Виберіть логічно підходящі модальні дієслова, вставте їх в речення.

  1. Location is very important thing. You…… find a place that lots of people pass every day.

A) must          b) need to          c) don’t have to       

  1. Finance is not as important for bookkeepers as for accountants and you ………….. spend less on education than accountants.

A) mustn’t          b)should       c) need to                     

  1. You can have a website with a few pages of basic information about your shops, but it …………. Be very complicated.

A) should         b) needn’t      c) doesn’t have to                     

  1. Training staff to deal with customers in your shops is very important. They ………..learn to be helpful to customers.

A) should         b) need to      c) mustn’t   

  1. Staff ………….also have good technical knowledge of the products they sell so as to be able to answer customers’ questions.

A) needn’t            b) should    c) must 

  1.  Products …………. be presented attractively if you want people to buy them.

A) need to            b) shouldn’t  c) must 

Доповніть статтю правильною термінологією.


To be a successful online business, first of all you need to have a good website. A good website looks professional and is quick and easy to use. For instance, many people do not like to have to register to visit a site. It is also important for the company to have its ……(1) on each page. This ….(2) the site and can be used by the visitor as a link back to the …….(3) .

Of course, your products need to be at least as good as your site. The site may be what ……..(4) customers in the first place, but it is certainly the quality of the products and of the service that keeps them. …..(5) your prices down, and make a point of offering excellent customer service.

Inform your visitors that you offer ……(6) online ordering. Finally, when you receive an order, e-mail the customer to acknowledge receipt and to inform them when the goods will be shipped.

1. a) flag           b) symbol            c) logo

2. a) brands       b) marks              c) impresses

3. a) homepage b) modem            c) search engine

4. a) attracts      b) appeals            c) shows

5. a) Take         b) Give                c) Bring

6. a) safe           b) proof                c) secure

З’єднайте слова з їхніми дефініціями та перекладіть українською мовою.

1. an account      a) a plastic card that you use to buy goods

2. a loan              b) a printed that you use to pay for something instead of using money 

3. acheque          c) extra money that you get if you have invested money or that you pay if
you have borrowed money

4. interest            d) an arrangement between a bank and a customer for the customer to take
out more money that they have paid in

5. a credit card    e) a sum of money that you borrow

Доповніть речення словами з таблиці та перекладіть речення українською мовою.

Moving    contact      sharing      send     let
  1. Would you mind ……… our appointment to Monday?
  2. Could you ………… us have your previous employer’s details?
  3. Could you ………… in two weeks’ time?
  4. Would you mind ……. an office with two other people?
  5.  Could you …………… us a copy of your certificate?

Відредагуйте текст. В кожній з 1 по 6 строки є одне невірне слово. Підкресліть невірні слова. Напишіть у позначених місцях вірні слова.

Before you go for a job interview, make sure that you do your homework. Find out as much as you could about the company, about its history, about what it doing, how many people it employ, and so on. During the interview try to keep the point. Give complete answers, but do no talk for longer then necessary. Finally, remember that you can ask the interviewer question. This will show that you are really interested in the opportunity.     1…………. 2…………. 3…………. 4…………. 5…………. 6………….

Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть та письмовоперекладіть 1-3 абзаци.

Communicating the marketing concept

1. Marketing begins with a consumer need. Something is produced in response to that need. In a marketing society, the consumer rules. Marketing societies have produced a great abundance and variety of consumer goods. They have done this by means of competition. Each producer competes with every other producer for a share of the market. The market, simply, is people who have money and are ready to spend it. But consumers have a finite amount of money to spend. They will buy only what they want and need. As a nation becomes more developed, consumers become more demanding. Their needs become more specific, and they want products that satisfy their changing needs. Only those producers who compete effectively will sell their products and survive.

2. Successful producers are guided by the marketing concept: response to consumers’ needs.

3. Marketing is a matter of communication between consumers and producers. Advertising is not the producer’s only means of communication. The product itself, its packaging, brand mane, and price carry a message to the potential user. So does the place where the product is sold. Marketing communications, then be defined as all marketing activities visible to consumers that may influence their purchasing decisions. These activities include both advertising and merchandising. Everyone involved in those activities is a marketing communicator. The basis of all marketing communication is one essential question: “How can we best inform consumers that our product meets their needs?” The answer to that question is what an advertising campaign is all about.

4. Planning an advertising campaign begins with an analysis of the market situation. Situation analysis moves from the general to the specific. It begins with the broad economic picture. Is this a time of growth, recession, inflation? Is it a time for optimism or pessimism? Next, the company’s general marketing objectives must be considered. Does the company aim to increase or maintain its market share? Is it aggressively pursuing growth? Is it introducing a new product or promoting an established one? Is it pioneering, or is it responding to a change in the competition? Situation analysis ends with observations about problems with and opportunities for promoting a specific brand.

8. Прочитайте 4 абзац та дайте письмовувідповідь на наступнізапитання:

  1. What does Planning an advertising campaign begin with?
  2. How does Situation analysis move?
  3. What does Situation analysis end with?


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Варіант № 2

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