Sign on bank: We can loan you enough money to get you completely out of debt






По английскому языку для студентов 2 курса ЗФО (4 – й семестр)

Направления: ЭКОНОМИКА


                                      к.п.н., доц. 

                                      И. К. Ярцева




Сочи 2018

Вариант 1

1. Read and translate the text.


              A bank is a company that works with the money that the people give it. If you give your money to a bank, it not only protects it but pays you interest so that it can work with the money. This is one of the reasons why people save their money in a bank. Money may also be safer there than at home.

Banks also lend money to other businesses and customers. They collect extra money called banking fees with which they pay interest to savers as well as salaries for their workers. Banks make a profit because they collect more interest than they pay to savers.

Without banks the world’s economy would not be able to grow. Investors would not find the money they need for new projects. Industries could not buy new machines and modern technology.

What kind of services do banks offer?Banks provide their customers with a number of services. With a checking account you can pay your bills. A check is a slip of paper that tells the bank how much money it should withdraw from your account and pay to someone else. Today, more and more people use the internet, also a banking service, to pay their bills. Banks also give their customers plastic cards with which they can get money from their account everywhere and whenever they want. They can also use them to pay without cash at shops, gas stations and other stores. Checking accounts are a comfortable way for customers to handle their money.

For people who want to save money banks offer savings accounts. Usually, banks pay more interest for savings accounts than they do for checking accounts. They hope that the customers will leave their money in the bank for a long time, which is why the bank can work with this money and offer it as loans. Banks, however, cannot give all of their money as loans. In most countries the government limits the amount of money that banks can use as loans. They must always keep back a certain percentage in the form of cash.

People who need money for certain things like buying a house or a car need a lot of money quickly. The money they borrow from a bank is called a loan. In most cases they do not pay back all of the money at once but a small part of it, with interest, every month. If someone cannot pay back a loan the bank usually can take away valuable objects like cars or houses.

Modern banks offer their customers many other services as well. They tell them how they can make money with investments in stocks and bonds. Credit cards are given to customers as a cash-free way of buying things. Almost all banks have automatic teller machines (ATM) at which customers receive money from their account. Telephone banking is an easy way to pay your bills by calling a special telephone number and typing in a certain sequence of digits. Some banks even deal with insurance.

Types of banks

Commercial banks are the most important banks. They offer many services, different forms of accounts and also loans. While, at first, commercial banks only offered its services to businesses and companies, they are for everyone today.

Investment banks do not take or keep the money of individuals. They help organizations and large companies raise money on the international financial markets.

Central banks manage the banking system in a country. The Federal Reserve in the United States and Bank of England are two prominent banks that take over these tasks. The European Central Bank is responsible for the circulation of money in the Euro zone.

Online banks can often give their customers more interest because they do not have the expenses that physical banks do. They can be accessed over the internet and are becoming more and more popular.

Savings and loans are banks that specialize in financing houses. Although interest rates are higher such banks offer up to 30-year mortgages. Customers pay back their loan through a monthly payment that they can afford.

Development banks are financial organizations that help Third World Countries. They not only provide money for nations in Africa, Asia and South America, but also send aid workers and offer technical help.

International banking The world’s largest banks are located in Europe, the United States and Japan. In most cases they operate in many countries of the world. Because banking is a global industry that does not stop at a country’s borders there must be worldwide agreements. International standards that banks must obey are written down in the Basel accords.

History of bankingBanking has a long tradition. In Mesopotamia bankers kept gold and silver for people and lent it to others. Ancient Rome and Greece had similar banking systems to the ones we have today.

During the Middle Ages Italy was the centre of European banking. Jewish traders emerged as the first bankers and became very successful businessmen. Florence and Venice became known as two cities in which many people earned their money through banking. The Medici family dominated Florence for over two centuries and set up Europe’s largest bank in the 15 th century.

The first world wide banking crisis emerged during the Great Depression in 1929. Many citizens lost their jobs and their savings as banks crashed. In 1933 American president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill in which the government guaranteed the savings of depositors if a bank went bankrupt.

