Points) Translate into Russian.

Вариант № 2.

Раздел 1. Лингвистический аспект

Х 1 points) Put in the correct articles if necessary. Write your answers (a(n), the, – ) in the boxes.

It is 5 o’clock in (1) … morning.

This table is made of (2) … wood.
Nick’s brother is (3) … writer.
This is (4) … house that Jack built.

What is (5) … first month of the year?
(6) … sun shines by day and (7) … moon shines by (8) … night.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the - a the the the the -

X 3 points) Put in correct prepositions. Write your answers in the boxes.


1. The station platform was crowded … people waiting for the train.

2. She’s much more successful than I am. Sometimes I feel a bit jealous … her.

3. I’m tired … doing the same thing every day. I need a change.

4. Do you know anyone who might be interested … buying an old car?

5. We’ve got plenty to eat. The fridge is full … food.

6. She is a very honest person. I don’t think she’s capable … telling a lie.

7. I’m not surprised she changed her mind at the last moment. That’s typical … her.

8. Our house is similar … yours. Perhaps yours is a bit larger.

9. John has no money of his own. He’s totally dependent … his parents.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
of for of in of of for to on



X 2 points) Сomplete the sentences using the verbs in Passive Voice. Write your answers in the boxes.


1. He hurt his leg in an accident. – His leg … in an accident.

2. They fought a big battle here two hundred years ago. – A big battle … here two hundred years ago.

3. I left the dog in the garden. – The dog … in the garden.

4. They gave a party in his honour. – A party … in his honour.

5. Somebody left the light on all night. – The light … on all night.

6. His brother beat John in the 100-yards race. – John … in the 100-yards race.

7. She washed the floor only this morning. – The floor … only this morning.

8. They sent letters of thanks to all their friends. – Letters of thanks … to all their friends.

9. We ate all the cakes yesterday. – All the cakes … yesterday.

10. People formerly used the Tower of London as a prison. – The Tower of London … as a prison.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Was hurt Was fought Was left Was given Was left Was beaten Was washed Were sent Were eaten Was used



X 2 points) Choose the correct sentences changed into Reported Speech. Write your answers (A, B or C) in the boxes.


1. Jack said to the policeman, “Tell me the time, please.”


a: Jack asked the policeman to tell him the time.

b: Jack said to the policeman to tell him the time.

c: Jack asked the policeman tell him the time, please.


2. The teacher said to the student, “Clean the blackboard, please.”


a: The teacher asked the student to clean the blackboard.

b: The teacher asked the student to clean the blackboard, please.

c: The teacher told the student clean the blackboard.

1 2
a a

X 2 points) Change the verb according to the Reported Speech rules. Write your answers in the boxes.


1. We believe that she will win the first prize at the competition. – We believed that she … the first prize at the competition.

2. He says his brother is taking his exam now. – He said his brother … his exam then.

3. He asks if the plan is changed. – He asked if the plan … .

4. He says he will drive a car himself. – He said he … a car himself.

5. She thinks that they will speak about their achievements. – She thought that they … about their achievements.

6. He asks whether you can speak English. – He asked whether you … English.

7. They ask if he is expecting any visitors. – They asked if he … any visitors.

8. We know that safety is one of the main concerns of transportation. – We knew that safety … one of the main concerns of transportation.

9. He asks if the plan is changed. – He asked if the plan … changed.


1. Would win 5. Would speak
2. Was taking 6. Could speak
3. Was changed 7. Was expecting
4. Would drive 8. Was
    9. Was


Points) Make up the sentence in Reported Speech. Write your answers (A – H) in the boxes.

a: had

b: home.

c: The boy

d: said

e: return

f: he

g: money to

h: scarcely enough

The boy said he had scarcely enough money to return home.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
c d f a h g e b

X 1 points) Match word sets with the associated categories. Write your answers (A – C) in the boxes.


1: Family 2: Person 3: Limbs 4: Parts a: infant, divorce, bring up, grandparents b: elderly, handsome, tanned, heavy-built c: elbow, finger, feet, arm  



1 2 3 4
a b с -


Раздел 2.

Английский для повседневного общения

X2 points) Education. Read the text and answer the questions. Write your answers in the boxes.



Dear John,

I meant to write you at once, but it took me rather long to get used to College life. College is a very big place and at first I got lost almost every time I left my room. Things are much easier now and I hope you’ll look me up some day and let me walk you about. You won’t be disappointed, I promise. Oh, I’m good at showing people about. I’ll say something like this: Our college was founded over two hundred years ago. On your right is the Library which was built about the same year the college was founded. (So you can easily imagine how it looks and smells inside!).The building on your left, which rather reminds me of Tudor Romanesque next to it is the new infirmary and so forth.

The trouble with College is that they expect you to know such a lot of things you’ve never learnt. To be quite honest, I never knew I was so much behind the others. It’ll take me months of real hard work to catch up with the fellows!

I made an awful mistake the very first day. Somebody mentioned Maurice Maeterlinck, and I asked if he was a Freshman. That joke has gone all over College.

