The construction of railroads.

The construction of harbours and canals.

6. Hydraulic engineering which includes the construction of dams and power plants.

The above enumeration will make clear the vast extent of the

field of civil engineering.



2 . Key vocabulary / expressions

appliance [a'plaians] —n приспособление, прибор

apply[9'plai] —v обращаться (for —за помощью, справкой

и т.д. toккому-л)

branch [bra:ntj] —п ветвь; филиал; отрасль

concern [k9n's3:n] (with)—v" касаться, относиться; интересовать

conflict with nature ['neitja] — противоречитьприроде,

бороться с природой

deal (with) —v иметь дело с чём-л., кем-л.

divide (into) — v делить, разделять

distinguish (from)—v отличать

execute [ig'zekju:t] — v выполнять

harbour ['ha:ba] — n гавань

lead (to)—v вести(к)

protect oneself against — защищатьсяотчего-л.

sustain [sas'tein]—v поддерживать; выдерживать

3. Word construction (Different ways to construct words)

Translate the words keeping in mind their suffixes and


military — non-military — militarisation; enumerate — enumeration;

decide — decision—decision-maker; invent — inventor—invention;

apply — appliance — application; explain — explanatory —


build — builder — building —rebuilt; achieve — achievement;

construct — constructor—construction — constructive—reconstruct

4. General understanding. Answer the questions

1. What does the word "engineering" mean?

2. Is engineering a science?

3. Into what branches is Civil engineering divided?

4. How old is the profession of a civil engineer?

5. What distinct meanings has the term "civil engineering"?

6. What fields of Civil engineering do you know?

7. What are the most important branches of Civil engineering?

8. What invention laid the foundation for mechanical engineers?

9. When was electrical engineering developed?

10. What are the main subdivisions of the electrical engineering?




Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 308; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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