Прочитайте мини-диалоги и воспроизведите их.


- Shall I check these documents?

- Please, do.



- Shall I call you at 8?

- Yes, I’ll be already in the office.



- Shall I help you with the transaction?

- No, thank you. I think I’ll finish it soon.



- Shall I check the balance?

- No, you needn’t.


2. Узнайте, что вы должны делать. Используйте данные ниже глаголы:


to check, to lend, to enter, to transfer, to prepare, to pay, to make adjustments, to withdraw money, to offer




Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.


journal,  customers,  accounts receivable,  is recorded, column,  amount,  discount,  cash,  posted


Any time a cash sale is made to ____, the transaction ____ in the cash receipts _____. In each case the credit entry is recorded in the ____. This account has to be ____ daily because each customer’s account must be reduced by the ____ of the payments made.

If the customer pays within the discount period he has the right to a ____ of some percentage. The effect of this discount is reflected in a reduction in the amount of ____ received.


Заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо.


1) Did you buy it ____ credit or ____ cash?

2) The book is full ____ interesting stories.

3) A single line is used ____ debits and credits ____ a special journal.

4) The entries ____ a journal are posted ____ different accounts.

5) Columns ____ special journals are reserved ____ usual accounts.

6) Transactions which are entered ____ the sundry column are then posted line ____ line ____ the appropriate ledger accounts.

7) Bookkeepers deal ____ discounts ____ the list price of goods.

8) These goods are sold ____ a discount.

9) Adjustments are made ____ the figures ____ the trial balance.


Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо.


1) Once ____ month the bookkeeper has to verify that ____ requirements of ____ double-entry accounting are met.

2) If ____ debit column and ____ credit column of ____ trial balance agree, we can say that ____ trial balance is in ____ balance.

3) Every credit sale is recorded in ____ sales journal.

4) In many businesses a lot of sales are made on ____ credit rather than for ____ cash.

5)  ____ sales journal records all ____ sales made during ____ day.

6) As ____ volume of ____ business transactions of ____ organization increases, ____ need to have various special journals becomes clear.

7)  ____ business transactions that are not recorded in any of ____ four special journals are recorded in ____ general journal.


Употребите правильную форму глагола, данного в скобках.


  1. I’m afraid I (to lose) my umbrella.

- When you last (to use) it?

- It (to be) yesterday.


  1. You (to see) today’s newspaper?

- Not yet.


  1. You (to finish) checking the accounts?

- No, not yet. I (to do) about half.


  1. You (to be) here before?

- Yes, I (to spend) my holidays here last year.

- You (to have) a good time?

- Yes, I did.


  1. You (to pay) the bill?

- Yes, I (to pay) it while you (to be) away.


  1. The goods already (to arrive).

- When exactly they (to arrive)?


  1. The operations of the company (to result) in a large profit this year.



1) Some pages (to cut) from this copy.

2) Financial statements (to prepare) after the journal entries (to transfer) to appropriate accounts.

3) Bookkeepers (to make) adjustments in the figures of the trial balance.

4) Accounts (to adjust) by the amount of profit and loss incurred in the previous period.

5) Bookkeepers (to post) the entries to a number of different accounts.

6) The check of the accounts shows that all entries from the journal (to post) to the ledger accounts.

7) When the last purchase of the product (to make)?

8) When many items for inventory (to purchases) on credit, a purchases journal (to use).

9) The money which (to draw) by the owners for personal use (to record) in the drawing account.

10) Last year a profit of two million pounds (to make) in the first six months.


Дайте развёрнутые ответы на вопросы.


1) What does the bookkeeper’s work consist of?

2) How does a page in a special journal differ from a page in a general journal?

3) Why is it necessary to have different types of special journals?

4) Why is it necessary to make adjustments in the figures of the trial balance?

5) What does the bookkeeper have to do when the owner draws money for his personal use?







Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the international words from the text below. Give their Russian equivalents without a dictionary. Remember that many English words in the same form can be translated as different parts of speech.


limit, process, figure, inventory, finance, financial, business, deposit, check, register, bank, method, focus, person, profession, position, corporation, title, clerk, technician, term, general, interest, real, really, perspective, local, college, bachelor, company, activity, basic, career

2. Translate the following noun combinations:


Примечание:  Цепочки существительных в английском языке могут состоять из двух и более слов. При переводе цепочки существительных необходимо учитывать, что основным в ней является последнее слово (отвечает на вопрос кто? что?). Предшествующие слова определяют его и могут переводиться разными способами - прилагательным, существительным в родительном падеже, существительным с предлогом, а также целым выражением в свободной форме, передающим смысл определения.

Пример: price policy– 1) ценовая политика, 2) политика ценообразования

                  output delivery instructions –инструкция по доставке продукции

                         manager risk –риск финансовых потерь, вызванных неспособностью

                                                      управляющего эффективно реализовать инвестиционную

                                    стратегию фонда



construction firm name, business owner, company capital, dollar sign, record keeper, checkbook register, bean counters, government control, part-time job, classroom activities, real life feel, finance department, loan application, goods and services balance, project analysis, company income tax, development credit, bank account, customer transaction

3. Translate the following word combinations from the text:


world of figures, day-to-day transactions, financial statements and reports, a record in a checkbook register, single sided transactions, the position of a bookkeeper, the multitude of transactions, to move up in a company, to keep business’s books in order, to make a living, a bachelor’s degree, to give a real life feel, basic needs

Grammar Revision: Participle(Причастие)

Participle I - V4 (V + ing) developing


Participle II  - 1) правильные глаголы - V + ed       developed

                    2) неправильные глаголы- V3        written


Функции причастия:


I. Часть сказуемого

1) Participle I - во временах группы Continuous и Perfect-Continuous

2) Participle II – во временах группы Perfect и в Passive Voice



1) They were recording these transactions yesterday from 2 till 6 p.m.

Они регистрировалиэти сделки вчера с 14 до 18.

The bookkeeper has been working with deposits for 2 hours.

Помощник бухгалтера работаетс депозитами 2 часа.

2) Не will have preparedhis report by the end of the week.

Он подготовит отчет к концу недели.

The office was closedyesterday.

Вчера офис был закрыт.

II. Определение(какой?)

The man speakingon the phone is our bookkeeper.

Человек, разговаривающийпо телефону, наш помощник бухгалтера.

An educated person can obtain quick promotion.

Образованный человек может быстро сделать карьеру.

III.  Обстоятельство(что делая? при каких обстоятельствах?)

Speaking on the phone the manager specified each point of the contract.

Разговариваяпо телефону, менеджер уточнил пункты контракта.

When discussed the problem can be solved.

Когда проблема обсуждена, ее можно решить.

(Проблему можно решить после ее обсуждения).

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 537; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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