3. Which technologies or devices in the sphere of Radio Electronics require Nanotechnology implementation?

Exercise 3.Get ready to discuss the topic “Future radio and TV broadcasting”


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

кubber – резина             tire – шина                waterproof – водостойкий
stain-repellent fabrics – водонепроницаемые ткани

to enhance – улучшать, усиливать, увеличивать

to pop up - неожиданно возникнуть

embedded – встроенный                                      to resist – противостоять
to spark - вызвать, зажечь                                                 sample - образец
Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

nano-additives – нано-добавки
composite materials - композитный материал
nano-size – наноразмер                                     nanotubes – нанотрубки
alloy – сплав                                                       torsion - скручивание

Pre-text exercise 3.Check your memory; try to guess the meanings of the following words and expressions: 

Clothing, carbon particles, static charge, firefighters’ suits, hazardous situation, material performance, self-assembled block, Environmentally-controlled equipment, high-resolution


Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 207; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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