Ex.9. Answer the following questions.

1. What is permanent way?

2. What are the main component parts of the modern railway track? Do they considerably differ from those of a hundred years ago?

3. What role do the sleepers play?

4. Where are the crossties placed?

5. What do the number and spacing of the ties depend on?

6. What way are the rails joined to each other?

7. Why do high-speed railways use CWR now?

8. What kind of sleepers are mostly used on the modern railways of the world?

9. What are the tie plates used for?

10. What are the features of the ballast laying?

11. What make the stability of track higher?

12. What is gauge?

13. Is the gauge on the British railways and the Russian railways different?

14. What is the only country that has the same gauge as Russia?

15. What machines are used in track service? Can you name them in Russian?


Ex. 10. Go back to the text and find sentences, which are similar to the following statements. Translate these sentences into Russian.

1. Notwithstanding modern technical developments, the dominant track form worldwide consists of steel rails supported on timber or concrete sleepers, which are themselves laid on crushed stone ballast.

2. Most railroads with heavy traffic use continuously welded rails.

3. The rail is usually held down to the sleeper (tie) with resilient fastenings.

4. Timber sleepers (ties) are of many available timbers, and are often treated with creosote, copper-chrome-arsenic, or other wood preservative.

5. The track ballast is customarily crushed stone.


Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences into English.

Железнодорожный путь должен обеспечивать безопасное движение поездов. Основными компонентами железнодорожного полотна являются рельсы, шпалы и балласт.

Рельсы удерживаются на шпалах. Шпалы укладываются на балласт. Рельсы соединяются друг с другом с помощью рельсовых скреплений. Стандартные рельсовые плети сваривают яс и образуют бесстыковой путь. В настоящее время бесстыковой путь широко используется на многих высокоскоростных магистралях. Такой путь обеспечивает более комфортное движение.

Существует два основных типа шпал: деревянные шпалы и бетонные шпалы. Деревянные шпалы обрабатываются креозотом, который предотвращают их гниение.

Балласт может состоять из щебня, песка, гравия и некоторых других материалов. Существует также безбалластный путь или путь на плитах.

Расстояние между рельсами называется шириной колеи. Ширина колеи на Российских железных дорогах составляет 1520 мм.

Для содержания и ремонта железнодорожного пути используются современные путевые машины.




Ex. 1. Copy and memorize the following terms.

alloy -сплав commodity -товар   convenience -удобство convenient -удобный decimal system -десятичная система счисления dimension -размер, величина inch - дюйм measure -мера; единица измерения measurement – измерение; мерка range -предел, диапазон to estimate - (приблизительно) подсчитывать

Ex. 2.Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. The Imperial system of units is based on the foot, pound, and second as the units of length, mass, and time. For scientific and most technical purposes these units have been replaced by SI units.

2. The temperaturerange is how many degrees is in between the highest and the lowest temperature.

3. An alloy is a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion.

4. Manganese is an important component of special steels and magnetic alloys.

5. I.B.C. trades worldwide buying and selling basic commodities such as timber, coal and cement.

6. I’d like to talk to the manager - can you suggest a convenient time?

7. Most of us like the convenience of using credit cards to buy things.

8. Geometry investigates objects and the spaces around them. In its simplest form, it deals with objects in two or three dimensions, such as lines, circles, cubes, and spheres.

9. Every inch of space in the tiny shop was crammed with goods.

10. It is estimated that smoking causes 100,000 premature deaths every year.

11. I’ll just take a few measurements, and then I can tell you how much paint you will need.


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