Tell the other student in your group about the text you read.

Teacher: Iskakova Azhar Kabdenovna


School: School-Gymnasium 37


Town: Semey


Country: Kazakhstan


Lenth of service: 16


Life Credo: “Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter”



The theme o f the lesson: A National Holiday

Grade: 10


· To practice using vocabulary about history of national Holiday;

· To practice using idioms;

· To read and understand texts about Independence;

· To develop pupils’ knowledge and respect to other country’s history, culture and its national symbols;

· To develop communicative activity, creative activity of the pupil;


· group work

· critical thinking

· integrated learning


Resource used: Interactive board, pictures, slides with photos of holiday



Those pupils who are shy or naturally reticent and quiet may feel uncomfortable participating in discussions in English. In group discussion activities, ask all members of the group to be aware of pupils who need to be encouraged and given time to join in it.



· The Boston Tea Party was one of several events that led to the beginning of the American war for Independence

· One of the most cherished monuments of American history is Liberty Bell. It proclaimed the birth of this nation. The magnificent old veteran is 12 feet in circumference at the lip and weighs over a ton. On it is inscribed, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”



Procedure of the lesson


Warm up. Brainstorming.


a. What kind of national holidays do you know in the USA and in Kazakhstan?

b. What is the most important in it?

c. Do you know all the history and traditions surrounding national holiday?


Checking up the Home task

Teacher: What was your home task for today?

Pupil: Our task was to tell about the Symbols of America and Kazakhstan.

Teacher: Well. Who wants to tell it? You can use slides. They are on the Active board.

Pupils: The American flag is called “The stars and Stripes”. Its color is red, white and blue. It has thirteen stripes; one stripe is for each of the first thirteen colonies in the USA. The anthem is called “The star-Spangled Banner”.

The official symbols in Kazakhstan are the state flag, The Arms and the anthem.

The flag has the golden sun-the symbol of quietness and wealth. The steppe eagle is the symbol of freedom. There is also the stripe of the national ornament along the flagstaff. There is shanyrak in the centre of the Arms and 2 mythological horses-“tulpar”. There is a five-pointed star at the top of the Arms and “Kazakhstan” is written under the shanyrak.



3. Key words:


Independence- describe a country, decision that is not controlled by another

To pay duty- to give tax for goods

Climb up- to move up

Respect the rights of- polite behavior towards someone

To adopt- to take as one’s own

To sign- a shape or set of words that gives information

To declare- to announce


Pre-reading task


Look at the screen and answer the questions.


1. What can you see in these photos and what are they?





Reading the text.

a. Work in group of four. Each student reads a different text A, B, C. (if there is a group of four students, I ask two weaker students to read the same text)

b. Pupils don’t need to understand every word in their text, they should scan the text.

Text A.


The Boston Tea Party

The early English settlements in America were founded by small groups of people, like the Mayflower emigrants. These colonies grew larger and became important factors in Britain’s struggle for greater role in the world. They gave Britain different materials and much money. The colonies had no right to trade with other nations than England. They also had to pay duty on everything imported by England to the colonies from other countries.

The colonies did not want to pay the duties on products brought from Britain and her other colonies. They were especially against the duty on all tea imported into colonies, and duties on some other less important products like paper.

So late 1773, when the colonists learned that seven British ships carrying tea were on their way to New York, Boston and other ports, they decided that tea duty was not going to be paid and that the tea was not going to be landed.

The Americans decided not to take this tea and made a plan. Fifty Boston men dressed as Indians and after dark climbed up the sides of the Dartmouth and two other ships which had already reached Boston and threw the boxes of tea into water. This incident was named the Boston Tea Party.

What had happened at Boston was greeted by other colonies. All of them were beginning to understand that they could develop better without a mother country. Many people began to think that they would have to fight for their rights. These people were called Patriots.

The next year the leaders of the colonies called a meeting to discuss relations with Britain. It was held in Philadelphia, in September, 1774. At this meeting, which was called the Continental Congress, the colonies’ problems were discussed for many days. In the end the Congress decided to sent a letter to London asking the Government to respect the rights of the colonists in America; but there was no change for the better. So the patriots understood that the Congress hadn’t helped them much and they would have to fight for their rights.


Text B


The War of Independence


The War of Independence started in 1775 and ended in 1783. It lasted for eight years. It was a war between Britain and its colonies in North America which wanted to be free. George Washington was commander-in-chief of the North American army and he did very much for the victory of the colonists.

In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and some other people and adopted on July 4. Thirteen English colonies declared themselves free and independent of England. That is why July 4 is a national holiday in the United States; it is Independence Day and the birthday of the American nation.

The declaration was signed in a building we can see the famous Liberty Bell which told the happy people outside that a new nation had been born.

After the declaration of Independence the first national flag was taken on June 14, 1777. the flag had thirteen red and white stripes and thirteen white stars on a blue field in the left-hand corner. There was a star and a stripe for each one of the former thirteen colonies.

After the end of the War of Independence in 1783, 16 states were formed and they chose George Washington as their first President.


Text C

Independence in Kazakhstan

Caught up in the groundswell of Soviet republics seeking greater autonomy, Kazakhstan declared its sovereignty as a republic within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in October 1990. Following the August 1991 aborted coup attempt in Moscow and the subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan declared independence on December 16, 1991. It was the last of the Soviet republics to declare independence.

The years following independence have been marked by significant reforms to the Soviet-style economy and political monopoly on power. Under Nursultan Nazarbayev, who initially came to power in 1989 as the head of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and was eventually elected President in 1991, Kazakhstan has made significant progress toward developing a market economy. The country has enjoyed significant economic growth since 2000, partly due to its large oil, gas, and mineral reserves.


Tell the other student in your group about the text you read.

·  Point out that student should ask questions about each text after the speaker has finished the group about it.

· And monitor but do not interrupt students’ fluency.

· Make a note of any general language problems as well as any particularly good questions students ask and go over these with the whole class afterwards.


Example: Well, this text is about War of Independence in the USA. …


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