III. Соедините слова с их определениями.

1. surgeon

2. firefighter  

3. pilot

4. office manager

5. actor

6. artist

7. postman

8. teacher

9. archaeologist

10. pianist


a) a man or boy who acts in play or films;

b) a person who studies the ancient societies;

c) a person who is good in painting, drawing and making beautiful things;

d) a person whose job is to stop fires burning;

e) smb whose job is to manage part or all of a company or other organization;

f)  a person who brings letters, parcels and telegrams;

g) a person who plays the piano;        

h) one who teaches;

i) a doctor who cuts into the body to remove diseased parts or to set right broken bones;      

j) smb who flies an aeroplane

IV. Образуйте от этих слов производные однокоренные слова.

to vary, to affect, to determine, to decide, to satisfy, to explore, to behave, to develop, to examine, to depend.


Unit 2

A few words about my family and myself.

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

My name is Oleg Petrov. I was born in 1999 in the seaman’s family in Kerch. At that time my father was a motorman, now he is Chief Engineer of a big cargo ship. My mother is a surgeon, she works at a hospital.

I’ve got a sister and a brother. Both my sister and my brother are younger than me. When I was a child we lived together with our grandmother. She died two years ago. At that time our grandmother didn’t work, she was on pension. She kept house as my father was most of the time at sea and my mother was very busy at hospital. My sister and I did our best to help our granny: we went shopping, cleaned the flat, washed up and did some other housework. Our brother was too small to help us. He went to a kindergar­ten at that time.

At the age of six I went to school. I did well at school and I took an active part in the school social life. When at school I was good at mathematics, history and English.

When I was a child I spent much time on the seashore. I liked to watch the waves. I struck up a friendship with a retired seaman. I often went out with him on a small boat.

I remember a small bay and a high ridge of rocks running into the sea. This high ridge acted as a sort of breakwater. We anchored there a short distance out in the deep channel. We swam and fished and he told me many interesting sea stories.

My training did me a lot of good. When I finished school, my father advised me to become a seaman. I followed his advice, passed the entrance examinations and entered the Kerch State Maritime Technological University.

Now I am a first-year cadet of the engineering department.



to be born -  родиться (I was born in 19... Я родился в 19.. г.)

motorman  - моторист

chief engineer  - старший механик

cargo груз  - (cargo ship грузовое судно)

hospital  - больница

to be (work) at hospital  - лежать (работать) в больнице

both... and  - как... , так и ...

both my sister and my brother  - как моя сестра, так и мой брат

to die - умирать (She died long ago. Она давно умерла.)

pension  - пенсия (to be on pension быть на пенсии)

 to keep (kept) house  - вести домашнее хозяйство

to do one’s best -  делать все зависящее от кого-либо (We did our best. Мы делали все, что только могли.)

to go shopping  - делать покупки (в магазинах)

to wash  - мыть(ся)

to wash up (dishes) -  мыть посуду

kindergarten  - детский сад (to go to a kindergarten ходить в детсад) age возраст (at the age of seven -  в возрасте 7 лет)

be good at smth - иметь способности к чему-либо ( I was good at history. Мне хорошо давалась история.)

maritime  - морской    

to attend (lessons, lectures) -  посещать (уроки, лекции) но: to visit a museum (a theatre, etc.) посещать музей (театр и т. д.)

to row  - грести

rowing - гребля

to define (the ship’s position)  - определять (местоположение судна)

to plot the route on charts - прокладывать (наносить) курс (судов) на морские карты

to do smb. a lot of good (bad)  - приносить большую пользу (вред)

to finish - кончать, заканчивать (to finish school закончить школу)

to advise -  советовать

advice - совет (to follow (take) advice следовать совету)

to enter (a room) - входить (в комнату) (to enter a college поступить в колледж) entrance - вход (to pass entrance examinations сдать вступительные экзамены) about myself - о себе

to spend - тратить, расходовать; проводить (время)

wave - волна

to strike - ударять, бить, наскочить (на скалу)

to strike up a friendship - подружиться

retired - ушедший на пенсию

bay - залив

ridge - гряда

to act - действовать, поступать

breakwater - волнорез

deep - глубокий

channel - пролив, канал, фарватер

to swim -  плавать

to go to sea — стать моряком

during - в течение

favourite - любимый

to hold - держать, владеть, иметь

I. Переведите на русский язык:

to keep house, to do well, to finish, to help, to advise, to join, to go (shopping), to follow, advice, to be good at, to die, to row, to wash up, to enter, to do one’s best, to attend classes,

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