If      I           were                 you ,        I would accept     their invitation.

If    they      were sleeping,                         she would not disturb them.


Conditional III


Умовні речення третього типу використовуються, коли мова йде про уявну або неможливу сируацію в минулому, а також описується її уявний результат. Уявна або неможлива ситуація передається за допомогою if + past perfect (завершений минулий час). Результат цієї ситуації передається за допомогою would або wouldn’t have та past participle (дієприкметник минулого часу).

Як правило, це складнопідрядні речення, між частинами яких ставиться кома.


(a) If you had told me about the problem then, I would have helped you earlier. In (a): In truth, you didn’t tell me about it.
(b) If I hadn’t slipped on the ice, I wouldn’t have broken my arm. In (b): In truth, I slipped on the ice. I broke my arm as a result.
(c) If I had been you, I wouldn’t have called him yet yesterday. In (с): In truth, you called him yesterday.

Примітка: допоміжне дієслово майже завжди скорочується в мовленні. “If you’d told me, I’d have helped you (or:…I would’ve helped you).”


Study the table:

If-clause Main clause
                          If +  S + Had + V3 …          ,                      (past perfect)                                       S would have + V3 …    should     (past participle)    could     might

If the weather had been fine last Tuesday,  we would have gone            to the stadium.

Read and study the table.


I True in the present/ future present simple, present continuous, or present perfect Simple present (V1) Simple future (will+V1) (a) If I have enough time, I write to my parents every week. (b) If I have enough time tomorrow, I will write to my parents.
II Untrue in the present/ future past simple past continuous Would + simple form could      (V1) might (c) If I had enough time, I wouldwrite to my parents. (In truth, I do not have enough time, so I will not write to them.)
III Untrue in the past Past perfect Would + have + V3 could     (past might   participle) (d) If I hadhad enough time, I would have written to my parents yesterday. (In truth, yesterday I did not have enough time, so I did not write to them.)


Wish Clause

 Read and learn the examples in TABLE 1 and the rule.


The true situation (Дійсна ситуація) Facts (Факти) Imaginary situation (Уявна ситуація) Contrary-to-facts in the Present/Future (Протилежне фактичній ситуації у тепеішньому/майбутньому)
I don’t have a car. I wish I had one.   I am not a pilot. I wish I were a pilot.   If I had a car, I would drive it myself.   If I were a pilot, I would fly to India.  

Table 1.

Wish (that) I… використовується, коли ми хочемо сказати про нейздісненне бажання, або про бажання, яке не може здійснитися зараз, у цю мить, завтра та ін.


1) I wish I knewwhat is on NTV channel now.

2) I wish I were a famous lawyer to appear in serious journals

3) I wish Dmitriy Dibrov were here.

Примітка:в обох частинах речення дії одночасні.

Увага! Після I wish … форма were використовується в усіх особах однини і множини.

Read and learn the examples in TABLE 2 and the rule.

The true situation (Дійсна ситуація) Facts (Факти) Imaginary situation (Уявна ситуація) Contrary-to-facts in the Past (Протилежне фактичній ситуації у минулому)
I didn’t call my friend last night. I wish I had called him. He didn’t watch TV yesterday. He wishes he had watched TV yesterday If I had called my friend last night, I would have told him the news. If he had watched TV yesterday, he would not have missed such an interesting film.

Table 2.

Перфектна форма використовується для вираження дії, яка передує дії у головній частині речення. Вона не могла здійснитися вчора, тоді та ін..


1) I wish I had been at home then to listen to my favorite music on the radio. (Мені б хотілося тоді бути вдома і слухати мою улюблену музику по радіо.)

2) I wish I had bought the journal last week. By now I had already known the latest financial data.(Мені б хотілося купити цей журнал минулого тижня. Тоді б я вже знав останню фінансову інформацію.)




Речення для вираження згоди, незгоди або особистої думки:

1. In my opinion (to my mind)              На мою думку
2. It seems to me                                  Мені здається
3. I consider (think)                                   Я вважаю (гадаю)
4. As far as I remember (understand, know) Наскільки я пам’ятаю (розумію, знаю)
5. I am sure it is true (false)                           Я впевнений це правда (неправда)
6. I am not sure but I think                        Я не впевнений, але я вважаю
7. You are right (wrong, mistaken)            Ви маєте рацію (Ви помиляєтесь)
8. Nothing of the kind                                Нічого подібного
9. That is really so                                     Це дійсно так
10. I quite agree with you                      Я повністю згоден з вами
11. I disagree with you                               Я не згоден з вами
12. As a matter of fact                                    По суті справи


Підстановчі таблиці для переказу теми або тексту:



In the very beginning

To begin with

I can’t but mention that

I am going to

I’d like to

I want to


speak on / about

report on

tell you about

tell you a few words about

say that

draw one’s attention to






add that...


Speaking about..........


In addition

In conclusion


It is

interesting to 

necessary to

important to



Strange as it may





To my mind

it is ...

As far as I remember I know I’m concerned



As a matter of fact

it is

he is


As for me

I think

I am sure

I am not sure but I think

I believe

It’s common knowledge To tell the truth


Linking words and phrases:
     Firstly, secondly, finally, ets. When, as, while, before, since, after, by the time, as soon as, ets.
    To add more information or link similar ideas we use: and, as well, furthermore, both...and, in addition(to this), also, what is more, moreover, besides (this),not only ...but also, ets.
    To link contrasting ideas we use: however, on the other hand, nevertheless, although, in spite of / despite (the fact), but, ets.


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