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Вариант 2

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Job hunting

Job hunting, job seeking, or job searching is the act of looking for employment, due to unemployment, discontent with a current position, or a desire for a better position. The immediate goal of job seeking is usually to obtain a job interview with an employer which may lead to getting hired. The job hunter or seeker typically first looks for job vacancies or employment opportunities. Common methods of job hunting are: Finding a job through a friend or an extended business network, personal network, or career-oriented social networking site. Using an employment website. Job listing search engines. Looking through the classifieds in newspapers. Using a private or public employment agency or recruiter. Looking on a company's web site for open jobs, typically in its applicant tracking system. Going to a job fair. Using professional guidance such as outplacement services that give training in writing a résumé, applying for jobs and how to be successful at interview. Visiting an organization to find out whether it is recruiting staff or will be doing so in the near future. As of 2010, less than 10% of U.S. jobs are filled through online ads. Many job seekers research the employers to which they are applying, and some employers see evidence of this as a positive sign of enthusiasm for the position or the company, or as a mark of thoroughness. Information collected might include open positions, full name, locations, web site, business description, year established, revenues, number of employees, stock price if public, name of chief executive officer, major products or services, major competitors, and strengths and weaknesses. Contacting as many people as possible is a highly effective way to find a job. It is estimated that 50% or higher of all jobs are found through networking. Job recruiters and decision makers are increasingly using online social networking sites to gather information about job applicants, according to a mid-2011 Jobvite survey of 800 employers in the US. Likewise, job seekers are beginning to use social networking sites to advertise their skills and post resumes. Today, job seekers can use resources such as Google+’s Circles, Facebook’s Branch Out, LinkedIn’s In Maps, and Twitter’s Lists to make employers notice them in a unique way. In 2014, using these social media networks has led to 1 of 6 job seekers finding employment. Job seekers need to begin to pay more attention to what employers and recruiters find when they do their pre-interview information gathering about applicants, according to this 2010 study by Microsoft, "Online Reputation in a Connected World".


Прочитайте внимательно вопросы, касающиеся  ваших способностей и предпочтений в вашей трудовой деятельности переведите все вопросы и ответь подробно на каждый из них на английском языке.  

1) What are my abilities?

2) What special talents do I have?

3) What are my special interests?

4) What are my physical abilities and limitations?

5) What are my attitudes and values?

6) How do I see myself, or what is my self-concept?

7) What is my previous experience?

8) What are my educational plans for the future?

9) Am I the kind of person who works well in a large group, or do I

work better with only one or two people?

10) Am I willing to accept change?


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Business letters


  A business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties concerned. Business letters can have many types of contents, for example to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to point out a mistake by the letter's recipient, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong, or to convey goodwill. A business letter is sometimes useful because it produces a permanent written record, and may be taken more seriously by the recipient than other forms of communication.

    A recommendation letter or letter of recommendation, also known as a letter of reference, reference letter or simply reference, is a document in which the writer assesses the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual's ability to perform a particular task or function. Letters of recommendation are typically related to employment (such a letter may also be called an employment reference or job reference), admission to institutions of higher education, or scholarship eligibility. Recommendation letters are usually specifically requested to be written about someone, and are therefore addressed to a particular requester (such as a new employer, university admissions officer, etc.), although they may also be issued to the person being recommended without specifying an addressee. The person providing a reference is called a referee. Some employers may not be willing to provide reference letters because they may be worried about potential lawsuits. In this case, the employer may only provide the job title, dates of employment and salary history for the employee. Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Bulgaria are the only countries in Europe where employees can legally claim an employment reference, including the right to a correct, unambiguous and benevolent appraisal. In Germany and Switzerland the reference letter is called Arbeitszeugnis, in Austria Dienstzeugnis. An employment reference letter is usually written by a former employer or manager, but references can also be requested from co-workers, customers and vendors. Teachers and professors may also supply references; this typically applies in the case of recommendations for academic purposes, but also for employment, particularly if the person is applying for their first job.

References may also be required of companies seeking to win contracts, particularly in the fields of engineering, consultancy, industry and construction, and with regard to public procurement and tenders. Such references are usually supplied by parties to which the company has provided similar services in the past, and are used to assess its ability to deliver the required level of service.



2.1. Расставьте части делового письма в правильном порядке:

a) Season tickets for this year's symphony are going on sale next month and we wanted you to be among the first to know.

As you probably know, rental prices have skyrocketed throughout Tennessee this year. Due to our increase in rent at the Arrington Forum, we are finding it necessary to raise the price of our season tickets from $228 to $275. Single viewing tickets will also be subject to a price increase.

b) Yours truly

c) Dear Ms. Hathoway

d) November 4th, 2016

e) Alicia Hathoway
14 Sparks Rd
Arrington, Tennessee, 37014

f) Colin Fairchild

g) Arrington Symphony
12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37014

h) Promotional Director


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Online résumés

As the search for employment has become more electronic, it is common for employers only to accept résumés electronically, either out of practicality or preference. This has changed much about the way résumés are written, read, and processed. Some career experts are pointing out that today a paper-based resume is an exception rather than the rule. 

Many employers now find candidates' résumés through search engines, which makes it more important for candidates to use appropriate keywords when writing a résumé. Larger employers use Applicant Tracking Systems to search, filter, and manage high volumes of résumés. Job ads may direct applicants to email a résumé to a company or visit its website and submit a résumé in an electronic format.

Many employers, and recruitment agencies working on their behalf, insist on receiving résumés in a particular file format. Some require Microsoft Word documents, while others will only accept résumés formatted in HTML, PDF, or plain ASCII text.

Another consideration for electronic résumé documents is that they are parsed with natural language processors. Resume parsers may correctly interpret some parts of the content of the résumé but not other parts. The best résumé parsers capture a high percentage of information regarding location, names, titles, but are less accurate with skills, industries and other less structured or rapidly changing data. Résumé written in a standard format are more likely to be correctly interpreted by résumé parsers, and thereby will make the candidate more findable.

One advantage for employers to online résumés is the significant cost saving compared to traditional hiring methods. Another is that potential employers no longer have to sort through massive stacks of paper.

Infographic, video and website résumés

As the Internet becomes more driven by multimedia, job-seekers have sought to take advantage of the trend by moving their résumés away from the traditional paper and email media.

Video, infographic, and even Vine résumés have gained popularity, though mainly in the creative and media industries. 

This trend has attracted criticism from human resources management professionals, who warn that this may be a passing fad and point out that multimedia-based résumés may be overlooked by recruiters whose workflow is designed only to accommodate a traditional résumé format.

3.1. Напишите на английском языке собственное резюме о приеме на работу.При написании резюме включите в него следующие пункты:

личные сведения;

образование (школа колледж и т. д ; название и годы учебы) ;

предыдущее или фактическое  место работы;

ваши способности;

ваши функции которые вы выполняли на предыдущей работе или то что выполняете сейчас на текущем месте работы;

владение языками и компьютерными программами

ваша цель которуювы хотите достигнуть при поступлении на новую работу;

ваши поручители.

Дата добавления: 2018-06-27; просмотров: 282; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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