Как написать аннотацию и резюме к научной работе (образец на английском языке)

 В этой статье вы сможете познакомиться с примерами написания аннотации и резюме на английском языке. Аннотация представляет собой небольшое описание содержания книги или статьи. Аннотация позволит читателю понять, какие аспекты и проблемы будут затронуты в статье, о чем пойдет речь в книге и какова ее стилевая принадлежность (учебник, художественное произведение, публицистика и др.).

Резюме– это краткое содержание основных положений книги, статьи, научной работы (курсовой, дипломной, диссертации). Резюмепишетсяна 1-2 страницы.

Пример 1


The article deals with the issues of cloning. It represents basic information about scientific researches and developments in this area. The author stresses the main barriers and arguments against human cloning and describes the most common defects, which make cloning unreliable and unsafe process.

The article is intended for public reading and for those, who are interested in cloning research.




The article concerns issues of cloning, and represents basic information about scientific researches and developments in this area. It stresses the main barriers and arguments against human cloning and describes the most common defects, which make cloning an unreliable and unsafe process.

The article gives an overview of the first successful experiment of cloning when a lamb, Dolly, was cloned from the mammary cell of an adult ewe, refusing the scientific dogma of impossibility of this process.

The more scientists have learnt about the inner workings of the procedure that created Dolly, the more they were amazed she survived at all. Clones are vulnerable throughout the intricate cloning process. The most common defects which can be seen across most of species that have been cloned so far is a condition known as large offspring syndrome, when clones are born larger than normal and the trouble breathing in their first few weeks.

The fact that clones have defects serves one of the main arguments that the scientists have made against human cloning, although they understand the importance of it for the medical purposes.

Пример 2


The article deals with the problems of high global oil prices and examines the prospects of using alternative energy. It outlines main strategy and projects regarding the investments into large-scale production, usage and exports of biofuels. It highlights main benefits offered by biofuels in comparison with the other sources of energy and stresses the importance of state support in encouragement and promotion of biofuel legislation.

The article is intended for a wide range of readers.


The article is devoted to the problems of increasing oil prices that make Ukraine use alternative sources of energy, such as biofuels. It determines production, usage and exports of biofuels as Ukraine’s future strategy for decreasing its dependency on Russian oil. The article introduces rapeseed as one of the best prospects for biofuels in Ukraine. It identifies biofuels’ advantages and disadvantages over the other sources of energy. It examines basic encouragement and promotion of the projects involving foreign investments into biofuel production in Ukraine.

The article stresses need for a state to support and coordinate measures for biofuel development as a part of the program of decreasing energy dependence and determines an importance of passing biofuel legislation for future prospects of Ukraine as a major exporter and a consumer of this fuel.

Пример 3



The article deals with the examination of memory, describes its processes and types of remembering. It studies the course of forgetting, introduces its traditional explanations and techniques of improving memory. It sets out a framework for studying the physiology of memory storage in the brain and suggests some theories of storage mechanisms.

The article is intended for a wide range of readers and those, who are interested in psychology.



Memory is a process of storing and retrieving information in the brain. Psychologists distinguish four types of remembering: recollection, recall, recognition and relearning. Remembering is closely connected with forgetting. A mechanical technique devised to improve memory is mnemonics. Mnemonics includes the use of associations and various devices to remember particular facts. Four traditional explanations of forgetting are suggested: memory traces fade over time as a result of organic processes occurring in the nervous system; memories become systematically distorted or modified over time; new learning often interferes with or replace old learning; some forgetting may be motivated by the needs and wishes of the individual. Several main suggestions are made about physiology of memory storage in the brain. Some researchers suggest that memories are stored at specific sites, and others that memories involve widespread brain regions working together. Theorists also propose that different storage mechanisms exist for short-term and long-term memories.

Memories are less clear and detailed than perceptions. The phenomenon, when occasionally a remembered image is complete in every detail, is known as eidetic imagery.

Источник: Информационный центр "Манускрипт"

Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 463; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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