In 2008 a banking crisis hit America and spread throughout the world. Banks gave homeowners mortgages without checking their financial backgrounds. House prices began to drop and banks lost a lot of money. Governments in many countries had to give them money and prevent them from becoming bankrupt.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents

1) payinterest

2) lendmoney

3) make a profit

4) collect interest

5) checking account

6) to pay a bill

7) withdrawfromaccount

8) paycash

9) savingsaccount

10) telephone banking

11) to raise money

12) financial market

13) circulation of money

14) interestrate

15) gobankrupt


a) взимать проценты

b) платить наличными

c) банковские услуги по телефону 

d) снимать со счета

e) обанкротиться, прекратить платежи

f) выплачивать проценты

g) денежное обращение

h) занимать деньги, получить ссуду на что-л.

i) текущий счет

j) финансовый рынок 

k) получать прибыль

l) депозит; сберегательный счёт

m) ставка процента, ссудный процент

n) ссужать деньги

o) оплатить счёт

3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate word(s) and translate the sentences.

1. A bank is a company that ___________________ that the people give it.

2. Banks also ___________________ to other businesses and customers.

3. They collect extra money called ________ with which they ____________ to savers as well as salaries for their workers.

4. Banks _____________ because they _____________________than they pay to savers.

5. With a _______________ you can pay your bills.

6. Today people use the internet___________________________.

7. Customers can use __________________ to pay without cash at shops, gas stations and other stores.

8. For people who want to save money banks offer ______________________.

9. In most countries the government ___________________________ that banks can use as loans.

10. If someone cannot _______________ the bank usually can take away _________________ like cars or houses.

11. Modern banks tell their customers how they can make money with ________________________________.

12. _____________________ are given to customers as ________________ of buying things.

13. Almost all banks have _________________________ at which customers receive money from their account.

14. The Medici family ______________________________ in the 15 th century.

15. The first world wide__________________ emerged during the Great Depression in 1929.

16. Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill in which the government _____________________if a bank ____________.

4. Explain the meaning of the word “bank”. Then match English and Russian equivalents. Make up the sentences of your own.

1) the Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia

2) bankfraud

3) petbank

4) bankholiday

5) bankcurrency

6) bankdetails

7) databank

8) articles of bank

9) trading bank

10) branchofbank

11) bankexecutive

12) bankemployee

13) bankmerger

14) bankfailure

15) banksecrecy


a) отделение банка, филиал банка

b) коммерческий банк

c) "банк-любимчик" 

d) управляющий банка

e) устав банка

f) банковские реквизиты

g) банковский служащий

h) слияние банков

i) банкноты, выпущенные в обращение национальными банками

j) банк данных

k) банковское мошенничество

l) банкротство, крах банка

m) Внешторгбанк России

n) банковская тайна

o) официальный нерабочий день, установленный законом 




5. Read and translate quotations about bank.

A banker is a fellow who lends his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. Mark Twain

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don't need it. Bob Hope

A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.Forest E. Witcraft

It is a wise man who lives with money in the bank, it is a fool who dies that way. French Proverb

If you owe your bank a hundred pounds, you have a problem. But if you owe a million, it has.
John Maynard Keynes

Central banks don't have divine wisdom. They try to do the best analysis they can and must be prepared to stand or fall by the quality of that analysis. Eddie George

I hate banks. They do nothing positive for anybody except take care of themselves. They're first in with their fees and first out when there's trouble.Harvey Goldsmith

I saw a bank that said "24 Hour Banking", but I don't have that much timeStephen Wrigh

Sign on bank: We can loan you enough money to get you completely out of debt

Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough to buy it back. Josiah Stamp

6. Answer the questions and get ready to speak about Banks and Banking.


1. What is a bank?

2. Why do people save their money in a bank?

3. Why do banks make a profit?

4. What kind of services do banks offer?

5. What types of banks can you name?

6. What banks are the most important? Why?

7. What banks help organizations and large companies raise money on the international financial markets?

8. What do Central banks manage?

9. Why can Online banks give their customers more interest?

10. What doSavings and loans banks specialize in?

11. What organizations help Third World Countries?

12. Where are the world’s largest banks located in?

13. What do you know about history of banking?

14. When did the first world wide banking crisis emerge?

15. Tell about a banking crisis that hit America in 2008.


7. Read and translate the following text.

Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 805; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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