Did ever you hear of Michelangelo? I didn’t until the last week. He was a famous artist who lived in Italy in Middle Ages. Everybody in English knew about him and the whole class laughed because I thought he was an archangel. He sounds like an archangel, doesn’t he? Now I know better. When people start talking about things I never heard of, I just keep quiet and look them up in the encyclopedia.

We’ve been studying hard all through the term. Now that the exams have started, it’s got worse. I’ve learned fifty-seven French irregular verbs in the past four days – I’m only hoping they’ll stay till after examinations.

The fellows have been telling me that some of the boys sell their textbooks when they’re through with them, but I’m going to keep mine. Then, after I’ve graduated, I’ll have my whole education in the bookcase. It’ll be so much easier than if I try to keep it in my head.

Now, more news coming, if you are still interested. They’ve organized a Freshman basketball team and I hope I’ll be good enough to take part in it. It’s great fun and then, the doctor says I need more exercise.

That was all good news. Now for bad news. You know what happened? I failed mathematics. It wasn’t really my fault, it was just bad luck. I’ll be taking another exam next month. I’ll do my best to pass, but be ready for the worst and don’t say I didn’t warn you. As for me, I’m taking it easy, because I’ve learned such a lot of things not mentioned in the catalogue.

That’s all now. Hoping to hear from you soon, Dan.

P.S. Speaking of classics, have you read ‘Hamlet’? If you haven’t, do so at once. It’s perfectly splendid. I’ve been hearing about Shakespeare all my life, but I had no idea he really wrote so well.


1. What lesson did he learn?

2. Why did Dan want to keep his textbooks after he graduated from college?

3. What sports team was he going to join, and why?

4. What was the bad news?

5. Why wasn’t he upset over his failure in mathematics?

6. What made Dan change his mind about Shakespeare?


1 The main lesson Dan learned is, when people start talking about things he never heard of, just keep quiet and look them up in the encyclopedia.
2 Dan wanted to keep his textbooks after he graduated from college because having whole education in the bookcase will be so much easier than trying to keep it in his head
3 Dan is going to join a Freshman basketball team because it’s great fun and the doctor says he need more exercise.
4 The bad new was Dan’s failure in mathematics
5 He is not upset over his failure in mathematics because he thinks that it wasn’t really his fault, it was just bad luck. And he will be taking another exam next month.
6 Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ made Dan change his mind about Shakespeare.

points) Translate into Russian.


Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge.

Both universities are independent. The normal length of degree course is three years. Some courses, such as languages or medicine, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are awarded at public degree ceremonies. Oxford and Cambridge cling to their traditions, such as the use of Latin at degree ceremonies. Full academic dress is worn at examinations.

Oxford and Cambridge Universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name and its coat of arms. Each college is governed by a Master. The larger ones have more than 400 members, the smallest colleges have less than 30. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Within the college one will normally find a chapel, a dining hall, a library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and the Master, and also rooms for teaching purposes.

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is the second largest in Britain, after London. The town of Oxford is first mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in 911 AD and it was popular with the early English kings (Richard Coeur de Lion was probably here). The university’s earliest charter is dated back to 1213.

There are now more than thirty colleges where men and women are educated together, many from overseas studying for higher degrees. Among the oldest colleges are University College, All Souls and Christ Church.

The local car industry in East Oxford gives an important addition to the city’s outlook. There’s a great deal of bicycle traffic both in Oxford and Cambridge.





Оксфорд и Кембридж - старейшие и самые престижные университеты в Великобритании. Их часто называют вместе Оксбридж.

Оба университета являются независимыми. Нормальная продолжительность курса на получение степени составляет три года. Некоторые курсы, такие как языки или медицина, могут быть на один или два года дольше. Также студенты могут работать на другие степени. Степени присуждаются на общественных церемониях награждения. Оксфорд и Кембридж цепляются за свои традиции, такие как использование латыни на церемониях награждения степенью. Полную академическую форму носят на экзаменах.

Оксфордский и Кембриджский университеты состоят из множества колледжей. Каждый колледж по-своему отличается, но во многом они схожи. У каждого колледжа есть свое имя и свой герб. Каждым колледжем управляет Председатель. У больших есть больше чем 400 студентов, у самых маленьких колледжей есть меньше чем 30. Каждый колледж предлагает преподавание  широкого диапазона предметов. В колледже обычно можете найти часовню, столовую, библиотеку, комнаты для студентов, товарищей и Председателя, и также комнат в обучающих целях.

Оксфорд - один из самых старых университетов в Европе. Это второй по величине (университет) в Великобритании после Лондона. Город Оксфорд впервые упомянут в англосаксонской хронике в 911 н. э., и он был популярен у ранних английских королей (Ричард Львиное Сердце вероятно был здесь). Самый ранний чартер университета датирован 1213.

Теперь здесь есть более тридцати колледжей, где мужчины и женщины получают образование вместе, много иностранных учащихся получают здесь более высокую степень. Среди самых старых колледжей Университетский Колледж, Церковь Всех Душ и Христа.

Местная автомобильная промышленность в Восточном Оксфорде вносит важное дополнение к перспективе города. И в Оксфорде, и в Кембридже развито велосипедное движение.


Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 412; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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