Exercise 2 Make the sentences negative and interrogative, translate them.

1. He is a well-known scientist. 2. They are at the lecture. 3. It’s all over now. 4. We were friends many years ago. 5. She will be busy tomorrow. 6. My grandfather was a railwayman. 7. It was unusually warm yesterday. 8. The theme of the congress is ‘High-Speed Railways’.

Exercise 3 Say the following sentences in thePast and Future Indefinite and add the appropriate time guide(yesterday, 2 days ago, tomorrow, next week, last month, in a year, tonight, when I was a child, etc.)

1. Victor is free tonight. 2. John is in America now. 3. I am not very busy this week. 4. He isn’t in the mood to talk. 5. The child is ten years old. 6. My younger brother is fond of football. 7. The children are at school. 8. We are first-year students. 9. It isn’t cold. 10. What is the weather like today?


Exercise 4 Object to the sentence according to the model.

Model: He was in Moscow last month. – Nothing of the kind. He wasn’t. He was in Kiev at that time.

I hear it will be cold tomorrow. – Nothing of the kind. It won’t. It will be warm enough.

1. She was unwell last week. 2. Kate is 18 years old. 3. They were present at the meeting yesterday. 4. The film was boring. 5. There will be a lot of people at the birthday party tomorrow. 6. She was late for the classes. 7. Last summer was unusually hot. 8. He is very good at languages.

Exercise 5 Fill in the gaps with the verbto bein the appropriate form. Take turns to ask each other questions. Give true answers.

Model: What / favourite colour? – What is your favourite colour? – It’s violet.

1. Where / you born? 2. Which month / you born? 3. What / the most interesting subject at school? 4. When / Christmas in our country?      5. What / your favourite sport? 6. Where / you when I called you yesterday evening? 7. What / your parents? 8. What / the best (worst) TV programme for you? 9. How big / your family? 10. Where / you from? 11. Why / you late for the lecture yesterday? 12. Which profession / the most popular (difficult, respectable, useful) in our country?          13. You / busy tomorrow? 14. How old / you?

Exercise 6 Putwas, were, wasn’t, orcouldn’tinto the gaps. Practise the conversation between two friends, Sue and Bill.

Sue:... you at Eve’s party last Saturday?

Bill:Yes, I ... .

Sue:... it good?

Bill: Well, it ... OK.

Sue:... there many people?

Bill:Yes, there ... .

Sue: ... Tom there?

Bill: No, he ... . And where ... you?

Sue: Oh, I ... come because I ... at Adam’s party. It ... fantastic.

Exercise 7 Translate the sentences.

1. Biн зараз у відрядженні. 2. Вона буде там о п’ятій годині.          3. Його брат – інженер. 4. Він буде радий вас бачити. 5. У цій кімнаті холодно. 6. Вона була на дискотецівчора. 7. Його зараз нема вдома. 8. Ви будете завтра вільні? 9. Тема лекції дуже цікава. 10. Ви були у Криму минулого літа? 11. Він буде в університетізавтра?


Sentences with the Verbto have (have got)

(Речення з дієсловом to have (have got))

have = have got


will have

he, she, it has = has got


don’t have =haven’t got

didn’t have

won’t have

hedoesn’t have=hasn’t got


Do youhave...?Have yougot...?

Did you have...?

Will you have...?

Does she have...? Has she got...?

Дієслова have та have got використовуються майжеоднаково (have got використовується лише у теперішньому часі та у розмовній мові, have характерно для письмової мови).

Стійке сполучення have + noun означає діяльність або звичку:

have a swim / a good time / a party / a holiday

have breakfast / dinner / a cup of tea / a cigarette / a break

have a bath / a shower / a shave / a rest

have a chat / a row / a dream / fun

have a look at something / a word with someone


Exercise 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions as in the model.

Model: Do you have a car? – Yes, I do.

Have you got a car? – No, I haven’t.

Ask your partner about the following:a camera, a computer, a bicycle, a credit card, brothers and sisters, his parents/a country house, his sister/a car, his brother/a motorbike, a mobile phone.

Exercise 9 Make these sentences negative.

1. She’s got blue eyes. 2. I usually have breakfast at 8.00. 3. I will have a lot of free time soon. 4. They have rows about home duties.     5. We had a good time on holiday. 6. I’ve got everything I need.           7. Railways had steam locomotives in the 19th century. 8. I had a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. 9. He’s got some pen friends in Canada.

Exercise 10 Fill in the gaps usingam, is, are, have or has.

1. Where ... you from? 2. We ... two lectures on physics every week. 3. My father ... a travel agent. 4. Our Academy ... several hostels. 5. ... you hungry? 6. My best friend ... an excellent mark in English. 7. I ... hot. Open the window, please. 8. He ... not interested in football at all. 9. He ... everything he needs. 10. What ... the weather like today?      11. What ... his new car like? 12. Let me ... a moment of rest.

Constructionthere + to be

(Зворот there + to be)

Зворот there + to be має значення є, знаходиться, існує. Переклад починається з кінця речення (обставини місця) або з присудка, при відсутності обставини.


There is a book on the shelf. There are (some) books on the shelf. На полиці є книга (книги). There was a mistake in my paper. There were (some) mistakes in my paper. У моїй роботі була помилка (були помилки). There will be a new show on TV next week. Наступного тижня по телевізору буде нове шоу.


Is there a book on the shelf? -Yes, there is (there are some). Are there (any) books on the shelf? -No, there is not (there are not any). Was there a mistake in your paper? -Yes, there was (there were some). Were there (any) mistakes in your paper? -No, there was not (there were not any). Will there be a new show on TV next week? -Yes, there will be. -No, there won’t be.


There is no(isn’ta) book on the shelf. There are no (not any) books on the shelf. There was no (wasn’t a) mistake in my paper. There were no (not any) mistakes in my paper. There will be no show on TV next week.

Примітка 1. Зворот there + to be указує на існування чого-небудь у певному місці. Порівняйте:

The book is on the table. – (Ця) книга на столі. (Where is the book?)

There is a book on the table. – На столі (якась) книга. (What is there on the table?)

Примітка 2. Після there можливо вживання дієслів exist (існувати), appear(з’являтися) та модальних дієслів (can, must, should, may).

Thereexist special-type vehicles for monorails. – Існують спеціальні вагони для монорельсових доріг.

Later, there appeared a steam locomotive. – Пізніше з’явився паровоз.

Theremust be some way out. – Повинен бути якийсь вихід.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 1089; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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