Какое из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста? 5 вопросов по 2 балла.


1. a) Criminology is a science which studies crimes.

b) Criminology is a science which controls crimes.

2. a) Criminology doesn’t take into account social and governmental regulations of crimes.

b) Criminology researches the incidence, forms, causes and consequences of crime, social and governmental regulations and reaction to crime.

3. a) The main criminological methods are quantitative.

b) The main criminological methods are qualitative.

4. a) Sociology and law help criminology in understanding criminal behaviour.

b) Sociology and law don’t help criminology in understanding criminal behaviour.

5. a) Definition of crimes doesn’t depend on cultural norms.

b) Definition of crimes depends on many things.

Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста. 5 вопросов по 2 балла.

1. Criminology is the science which studies criminal behaviour in a) society b) individual c) both individual and society.

2. a) Italian professor was the first b) French and Italian professors were the first c) French professor was the first to use the term criminology.

3. A crime is an act that violates the a) some b) basic c) no values and beliefs of society.

4. Laws manifest a) values b) beliefs c) values and beliefs of a society.

5. There are a) 8 b) 2 c) 4 main kinds of crimes.


(100 баллов)


Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 153; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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