The key to understanding smart education

-Distance education and e-learning – the beginning of a new global phenomenon of smart education.

-Wide availability of knowledge in blogs, open educational resources.

-a new philosophy of education

As the goals are accomplished?

Smart education is an Association of educational institutions and teaching staff to implement joint educational activities in the Internet on the basis of common standards, agreements and technologies.

Portrait of a student and teacher of a new type


Past Now
he student was forced to attend classes, record material

-a student is fluent in the underlying technologies, search tools of the Internet

-capable of finding the right information

-there is no need to record lecture material

The only source of knowledge – lectures



- Delicious (from the English. Delicious – "delicious") is a web site offering free for subscribed users service store and share bookmarks on the matched with certain objectives pages world wide web.

- All users of delicious can view existing bookmarks, organize them by importance and assign labels (tags).

- Russian for delicious at Memori.ry,, Moemesto.

-example of the Russian version of the service social bookmarking Bobrdobr

- focused on teamwork with information and offers tools for the check, rating and storage.

- the ground on which we are gathering information about the Internet space in the form of links

- the user does not only consume this information, but he provides it to other users.

- he tool of self-identification, as, collecting references to those or other resources, the user identifies the scope of its interests.




presented as professionally shot movies and clips and lolitaesque videos for different purposes and in different subjects.

Podcasts (podcast)

- Studying the content of educational materials on the specified links it is possible to simultaneously read the electronic classroom – podcasts (podcast) – record audio/video/audio+video fragments of lesson activities.


- the need for modern computers and high-speed communication channel, as well as training teachers and students to use the services;

- the issue of trust.

- difficulty expressing emotions through text communication channel;

psychological problems of Internet communication;

- issues associated with privacy intellectual property, copyright, and so on.

Featured products SMART Interactive

Interactive whiteboard system SMART

The system with ultra-short-throw projector, a widescreen interactive whiteboard and an extended control panel.

System SMART Board 685i4 and 685i5

- come with 3D-ready proektami, allowing you to turn a classroom into a real media center.

- demonstrate 3D images, videos and 3D objects, controlling by using the document camera.

Interactive whiteboard system and the SMART BoardTM

Interactive display SMART Podium

- Software SMART Meeting Pro

- With SMART Meeting Pro and e-ink is Ink Aware you can work in a familiar Microsoft World or PowerPoint.

- All your recordings will be saved in the file, and text notes can be recognized and placed in the cell of the Excel spreadsheet or the pages of Power Point slides as text.

System SMART Response

Using your interactive whiteboard system SMART Response you can conduct planned or unexpected for the students surveys and quickly check the answers.

- Special boards, the software installed on the computers of students or voting with mobile phones of students.

- fast feedback

The Smart TV

Smart TV (translated from English. "Smart TV") is a new direction in the integration of today's current Internet services in modern TVs and receivers IPTV, as well as in their technological symbiosis, which is also called Connected TV or Internet TV.

The concept of Smart TV was born is analogous to the concept of the smartphone, which, in turn, appeared due to the integration of the Internet, widgets, and software applications into modern mobile phones.

Smart TV (translated from English. "Smart TV") is a new direction in the integration of today's current Internet services in modern TVs and receivers IPTV, as well as in their technological symbiosis, which is also called Connected TV or Internet TV.

The concept of Smart TV was born is analogous to the concept of the smartphone, which, in turn, appeared due to the integration of the Internet, widgets, and software applications into modern mobile phones

Technical features and key "features" Smart TV

Smart TV is a computer system integrated in a TV or digital receiver with the ability to install additional applications and services. The device works on any operating system (often Linux or Android), opening up more possibilities for app developers.

The so-called "smart TVs" are different from the rest, firstly, the presence of non-volatile memory, and, secondly, the extended flash memory to install the required applications and software updates.

In addition to the regular Ethernet ports a TV has USB ports (that allows you to connect to the TV a variety of equipment – from flash drives to camera) and web camera (for video conferencing) and a WiFi module (support Direct WiFi gives you the opportunity not only to connect to Smart TV laptops, or tablets wirelessly, but also control all the Smart TV with their help). Gradually gaining momentum and other standards for wireless transmission of content (such as WiDi, WHDI, etc.)

Smart TV can compete with the computer parts specialized technological functions (simple search of content on connected home devices or on the web, Analytics all of viewed videos and the formation on the basis of the recommendations of other videos for later viewing, web surfing directly on the TV screen, and more).

In addition, the "smart TV" with the corresponding output socket, can completely replace other devices viewing and recording of video content, reproducing video recording on external USB drives.

Without a doubt, the main achievement of this technology is direct access to the Internet. Because to enter the site name in the address bar is not very convenient, manufacturers and developers have provided in advance a choice of pre-configured applications for popular web services (Skype, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) and digital television channels (IPTV).

To experience the charm of the use of "smart TV" and available this technology functions, You need the ability to connect to broadband Internet, the capacity of the channel which should be between 1-2 Mbps and above (HD quality images requires speed from 5 Mbps).

Technology to activate Smart TV features, implemented in various devices: TV sets, IPTV receivers, BluRay players, game consoles and similar devices. These devices give users the ability to search videos, movies, photos and other content on the Internet, on local cable or satellite TV channels, or stored on the device's hard drive.

The most demanded services of "smart TVs"

New devices that support the Smart TV, mainly aimed at supporting entertainment media on the Internet: give the ability to watch movies, cartoons and TV series, ultimately eliminating the need for ordinary terrestrial TV.

The emergence of this technology has provoked a surge among developers of interactive applications.

Now on the market there are several major types of these applications:

• VOD (Video On Demand) — include some "video on demand" such services as Yota Play, Scrambled eggs, IVI, NOW.

• Internet TV IPTV with the possibility of building so-called "social television".

• OTT (Over The Top content) — content is delivered to any user of the Internet directly via HTTP.

• ODSM (On-Demand Streaming Media) to streaming media content upon request.

• Ability to connect to social networks (Facewbook, Twitter, etc.).

• Timely information about the current weather and forecast for the next few days.

• The possibility of video conferencing.

• Access services email, electronic organizer, ToDo Manager, and even the alarm! )

Also some of the most advanced Smart TV is the ability to prisoedinitsja to a home media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP). To do this, Your home network must support DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) provides easy sharing of digital information.

There are specialized software solutions that allow you to access various media resources (photographs, audio and video files) on Your computer to other UPnP or DLNA devices on Your home network.

Part of this program includes transcoder audio and video files, allows you to convert media resources in a format supported by the playback device. It is also possible to bring the frame size of the video source to the screen size of the display device, selection of audio tracks, etc.

The future of Smart TV

Experts are quite optimistic about the commercial potential of new generation TVs.

According to the latest forecast of the analytical company DisplaySearch the number of televisions equipped with Internet access by 2015 will reach 500 million – about 47% of the market.


Lecture №13.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-15; просмотров: 675; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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