Раздаточный материал к аудированию

Урок "Young Heroes of the War" Задачи: · коммуникативно-практические: тренировать в чтении, устной речи, аудировании; · Лексические: активизировать лексику по теме, введение НЛ; · Грамматические: ознакомить с образованием прошедшего простого времени в страдательном залоге; · Развивающие: развить мышление, внимание, память, · Воспитательные: ознакомить с героями войны, со страницами истории нашей страны, привить любовь к Родине. Оснащение: раздаточный материал, компьютерная презентация, книги о ВОВ. План: 1. Организационный момент. 2. Фонетическая зарядка – звуки [v]-[w]. 3. Песня “Священная война” (Приложение 1 – презентация). Did you guess what our lesson is devoted to? Yes, it’s awful and sad. So many people died… Our lesson is devoted to the anniversary of Moscow battle (Victory Day). We’ll speak about young heroes, their courage and awards. 4. Речевая зарядка. 1. Do you know when the Great Patriotic War started? 2. What country attacked our Motherland? 3. Do you know how many people our country lost? 4. When did the Great Patriotic War end? 5. Do you know that many children became partisans? 6. Do you know any heroes of the war? 7. Did any of your relatives take part in the war? – рассказы детей о своих родственниках, участвовавших в войне. 5. It’s a sad topic. On the very day of the beginning of the war our people rose up against the fascist aggressors. All people took an active part in the war, because they didn’t want to live under the yoke of any other foreign aggressors. Children also took an active part in the fighting against the fascist invaders, hundreds of them gave their lives for their Motherland. 6. P1: I know one of them is Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (Слайды 6–7). She was born in 1923 in the village of Osynovy Gai, Tambov Region. In 1931 the family moved to Moscow. Zoya liked to read and to study. Her favourite subject was Literature. She was 17 when the war began. She became a partisan fighter. Zoya had a brother called Alexander. When Zoya died in 1942, Alexander went to a cadet college and after that he defended our Motherland. Sasha died in April 1945 and as well as Zoya, had a title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. 7. Now let’s read about Zoya’s feat. First pronounce the words (Cлайд 8). Fascist Soldier Enemy Battlefield Destroy Village Torture Fear Pseudonym Barefoot Unclad scaffold Чтение текста (Приложение 2). 8. Now we know more about Zoya. Look at the screen. Р1: This is Zoya and Alexander’s school. Its number was 10, but now is 201. The school is named after them and has a museum. (Слайды 10–13). There are some Zoya and Alexander’s things… You can see the monument to Zoya in Petrishchevo…(Слайд 14). 9. Р2: Отрывок из произведения М.Алигер “Зоя” (Приложение 3). 10. Р3: Dmitri Shostakovich – Song for Zoya The Motherland, bent over her daughter's ashes, Sings this tender maternal song About Zoya, the girl, who has become a legend, Who died and was born for eternal life. The native land inspired her with courage, The great nation educated her with pride, And the girl has become fine as a white birch, Like the Russian heart, she was frank and noble. 11. Звучит песня про Зою (Слайд 15). 12. Р1: The street where Zoya and Alexander lived was renamed in 1960. Now it is called Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyanskiy Street. There is a memorial board on the house where they lived. 13. Зарядка (под песню “Катюша”, слайд 17). 14. Составление предложений в страдательном залоге по образцу. Перед составлением ребята знакомятся с наградами (Слайды 18–19). For military services to our country many young people were awarded orders and medals. If you make up sentences with these words we’ll know who they are and what medal it is. See the model. (Слайды 20 –27). Раздаточный материал для составления предложений: · Tolya Shumov, Vitya Korobkov, Volodya Kaznacheyev – The Order of Lenin. · Volodya Dubinin, Yuli Kantemirov – The Order of the Red Banner. · Volodya Samorukha, Shura Efremov Володя – The Order of the Red Star. · Petya Klypa, Valeriy Volkov, Sasha Kovalyov – The Order of Patriotic War the First Class. · Hundreds of pioneers – the medal The Partisan of Patriotic War. · Оver 15 thousand – the medal For the Defenсe of Leningrad. · Оver 20 thousand – the medal For the Defenсe of Moscow. · Four pioneers – the title the Hero of the Soviet Union. · Lyonya Golikov, Marat Kazey, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova – the title the Hero of the Soviet Union. 15. Young heroes. Ребята заранее готовят выступления о героях. Заранее можно приготовить лист для стенгазеты с заголовком “Feat in the name of life”, после выступлений приклеить собранный материал (Приложение 4). P4 – Марат Казей (Слайды № 28-32). P5 – Валя Котик P6 – Володя Дубинин P7 – Леня Голиков P8 – Зина Портнова (Информацию о героях можно представить в виде интервью). 16. Аудирование. Listen to the story about Vanya Andrianov and number the sentences according to the text.

The Order of the Red Star

The front line was not far from the village. Vanya was watching the fascist soldiers from the window of his house. He remembered that many of them left the village, but in every house they left from 5 to 10 men. Vanya saw them carryingmachine-guns into some of the houses and putting them in the windows.

“The fascist are preparing to fire at the Soviet soldiers when they enter the village and appear in the streets”, he said to himself.

Some time passed. Suddenly he saw that men in white had appeared on the snow on the other side of the river. They were coming quickly on skis.

Vanya thought, “In a few minutes they will be near the village. Then the fascists will meet them with fire and kill them all”.

He ran to the river and shouted “Stop!”, but no one could hear him. Vanya ran on. The German soldiers saw him and began to fire. Vanya fell on the ground, he was not dead, he was crawling across the snow. He crawled on and on andreached the Sovien men.

He told the Soviet officer everything he knew about enemy machine-guns.

Soon after the battle General Efremov awarded Vanya Andrianov the Order of the Red Star.

Раздаточный материал к аудированию

Name __________________

· He told the Soviet officer everything he knew about enemy machine-guns.

· He saw machine-guns.

· General Efremov awarded him the Order of the Red Star.

· Vanya saw the fascist soldiers from the window of his house.

· Some time passed.

17. Заключительное творческое задание. Разделить ребят на 2 группы, одна группа работает над составлением предложений, отвечая на вопрос What helped our people to win? Другая группа отвечает на вопрос What did the victory gave us? Cоставленные предложения также включить в материал для стенгазеты.

18. Подведение итогов. Комментирование оценок, вручение грамот за хорошую работу на уроке. Дом.задание: подготовить информацию о Дне победы.

19. Завершить урок песней We shall overcome.


Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 126; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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