III. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в форму герундия и переведите на русский язык.


1. I don’t feel like (to go) there.

2. I walked to the station instead of (to go) by bus.

3. Do you mind (to shut) the window?

4. He went on (to talk), although no one was listening to him.

5. The monitor was carefully examined before starting.

IV. Соотнесите слова левой колонки со словами из правой.

remote to weigh steel smooth to operate raw iron quantity size ровный, плавный количество весить дальний железо сталь сырой, необработанный размер работать, управлять



I. Прочитайтеиписьменнопереведитетекстнарусскийязык.

Cruise ships

A cruise ship or a cruise liner is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship’s amenities are considered an essential part of the experience. Cruising has become a major part of the tourism industry, with millions of passengers each year.

Cruise ships operate on mostly set roundabout course or round trips (i.e. they tend to return to their originating port) whereas ocean liners are defined by actually doing ocean-crossing voyages, which may not lead back to the same port for years.

Cruise ships are descended from the transatlantic ocean liners, which, since the mid-20th century, have found their services preempted by jet aircraft. Indeed, some cruise ships were liners adapted to tropical cruising through largely superficial alteration – e.g., the addition of swimming pools and other amenities to suit warm-latitude cruising areas. However, most cruise ships now in service were built specifically for the cruise trade. Since most of them are designed for large numbers of passengers, they are characterized by high superstructures of many decks, and, since their principle routes lie in warm seas, they are typically painted white all over. Closer examination usually reveals a large number of motor launches carried aboard for the ferrying ashore of passengers. Many cruise ships have stern ramps, much like those found on cargo-carrying roll-on/roll-off ships, in order to facilitate the transfer of passengers to the launches and to serve as docking facilities for small sporting boats.

The above features present the principle challenge to the cruise-ships designer: providing the maximum in safety, comfort, and entertainment for the passengers. Thus, isolation of machinery noise and vibration is of high importance. Minimizing the rolling and pitching motions of the hull is even more important – no extreme of luxury can offset a simple case of seasickness. Since cruising is low-speed activity, propulsive power is usually much lower than that found in the old ocean liners. On the other hand, electric power is usually of much greater magnitude, mainly because of demands by air-conditioning plants in tropical waters.

II. Переведитеследующиегруппыслов:

III. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в форму герундия и переведите на русский язык.

1. It was no use (to take) about it any longer.

2. I didn’t feel like (to work) so I suggested spending the day in the country.

3. Do you feel like (to go) to a film or shall we stay at home?

4. My watch keeps (to stop). That’s because you keep (to forget) to wind it.

5. I’m very sorry for (to be) late.


IV. Соотнесите слова левой колонки со словами из правой.

capacity to deepen reliable to widen protection to load negligible to combine cargo загружать соединять груз незначительный углубляться надежный мощность, ёмкость расширяться защита, ограждение



I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

Commercial Vessels

Commercial vessels or merchant ships can be divided into three broad categories: cargo ship, passenger ships, and special-purpose ships. Cargo ships transport dry and liquid cargo. Dry cargo can be transported in bulk by bulk carriers, packed directly onto a general cargo ship in break-bulk, packed in intermodal containers as aboard a container ship, or driven aboard as in roll-on/ roll-off ships. Liquid cargo is generally carried in bulk aboard tankers, such as oil tankers which may include both crude and finished products of oil, chemical tankers which may also carry vegetable oils other than chemicals and LPG/LNG tankers (liquefied petroleum gas/liquefied natural gas), although smaller shipments may be carried on container ships in tank containers.

Passenger ship range in size from small river ferries to very large cruise ships. This type of vessel includes ferries, which move passengers and vehicles on short trips; ocean liners, which carry passengers from one place to another; and cruise ships, which carry passengers on voyages undertaken for pleasure, visiting several places and with leisure activities on board, often returning them to the port of embarkation.

Special-purpose vessels are not used for transport but for other tasks. Examples include tugboats, pilot boats, rescue boats, cable ships, research vessels, survey vessels, and icebreakers.

Most commercial vessels have full hull-forms to maximize cargo capacity. Hulls are usually made of steel, although aluminum can be used on faster craft, and fiberglass on the smallest service vessels. Commercial vessels generally have a crew headed by a captain, with deck officers and marine engineers on larger vessels. Special-purpose vessels often have specialized crew if necessary, for example scientists aboard research vessels.

Commercial vessels are typically powered by a single propeller driven by a diesel or, less usually, gas turbine engine. The fastest vessels may use pump-jet engines.

II. Переведитеследующиегруппыслов:

Aboard tankers, the port of embarkation, a crew headed by a captain, a single propeller driven by a diesel, gas turbine engine, use pump-jet engines.


Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 651; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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