VII. Imagine that you are going to stay at a hotel. Fill in the form.

Інструкційна картка з дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» до заняття № 8 Тема: В готелі. Побутове обслуговування. Мета: 1. Вдосконалювати навички в аудіюванні й говорінні .       2. Розвивати здібність виконувати продуктивні та репродуктивні мовні дії, розвивати лексичні й граматичні навички говоріння. Обладнання: інструкційні картки, мультимедійне обладнання.  

Хід заняття.

І. Організаційний момент.

ІІ. Перевірка домашнього завдання (опитування).

ІІІ. Робота над темою заняття.


І. Answer the questions:

Have you ever stayed in a hotel?

Did you like it?

What kind of a hotel was it?

 Did you know all the rules of behavior there?

Which rules do you know?

II.Vocabulary drills:

A receptionist, a hotel clerk, to book a room, a porter, to check in (out), to vacate the room, a single, double room, a chambermaid, reservation, to confirm, a letter of confirmation, a vacant room, the hotel is full, to sign, to get the bill ready, a suite, a bellboy, a key, a lobby

a. Look through the new vocabulary and group it into 2 groups-which you already know and not;

b. Read aloud the words you already know and give the Ukrainian translation;

c. Try and understand the meanings of the unknown words from the explanations, the context:

Receptionist-a hotel clerk whose job is to meet the new-comers and register them;

Chambermaid- a woman whose work is to clean the rooms and see if everything is OK in the corridors;

Suite- a hotel room with the highest possible comfort and conveniences;

Bellboy- a person at the disposal of the guests (showing the way to the rooms, helping in some situations);

Porter-а manwho bringsthe baggage of the guests to their rooms.

d. Make up sentences of your own with the new vocabulary units.

III. Group work

Read the dialogues, make your own ones according to the model and act them out

#1- Receptionist: "Southern Star" Hotel. Good morning.

-Thomas:Hello. My name is Thomas Miller.

-R. Yes. How can I help you?

-T. Last week I booked a room from the 5th to the 6th of November, and confirmed the reservation by fax.

-R.Oh, yes. Mister Miller. I remember.

-T. I’d like to book a single room for a colleague, for the 6th of November.

-R. Let me see. Oh, I'm very sorry, Mr. Miller, but the hotel is full on the 6th of November because of the conference, you see.

-T. Oh, it’s a pity.

-R. You could try other hotels in the city.

-T. Yes, I’ll do that. Thank you for your help.

-R. We look forward to seeing you on the 5th of November, Mr. Miller. Goodbye.

#2-Hello. Can I help you?

-Hello. We need a double room for three nights

.- Yes, we have two double rooms on the 11th and 15th floor, facing the yard. Which would you prefer?

- It’s all the same with me. May be, my wife would like to choose. What do you think, darling?

- 11th sounds okay with me, if you don’t mind.

- Sure. Then let it be on the 11th floor.

- All right. Will you, please, fill out these forms?

- Certainly.

- How long are you going to stay here?

- About a week or so.

- Fine, The bellboy will show you to your room. Here are the keys. Don’t worry about the suit-cases. Leave them in the lobby. The porter will help with the luggage.

IV. Pair work. Answer the receptionist’s questions:

1.Will this room suit you?

2. Will you have lunch just now or would you like to have some rest first?

3. May I ask you, sir, how many days are you planning to stay with us?

4. Would you like your meals served in your room or would you rather come to the restaurant?

5. Have you rung, sir?

 6. I'm afraid, we are packed full. Will a room without a shower and telephone be all right?

V.Match the parts of the sentences:

1.We have got only one vacant room a. You may order it by phone.
2. How many days are you planning to stay with us? b. Fill it in, please.
3. Can I have breakfast in my room? c. It’s just around the corner
4. What should I do with this form? d. Single or double?
5. Where is the lift? e. For about five days.

VI. Agree or disagree:

1. When you leave the hotel you must pay the hotel bill.

2. When you travel in summer it is better to reserve rooms in advance.

3. The porter is the person who keeps the rooms in order.

4. If the guest wants his breakfast in his room, the reception clerk will bring it to him.

5. The guest must leave the key at the desk when going out.

6. Suites are usually the cheapest rooms in hotels.

7. Nowadays a TV is usually found in each room.

8. The maid must do the room every day.

VII. Imagine that you are going to stay at a hotel. Fill in the form.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-09; просмотров: 192; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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