Лексическая тема: My Future Profession.

Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

(1 семестр, экзамен)

1. Переведите на английский язык подчеркнутые местоимения:

1. Они дали намсвой адрес, а мы им свой.

2. Их дочь прочитала мнесвои стихи.

3. Моя одежда новая, а твоя?

4. Ее брату три года, а его – пять.

5. Эта книга – моя.Она очень интересная. Я купила ее на прошлой неделе.

6. Ее дети рассказали ему забавную историю.

7. Это не моя книга. Мне нужна моя.

8. Я видела тебя и ее вчера.

9. Позвольте ей пройти.

10. Наши тетради и их лежат на столе. Они проверены.


2. Исправьте ошибки:

1. Открой дверь!

To open the door!

2. Не ссорься со своими родителями!

Not quarrel with you parents!

3. Давай попросим у мамы совета!

Let ask our mother for advice!

4. Пусть он идет домой!

Let him to go home!

5. Пусть они погуляют!

Let they go for a walk!

6. Позвольте мне не завтракать!

Let me don’t have breakfast!

7. Пусть она не ест много мороженого!

Not let her eat much ice-cream!


3. Вставьте пропущенные формы глагола to be в Present Simple:

1. The metro station … far from my house.

2. My shoes … very dirty.

3. You … a good student.

4. Rome … in Spain.

5. It … warm today.

6. Motor-racing … a dangerous sport.

7. Who … your favourite actor?

8. What colour … his eyes?

9. Why …you always late?


4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Simple:

1. I generally (to get up) at 8 o’clock.

2. My friend (to speak) English.

3. He (to work) hard.

4. He (not to know) the answer to this question.

5. The train (to arrive) at 7 a/m.

6. I (not to get up) early. I (to like) to sleep.

7. You (to get) to the university by bus?

8. My brother (to have) a new car. He (to drive) it very fast.

9. Your friend (to play) football or basketball better?


Лексическая тема для юристов: 1) I am a Law Student.

                                               2) Political system of the UK.


Контрольная работа по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»

(1 часть, 2 семестр, зачет).

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения: (м.п. ч. 2 Иванова В.Н. стр.22, упр.7)

1. The (much), the (good).

2. You are the (industrious) person I have ever met.

3. I think this test is written far (bad).

4. The weather today is not so (bad) as it was yesterday.

5. My mother is two years (young) than my father. And I am five years (old) than my sister. And as for our Granny, she is the (old) of all the members of our family.

6. Ted is as (strong) as Jack.

7. Winter is (cold) than autumn.

8. December was very (frosty), but January was still (frosty).

9. He is the (clever) of all the students in our group.

10. The (attentive) you are at the lesson, the (good) you understand the new topic.

11. This is the (romantic) song I have ever heard.

12. The weather was (hot) and becoming (hot) every day.

13. This is a very (beautiful) town, but not the (beautiful). My native town, for example, is still (beautiful).

14. The theatre is situated a bit (far).

15. If you want to lose weight, you must eat (little).

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Simple: (м.п. ч. 2 Иванова В.Н. стр.49, упр. 9)

1. I (to forget) to bring my notebook to class yesterday.

2. He always (to want) to study English.

3. She (to study) our group last semester.

4. The telephone (to ring) twice, but no one answered it.

5. They (to go) to the park after the lesson.

6. They (not to red) this text at the lesson.

7. The students (to do) homework yesterday?

8. Where he (to spend) his summer holidays?

9. I (to see) her in the library.

10. The lecture (to be) very interesting.

Лексическая тема для юристов:

1) Political system of the USA. (монологическое высказывание 8-15 предложений).

2) The system of checks and balances. (реферат + доклад 8 предложений).

(выбираем одно из двух).

Контрольная работа по дисциплине

Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»

(2 часть, 3 семестр, экзамен)

Раскройте скобки, выразив будущее действие (используйте be going + to V; Future Simple; Present Simple; Present Continuous)

1) The art exhibition (open) on 3 May and (finish) on 15 July.

2) We (take) the children to the seaside this summer.

3) Ann, we (go) to town. You (come) with us?

4) Did you post this letter for me? – Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I (do) it.

5) Why are you turning on the television?I (watch) the news.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в главных предложениях и придаточных предложениях времени и условия в соответствующем времени (упр. 2, стр.45-46, м.п. 3, Иванова В.Н.):

1. If you (to see) this film, we (to discuss) it later.

2. If she (to have) a problem, I (to help) her.

3. We (to save) a lot of money if we (to travel) by car.

4. When children (to come) home for Christmas, the parents (to be) happy.

5. When the summer season (to come), there (to be) a lot of tourists here.

6. When you (to go) shopping, use your credit card.

7. You (to feel) better after you (to take) the tablet.

8. I (not to try on) this dress before you (to know) the price.

9. I (to wake) you up as soon as I (to get up).

10. As soon as Tom (to fix) the engine, we (to continue) our journey.

11. As soon as he (to write) to me, I (to let) you know.

12. You (not to lose) weight if you (not to eat) less.

13. I (to visit) you as soon as I (to feel) better.

14. If he (not to come), we (to have) a problem.

15. He (to work) for a foreign company after he (to graduate).


Лексическая тема: My Future Profession.

Making a Phone Call.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-15; просмотров: 712; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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