Exercise 1.Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian.





заступник директора з НР

                                                                             Пугач Г.С._____________

                                                                                    „__”____________2011 р.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів 2 курсу

з предмету „Англійська мова”

                                                                     Викладач: Алексієнко Н.М.

                                      Розглянуто та затверджено

                                      на засіданні циклової комісії

                                     філологічних дисциплін.

                                      Протокол №_______________

                                      від „_____”_______________

                                      Голова ц.к.Зіброва Т.В._____




Методичні вказівки до виконання завдань з самостійної роботи студентів 2 курсу

з предмету „Англійська мова”

          Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів мають на меті виявлення рівня лексичної та граматичної компетенції студентів, а також розширює кругозір студентів, позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, лінгво-мовознавче мислення.

      Щоб виконати контрольну роботу, студент повинен засвоїти основні теми 3 та 4 семестрів, а саме: “GreatBritain”, “SightseeinginLondon”, “Britishholidays”, “Travelling”, “Waysoftravelling”, “Staying at the hotel”,“Medical treatment in Ukraine”, “Shopping”, “Business negotiations”, “Contract”, etc. Студент повинен володіти граматичним матеріалом в межах наступних тем: PresentSimple, PastSimple, FutureSimple, PresentContinuous, PastContinuous, FutureContinuous,  Present Perfect, Passive Voice.

             Запропоновано різні типи завдань для самостійної роботи студентів: переклад текстів, діалогів, заповнення документів, і т.д.Кожна самостійна робота розрахована на 2-4 години; включає роботу зі словником, граматичним посібником, методичним посібником з предмету. 

Для підготовки завдань самостійної роботи рекомендується наступна література: методичний посібник з предмету «Англійська мова» для II курсу, англо-український, українсько-англійський словник, підручник Шпак В.К. Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування. – Київ: Вища школа, - 2000. – 302с.

The third term

Individual work № 1

Exercise 1.Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Economic development of Great Britain

Great Britain is a highly developedindustrial country. Shipbuilding is one of the principal industries of Great Britain. For centuries Britain has been the leading shipbuilder in the world.

Coal is the main source for the development of British industry. The biggest centres of iron and steel industries are situated in the neighborhood of coal basins. They are Middlesborough, Newcastle, Cardiff, Glasgow, and Sheffield. The district around Birmingham is a land of factories and mines.

Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the older branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical, electro technical, automobile, aviation and electronics. The new industries have developed hand in hand with science and technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands.

Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham have enterprises of nearly all branches of industry, old and new. The main centers of cotton and woolen industry are Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.

London, Liverpool and Glasgow are the biggest English ports. The products of Britain economy, for example, automobiles, textile, machinery, electronic equipment and many others, are exported to many countries of the world.

Agriculture is one of the largest and most important activities in Great Britain. The greater part of the land here is used for sheep-, cattle-, and dairy farming. Vegetables are grown in all parts of the country. The chief grain crops are wheat and barley.

Individual work № 2

Exercise 1.Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Exercise 2.Write out 15 new words with their translation from the text.

From the history of Great Britain

Britain has a very rich history. But I'd like to talk about Roman invasion of this country.

In 55 B. C. a Roman army of 10 000 men crossed the Channel and invaded Britain. The Celts who inhabited Britain saw their ships approaching and rushed to attack the invaders in the sea as they were landing. The Celts made a great impression on the Romans, who saw them for the first time in the battle. On the occasion of the battle hair and moustaches were painted red and their legs and arms were painted blue. With loud shouts they attacked the Romans in chariots and on foot. The well-armed invincible Romans under one of the greatest generals of that time had to return to France.

In the next year, 54 B. C., Caesar came to Britain again, this time with larger forces( 25 000 men). The Celts fought bravely for their independence but they were not strong enough to drive the Romans off. The Romans who had better arms and armour and were much better trained defeated the Celts in several battles.

This is how the Roman invasion of Britain started. This invasion lasted till the year of 407 A. D. As a result of the conquest signs of Roman civilization spread over Britain. There had been no towns in Britain before the Romans conquered it. As soon as they had conquered Britain they began to build towns, splendid villas, public baths as in Rome itself. York, Gloucester, Lincoln and London became the chief Roman towns. The Romans were great roadmakers and now a network of roads connected all parts of the country. The forests were cleared, swamps were drained, and corn-fields took their place. Today there are many things in Britain to remind the people of the Romans. The wells which the Romans dug give water today, and the chief Roman roads are still among the highways of modern England. Many of such remains as glass, statues, coins may be seen in the British Museum.

Individual work № 3

Exercise 1.Translate the dialogue into Ukrainian.

At the Customs

Teresa: Excuse me, how do I decide whether to go through the red or the green channel?

1 st Customs: If you have goods to declare Official: you go through the red channel. If you haven't any goods to declare, you go through the green one.

Teresa: How do I decide whether I have goods to declare?

1 st Official: Well, madam, this notice here tells you.

Teresa: Oh, I can't understand it very well.

1 st Official: If you're a visitor coming here for less than six months, and you haven't any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance, you go through the green channel.

Teresa: Oh, I have got some spirits.

1 st Official: How much have you got?

Teresa: A bottle of brandy. And I've got two hundred cigarettes.

1 st Official: That's all right. You're allowed one bottle and two hundred cigarettes. Have you got any expensive presents, things for other people? You have to declare anything which cost over ten pounds.

Teresa: Well, yes, I have got a watch which cost more than ten pounds in English money.

1 st Official: Then go through the red channel. And my colleague may wish to look inside your luggage.

Teresa: I see. Thank you.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 272; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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