Why are some vendors claiming that the end of antivirus is upon us?

What is the main disadvantage of most antivirus systems?

Why is antivirus called a reactive technology?

What is the main goal of antivirus systems?

What alternative solutions are being developed to improve antivirus security?

Task 15.Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the infinitive constructions:

1. In essence, administrative controls set out the rules for how we expect the users of our environment to behave.

2. Particularly after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in the United States, we have seen the level of security at airports increase, much of it oriented in the direction of access controls.

3. Most experts expect anomaly-based detection to become more widespread in IDSs.

4. If you expect the data entered into your machine today to be there in a few weeks, and to remain unread by anyone, then the machine is secure.

5. It’s no wonder that most organizations consider insiders to be a much greater threat to IP than outside hackers or malware.

6. The term bug being used to indicate a problem in a computer system originated in September 1947. In this case, a system being tested was found to have a moth shorting two connections together and causing the system to malfunction. When the moth was removed, the system was described as having been debugged.

7. The Caesar cipher is a classic example of ancient cryptography and is said to have been used by Julius Caesar.

8. Intrusion prevention is known to be a promising prophylactic measure.

9. Firewalls are also considered to provide some measure of proactive defense against rootkit installation.

10. Rootkits are expected to become even more complex over time.

11. Among the clues that are likely to be available are subtle changes in the system.

12. Unexplained changes in systems are sure to be excellent potential indicators of the presence of rootkits.

13. Discovering all the changes and software replacements is likely to be an almost impossible task.

14. Browser attacks are very common and are likely to succeed against systems that have not been hardened against them specifically.

15. The problem is unlikely to be solved any time soon.

16. Malware seems to appear whenever a large enough number of users share a computing platform.

17. Such breaches seem to happen with disturbing regularity, and we can generally find a current example of one through a brief search of the news media.

Task 16. Read and translate the text:


Text 1D. New Trends in Risk Management

Essential Vocabulary

breach n – брешь, повреждение, нарушение

dumb terminal неинтеллектуальный терминал, терминал ввода-вывода

loyalty n – соблюдение законов, верность, преданность

match v – соответствовать, приводить в соответствие, сопоставлять

safeguard n – охрана, защита, гарантия

tightly adv – строго, плотно, крепко, сильно

worth adj – стоящий

Risk management is a process used hundreds of times every day. From deciding whether to cross the street to deciding to take a shortcut home to avoid traffic to deciding to purchase health insurance or change jobs, each decision is based on principle of risk management.

Risk management has reached a new level of importance in the information age. The growth of networked information systems and distributed computing has created a potentially dangerous environment. From trade secrets to proprietary information to troop movements to sensitive medical records and financial transactions, critically important data flows through these systems.

Our society depends on fast, accurate transmission of information. Everything from e-mail, stock quotes, credit ratings, bank balances, and travel arrangements, even the weather, is tracked by computer systems. The availability of all this information and the ease of intercepting it has created an environment in which hackers are glorified as harmless “whiz kids”, even though the damage they do to a computer system may take weeks to undo.

Another problem in this new information society is the lessening of loyalty of employees to their organizations. Both federal and state governments have also been pushed to reduce their budgets and to do more work with fewer employees. The old days of having a job for life, where the company looked out for its employees and protected them, are over. The resulting lowering of morale contributes to a risky business environment in which the goals of the individual may no longer match the goals of the organization.

Risk assessment began as a process applied to large mainframes and data centers, which were in stand-alone, tightly controlled environments. However, as personal computers replaced dumb terminals on every desktop, and as these personal computers are increasingly linked to the Internet, computer security problems multiply. Hardware solutions, such as installing firewalls or automating audit logs, are sometimes difficult to justify to senior management and, where installed, do not always prevent security breaches. The interest in risk management as an effective method of analyzing these complex systems has increased dramatically over the last 12 months and serves two purposes: to identify existing weaknesses in the systems and to justify and prioritize the cost of additional safeguards.

What is risk assessment?

Risk assessment is a method of determining what kinds of control are needed to protect an organization’s information systems and resources not just adequately but cost effectively.

The risk assessment process examines a set of five variables:

1. What is the security professional trying to protect, how much is it worth, and how much depends on it?

2. What could potentially threaten the asset?

3. What weakness exists that would allow the threat to materialize?

4. If the threat occurs, what kind of loss could the company have?

5. What controls can the security professional put into place that would reduce the organization’s loss if a threat occurred or eliminate the threat altogether?

The risk assessment process includes gathering information about assets, finding resources for threat data, doing a survey to find the vulnerabilities, and then matching the information to see what combination of asset/threat/vulnerability could trigger a loss, and then deciding what safeguards might be put in place to reduce or eliminate the potential loss.


Task 17.Translate the following word combinations:

Risk management; risk assessment; the growth of networked information systems and distributed computing; a potentially dangerous environment; stand-alone, tightly controlled environments; fast, accurate transmission of information; dumb terminals on every desktop; computer security problems; to prevent security breaches; cost effectively; gathering information about assets; to reduce or eliminate the potential loss.

Task 18. Answer the questions:

What is risk management?

Дата добавления: 2018-04-15; просмотров: 259; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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