Наиболее распространённые вопросы в задании 2

Тематика Как задать вопрос
1 a qualitypair of running sneakers Is there anyquality pair of runningsneakersat your shop?
2     accommodation   What kind of accommodation do you offer? What is the type of accommodation offered? How many bedrooms does the flat have? Has the flat been renovated(отремонтирована)recently? When is the earliest I could move in? Is it possible to...?
3 activities…   What activities are available? What events/activities do you offer? What activities are offered? Is there an opportunity to go in for sports? Are there any city activities that you organize for student? What activities will we take part in? What activities will be offered? What activities can be offered?  
4 admission fee - вступительный взнос What is the admission fee? Is there an admission fee? How much is the admission to the aqua park? Сколько стоит вход в аквапарк?
5 advantages of the device What advantages does that device have?
6 advantages of the road bike over the others What are advantages of the road bike over the others?
7 age of children How old must the children be?
8 age restriction -ограничение по возрасту /minimum age limit Is there a minimum age for the swimming pool? What is the minimum age to use the pool? How old must the runners be? What age is suitable to participate? Are there any age restrictions? Is there a minimum age restriction for this film? Is there a minimum age for members of Extreme Sports Club? Whatis the minimum age for getting a driver’s license? Какойминимальный возраст для получения водительских прав? What is the minimum age limit for this film?
9 age of (something) · the age of holiday-makers - возраст отдыхающих How old is(something)? How old must be the holiday-makers? What age is suitable for holiday-makers?
10 amount of calories How many calories are in the food?
11 amount of internal memory What is the amount of the internal memory?
12 arrival/departure – прибытие/отправление What is the time of arrival/departure? When is the departure time? Когдаотправление? What are the dates for departures? What is the nearest departure date?
13 assortment of goods What assortment of goods do you offer? What range of products do you offer?
14 audio tours   audio version of the book Are audio tours available? Can I get an audio tour? Is an audio version of the book available?
15 availability of (something) – наличие, доступность   · swimming pool availability · courses available availability of a table for seven people Is (something) available? Is there/Are there...(available)? What (facilities) are available there? Is a swimming pool available? What courses are available at your school? Is there a table for seven peopleavailable?
16 be over When is the film over? Когдазаканчиваетсяфильм?
17 beginning of the course When does the course begin/start/end? What time does/will it begin and end?
18 benefits for health - пользадляздоровья What are the health benefits?
19 boarding time - (время посадки) What is the boarding time? What time can I board the shop? When does the boarding start (begin)?
20 book - number of illustrations   if it’s a paperback edition How many illustrations are there in the book? Is it a paperback edition? Is an audio version of the book available? Does the book contain any vegetarian dishes?
21 booking a test drive online Is booking a test drive online possible? Can I book a test drive online?
22 booking in advance Is booking in advance possible? Can I book in advance?
23 brands of running sneakers Whatbrands of running sneakers do you offer?
24 cancellation - аннулирование Is cancellation possible?
25 certificate Is there a quality certificatefor the goods? Do you give a certificate at the end of the program?
26 certified and experienced instructor Is there a certified and experienced instructor at your school?
27 change money Where can I change money? – Гдеямогуобменятьденьги? When does the bank open/close? – Когдаоткрывается/закрываетсябанк? Where is the nearest cash machine? – Гдездесьближайшийбанкомат?
28 check-in time What time should I check-in? What is the check-in time?
29 code of conduct - нормы поведения What is the code of conduct?

Уважаемые посетитети! Перечень вопросов продолжается в алфавитном порядке и составляет 208 пунктов (позиций) , а далее следуют 35 вариантов для закрепления материала. Этомояавторскаяработа.Заказывайте, скороэкзамен.

Variant 1            

Task 2.Study the advertisement.




1) stadium location

2) length of the match

3) ticket price
4) teams playing

5) if you can buy snacks there

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You could ask following questions:

1) Where is the stadium located?

2) How long is the match?

3) How much is the ticket?

4) What teams are playing?

5) Can I buy the snacks there? / Is it possible to buy the snacks there?

Make questions yourself.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 751; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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